未验证 提交 00b44e33 编写于 作者: Q qeeqez 提交者: GitHub

USDExporter: Store only unique geometry and reference it (#21749)

上级 c872add3
......@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
async parse( scene ) {
const files = {};
const modelFileName = 'model.usda';
const geometryFileName = 'geometry.usd';
let output = buildHeader();
const geometries = {};
const materials = {};
const textures = {};
scene.traverse( object => {
......@@ -13,23 +17,37 @@
const geometry = object.geometry;
const material = object.material;
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
if ( material.map !== null ) textures[ material.map.uuid ] = material.map;
if ( material.normalMap !== null ) textures[ material.normalMap.uuid ] = material.normalMap;
if ( material.aoMap !== null ) textures[ material.aoMap.uuid ] = material.aoMap;
if ( material.roughnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.roughnessMap.uuid ] = material.roughnessMap;
if ( material.metalnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.metalnessMap.uuid ] = material.metalnessMap;
if ( material.emissiveMap !== null ) textures[ material.emissiveMap.uuid ] = material.emissiveMap;
output += buildXform( object, buildMesh( geometry, material ) );
if ( ! ( geometry.uuid in geometries ) ) {
geometries[ geometry.uuid ] = geometry;
if ( ! ( material.uuid in materials ) ) {
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
if ( material.map !== null ) textures[ material.map.uuid ] = material.map;
if ( material.normalMap !== null ) textures[ material.normalMap.uuid ] = material.normalMap;
if ( material.aoMap !== null ) textures[ material.aoMap.uuid ] = material.aoMap;
if ( material.roughnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.roughnessMap.uuid ] = material.roughnessMap;
if ( material.metalnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.metalnessMap.uuid ] = material.metalnessMap;
if ( material.emissiveMap !== null ) textures[ material.emissiveMap.uuid ] = material.emissiveMap;
const referencedMesh = `prepend references = @./${geometryFileName}@</Geometry_${geometry.id}>`;
const referencedMaterial = `rel material:binding = </Materials/Material_${material.id}>`;
output += buildXform( object, referencedMesh, referencedMaterial );
} );
output += buildMaterials( materials );
output += buildTextures( textures );
const files = {
'model.usda': fflate.strToU8( output )
files[ modelFileName ] = fflate.strToU8( output );
output = null;
files[ geometryFileName ] = fflate.strToU8( buildMeshFileString( geometries ) );
for ( const uuid in textures ) {
......@@ -109,16 +127,19 @@
} // Xform
function buildXform( object, define ) {
function buildXform( object, referencedMesh, referencedMaterial ) {
const name = 'Object_' + object.id;
const transform = buildMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
return `def Xform "${name}"
matrix4d xformOp:transform = ${transform}
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:transform"]
......@@ -139,7 +160,35 @@
} // Mesh
function buildMesh( geometry, material ) {
function buildMeshFileString( geometries ) {
let output = buildHeader();
for ( const uuid in geometries ) {
const geometry = geometries[ uuid ];
output += buildMeshObject( geometry );
return output;
function buildMeshObject( geometry ) {
const name = 'Geometry_' + geometry.id;
const mesh = buildMesh( geometry );
return `
def "${name}"
function buildMesh( geometry ) {
const name = 'Geometry_' + geometry.id;
const attributes = geometry.attributes;
......@@ -151,11 +200,11 @@
return `def Mesh "${name}"
return `
def Mesh "${name}"
int[] faceVertexCounts = [${buildMeshVertexCount( geometry )}]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [${buildMeshVertexIndices( geometry )}]
rel material:binding = </Materials/Material_${material.id}>
normal3f[] normals = [${buildVector3Array( attributes.normal, count )}] (
interpolation = "vertex"
......@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@ class USDZExporter {
async parse( scene ) {
const files = {};
const modelFileName = 'model.usda';
const geometryFileName = 'geometry.usd';
let output = buildHeader();
const geometries = {};
const materials = {};
const textures = {};
......@@ -16,16 +21,27 @@ class USDZExporter {
const geometry = object.geometry;
const material = object.material;
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
if ( ! ( geometry.uuid in geometries ) ) {
geometries[ geometry.uuid ] = geometry;
if ( ! ( material.uuid in materials ) ) {
if ( material.map !== null ) textures[ material.map.uuid ] = material.map;
if ( material.normalMap !== null ) textures[ material.normalMap.uuid ] = material.normalMap;
if ( material.aoMap !== null ) textures[ material.aoMap.uuid ] = material.aoMap;
if ( material.roughnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.roughnessMap.uuid ] = material.roughnessMap;
if ( material.metalnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.metalnessMap.uuid ] = material.metalnessMap;
if ( material.emissiveMap !== null ) textures[ material.emissiveMap.uuid ] = material.emissiveMap;
materials[ material.uuid ] = material;
if ( material.map !== null ) textures[ material.map.uuid ] = material.map;
if ( material.normalMap !== null ) textures[ material.normalMap.uuid ] = material.normalMap;
if ( material.aoMap !== null ) textures[ material.aoMap.uuid ] = material.aoMap;
if ( material.roughnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.roughnessMap.uuid ] = material.roughnessMap;
if ( material.metalnessMap !== null ) textures[ material.metalnessMap.uuid ] = material.metalnessMap;
if ( material.emissiveMap !== null ) textures[ material.emissiveMap.uuid ] = material.emissiveMap;
output += buildXform( object, buildMesh( geometry, material ) );
const referencedMesh = `prepend references = @./${geometryFileName}@</Geometry_${ geometry.id }>`;
const referencedMaterial = `rel material:binding = </Materials/Material_${ material.id }>`;
output += buildXform( object, referencedMesh, referencedMaterial );
......@@ -34,7 +50,10 @@ class USDZExporter {
output += buildMaterials( materials );
output += buildTextures( textures );
const files = { 'model.usda': fflate.strToU8( output ) };
files[ modelFileName ] = fflate.strToU8( output );
output = null;
files[ geometryFileName ] = fflate.strToU8( buildMeshFileString( geometries ) );
for ( const uuid in textures ) {
......@@ -120,17 +139,20 @@ function buildHeader() {
// Xform
function buildXform( object, define ) {
function buildXform( object, referencedMesh, referencedMaterial ) {
const name = 'Object_' + object.id;
const transform = buildMatrix( object.matrixWorld );
return `def Xform "${ name }"
${ referencedMesh }
matrix4d xformOp:transform = ${ transform }
uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:transform"]
${ define }
${ referencedMaterial }
......@@ -153,7 +175,35 @@ function buildMatrixRow( array, offset ) {
// Mesh
function buildMesh( geometry, material ) {
function buildMeshFileString( geometries ) {
let output = buildHeader();
for ( const uuid in geometries ) {
const geometry = geometries[ uuid ];
output += buildMeshObject( geometry );
return output;
function buildMeshObject( geometry ) {
const name = 'Geometry_' + geometry.id;
const mesh = buildMesh( geometry );
return `
def "${name}"
function buildMesh( geometry ) {
const name = 'Geometry_' + geometry.id;
const attributes = geometry.attributes;
......@@ -165,11 +215,11 @@ function buildMesh( geometry, material ) {
return `def Mesh "${ name }"
return `
def Mesh "${ name }"
int[] faceVertexCounts = [${ buildMeshVertexCount( geometry ) }]
int[] faceVertexIndices = [${ buildMeshVertexIndices( geometry ) }]
rel material:binding = </Materials/Material_${ material.id }>
normal3f[] normals = [${ buildVector3Array( attributes.normal, count )}] (
interpolation = "vertex"
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