提交 17ffd80b 编写于 作者: E Enrico Giordani

[Setup] Updated the version number and the release notes.

上级 1ff98040
MSOpenTech Redis on Windows 3.0 Release Notes
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.300-beta1 ] Release date: Oct 14 2015
- [Change] Switched from dlmalloc to jemalloc.
- [Change] Child process can allocate memory from the system heap.
- [Build] Removed the proprocessor defs: _WIN32IOCP, WIN32_IOCP.
- [Change] Heap allocation on demand.
- [Change] Removed the memory mapped file.
- [Cleanup] Comments and code formatting/cleanup/consistency.
- [Code cleanup] Minor code changes preparatory for jemalloc support.
- [Change] Sentinel mode doesn't require a memory mapped file.
- [Cleanup] Code refactoring, fixed typos, formatting.
- [New] Added jemalloc-win project.
- [Cleanup] Code refactoring (some from azure porting).
- [Fix] Redis crashes at startup.
--[ Redis on Windows 3.0.300-alpha3 ] Release date: Sep 02 2015
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.300-alpha3"
#define REDIS_VERSION "3.0.300-beta1"
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