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| NLP | [16.4 textRNN & textCNN](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/NLP/16.4%20textRNN%20%26%20textCNN) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| NLP | [16.5 序列到序列模型(seq2seq)](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/NLP/16.5%20seq2seq) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| NLP | [16.6 注意力机制(Attention Mechanism)](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/NLP/16.6%20Attention) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| NLP | 16.7 BERT模型 | | |
| NLP | 16.8 XLNet模型 | | |
| NLP | [16.7 Transformer模型](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/NLP/16.7%20Transformer) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| NLP | 16.8 BERT模型 | | |
| NLP | 16.9 XLNet模型 | | |
| 项目 | [17. 推荐系统(Recommendation System)](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/Project/17.%20Recommendation%20System) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| 项目 | [18. 智能客服(Intelligent Customer Service)](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE/ML-NLP/tree/master/Project/18.%20Intelligent%20Customer%20Service) | [@mantchs](https://github.com/NLP-LOVE) | 448966528 |
| 项目 | 19. 知识图谱(Knowledge Graph) | | |
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