未验证 提交 fd5e6cfb 编写于 作者: M Marco Fugaro 提交者: GitHub

Examples: Update missing this. references (#22305)

上级 9a31750a
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ returns point for given u
function calcBSplinePoint( p, U, P, u ) {
const span = this.findSpan( p, u, U );
const N = this.calcBasisFunctions( span, u, p, U );
const span = findSpan( p, u, U );
const N = calcBasisFunctions( span, u, p, U );
const C = new Vector4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
for ( let j = 0; j <= p; ++ j ) {
......@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ function calcBSplineDerivatives( p, U, P, u, nd ) {
const du = nd < p ? nd : p;
const CK = [];
const span = this.findSpan( p, u, U );
const nders = this.calcBasisFunctionDerivatives( span, u, p, du, U );
const span = findSpan( p, u, U );
const nders = calcBasisFunctionDerivatives( span, u, p, du, U );
const Pw = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < P.length; ++ i ) {
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ function calcRationalCurveDerivatives( Pders ) {
for ( let i = 1; i <= k; ++ i ) {
v.sub( CK[ k - i ].clone().multiplyScalar( this.calcKoverI( k, i ) * wders[ i ] ) );
v.sub( CK[ k - i ].clone().multiplyScalar( calcKoverI( k, i ) * wders[ i ] ) );
......@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ returns array with derivatives.
function calcNURBSDerivatives( p, U, P, u, nd ) {
const Pders = this.calcBSplineDerivatives( p, U, P, u, nd );
return this.calcRationalCurveDerivatives( Pders );
const Pders = calcBSplineDerivatives( p, U, P, u, nd );
return calcRationalCurveDerivatives( Pders );
......@@ -438,10 +438,10 @@ returns point for given (u, v)
function calcSurfacePoint( p, q, U, V, P, u, v, target ) {
const uspan = this.findSpan( p, u, U );
const vspan = this.findSpan( q, v, V );
const Nu = this.calcBasisFunctions( uspan, u, p, U );
const Nv = this.calcBasisFunctions( vspan, v, q, V );
const uspan = findSpan( p, u, U );
const vspan = findSpan( q, v, V );
const Nu = calcBasisFunctions( uspan, u, p, U );
const Nv = calcBasisFunctions( vspan, v, q, V );
const temp = [];
for ( let l = 0; l <= q; ++ l ) {
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ function retarget( target, source, options = {} ) {
options.hip = options.hip !== undefined ? options.hip : 'hip';
options.names = options.names || {};
const sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : this.getBones( source ),
bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : this.getBones( target );
const sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : getBones( source ),
bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : getBones( target );
let bindBones,
bone, name, boneTo,
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function retarget( target, source, options = {} ) {
bone = bones[ i ];
name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name;
boneTo = this.getBoneByName( name, sourceBones );
boneTo = getBoneByName( name, sourceBones );
globalMatrix.copy( bone.matrixWorld );
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function retargetClip( target, source, clip, options = {} ) {
if ( ! source.isObject3D ) {
source = this.getHelperFromSkeleton( source );
source = getHelperFromSkeleton( source );
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function retargetClip( target, source, clip, options = {} ) {
delta = 1 / options.fps,
convertedTracks = [],
mixer = new AnimationMixer( source ),
bones = this.getBones( target.skeleton ),
bones = getBones( target.skeleton ),
boneDatas = [];
let positionOffset,
bone, boneTo, boneData,
......@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ function retargetClip( target, source, clip, options = {} ) {
const time = i * delta;
this.retarget( target, source, options );
retarget( target, source, options );
for ( let j = 0; j < bones.length; ++ j ) {
name = options.names[ bones[ j ].name ] || bones[ j ].name;
boneTo = this.getBoneByName( name, source.skeleton );
boneTo = getBoneByName( name, source.skeleton );
if ( boneTo ) {
......@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ function getSkeletonOffsets( target, source, options = {} ) {
if ( ! source.isObject3D ) {
source = this.getHelperFromSkeleton( source );
source = getHelperFromSkeleton( source );
const nameKeys = Object.keys( options.names ),
nameValues = Object.values( options.names ),
sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : this.getBones( source ),
bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : this.getBones( target ),
sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : getBones( source ),
bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : getBones( target ),
offsets = [];
let bone, boneTo,
......@@ -370,12 +370,12 @@ function getSkeletonOffsets( target, source, options = {} ) {
bone = bones[ i ];
name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name;
boneTo = this.getBoneByName( name, sourceBones );
boneTo = getBoneByName( name, sourceBones );
if ( boneTo && name !== options.hip ) {
const boneParent = this.getNearestBone( bone.parent, nameKeys ),
boneToParent = this.getNearestBone( boneTo.parent, nameValues );
const boneParent = getNearestBone( bone.parent, nameKeys ),
boneToParent = getNearestBone( boneTo.parent, nameValues );
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ function getSkeletonOffsets( target, source, options = {} ) {
function renameBones( skeleton, names ) {
const bones = this.getBones( skeleton );
const bones = getBones( skeleton );
for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) {
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ function getBones( skeleton ) {
function getBoneByName( name, skeleton ) {
for ( let i = 0, bones = this.getBones( skeleton ); i < bones.length; i ++ ) {
for ( let i = 0, bones = getBones( skeleton ); i < bones.length; i ++ ) {
if ( name === bones[ i ].name )
......@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ function findBoneTrackData( name, tracks ) {
function getEqualsBonesNames( skeleton, targetSkeleton ) {
const sourceBones = this.getBones( skeleton ),
targetBones = this.getBones( targetSkeleton ),
const sourceBones = getBones( skeleton ),
targetBones = getBones( targetSkeleton ),
bones = [];
search : for ( let i = 0; i < sourceBones.length; i ++ ) {
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