提交 15977cbe 编写于 作者: 不合群的混子's avatar 不合群的混子

📝 更新TODO.md

上级 ac787d7b
# spring-boot-demo Project TODO List
## Module plan (completed: 53 / 65)
## Module plan (completed: 54 / 66)
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-helloworld(helloworld example)~~
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-properties (read configuration file information)~~
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- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(integrated Elasticsearch 7.x version,use official Rest High Level Client to operate ES data)~~
- [ ] spring-boot-demo-springbatch(data process)
- [ ] spring-boot-demo-security-justauth(use JustAuth to login GitHub,and use Spring-Security to manage login state)
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-flyway(integrated Flyway to initialize tables and data in database, Flyway also support the sql script version control)~~
## Remarks
# spring-boot-demo 项目待办列表
## 模块计划(已完成:53 / 65)
## 模块计划(已完成:54 / 66)
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-helloworld(Helloworld 示例)~~
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-properties(读取配置文件信息)~~
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- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client(集成 Elasticsearch 7.x 版本,使用官方 rest high level client操作 ES 数据)~~
- [ ] spring-boot-demo-springbatch(数据处理)
- [ ] spring-boot-demo-security-justauth(使用 JustAuth 登录 GitHub,使用 Security 管理登录状态)
- [x] ~~spring-boot-demo-flyway(集成 Flyway,项目启动时初始化数据库表结构,同时支持数据库脚本版本控制)~~
## 备注
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