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Update README.md

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# How it works
#### 1. Download JAR: [*`restclient.jar`*](https://github.com/Wisdom-Projects/rest-client/blob/master/tools);
如果下载restclient软件遇到问题,请从这里下载:[**软件地址**](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kId-X-s7nl4MQCK2Z6VHSQ) <br/>
#### 2. Install `Java 1.7` or higher version;
使用前请先安装`Java 1.7`或者更高版本;
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# Support
Please refer to [**the blogs**](http://blog.wdom.net/tag/RESTClient) for more demos and help.<br/>
For more details about **wisdom rest-client**, please visit [**Wisdom**](http://www.wdom.net).<br/><br/>
如果下载restclient软件遇到问题,请从这里下载:[**软件地址**](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kId-X-s7nl4MQCK2Z6VHSQ) <br/>
更多的**wisdom rest-client**详情,请访问[**Wisdom**](http://www.wdom.net) <br/>
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