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[bsp][stm32G474-Nucleo] Update RTduino README.md (#7197)

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# STM32G431-Nucleo BSP Introduction
**English** | [中文](README_zh.md)
## MCU: STM32G474RB @170MHz, 512KB FLASH, 128KB RAM
# NUCLEO-G474RE 开发板 BSP 说明
**中文** | [English](README.md)
## 简介
本文档为 NUCLEO-G474RE 开发板的 BSP (板级支持包) 说明。
# The Arduino Compatible for STM32G474 Nucleo development board
English | [中文](https://github.com/kurisaW/rt-thread/blob/g474_rtdu/bsp/stm32/stm32g474-st-nucleo/applications/arduino_pinout/README_zh.md)
**English** | [中文](README_zh.md)
## 1 RTduino - Arduino Ecosystem Compatibility Layer for RT-Thread
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ Hardware Drivers Config --->
For additional information on pin layout, refer to [pins_arduino.c](pins_arduino.c) and [pins_arduino.h](pins_arduino.h).
| Arduino Pin Number | STM32 Pin Number | 5V Tolerance | Remarks |
| ------------------- | --------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
......@@ -50,10 +53,6 @@ For additional information on pin layout, refer to [pins_arduino.c](pins_arduino
| 23 (A6) | -- | | On-chip reference voltage ADC, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1 |
| 24 (A7) | -- | | On-chip temperature sensor ADC, default controlled by RT-Thread's ADC device framework adc1 |
> Notice:
> On Nucleo 64-pins boards, the D0 and D1 pins are not available per default as they are used by the STLink Virtual Comm Port (used for printf for example).
>If you want to use these pins (instead of the default Virtual Comm Port) you need to close SB62/SB63 and open SB13/SB14 solder bridges.
> References:
> 1.[stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf](https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823-stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
\ No newline at end of file
> 1.[stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf](https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823-stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
> 2.[ST-Nucleo-G474RE](https://os.mbed.com/platforms/ST-Nucleo-G474RE)
# STM32G474 Nucleo开发板的Arduino生态兼容说明
**中文** | [English](README.md)
## 1 RTduino - RT-Thread的Arduino生态兼容层
STM32G474 Nucleo开发板已经完整适配了[RTduino软件包](https://github.com/RTduino/RTduino),即RT-Thread的Arduino生态兼容层。用户可以按照Arduino的编程习惯来操作该BSP,并且可以使用大量Arduino社区丰富的库,是对RT-Thread生态的极大增强。更多信息,请参见[RTduino软件包说明文档](https://github.com/RTduino/RTduino)
......@@ -18,7 +20,12 @@ Hardware Drivers Config --->
更多引脚布局相关信息参见 [pins_arduino.c](pins_arduino.c)[pins_arduino.h](pins_arduino.h)
| Arduino引脚编号 | STM32引脚编号 | 5V容忍 | 备注 |
| ------------------- | --------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0 (D0) | PC5 | 是 | |
......@@ -47,10 +54,6 @@ Hardware Drivers Config --->
| 23 (A6) | -- | | 芯片内部参考电压 ADC,默认被RT-Thread的ADC设备框架adc1接管 |
| 24 (A7) | -- | | 芯片内部温度 ADC,默认被RT-Thread的ADC设备框架adc1接管 |
> Notice:
> 在 Nucleo 64 引脚板上,D0 和 D1 引脚默认不可用,因为它们被 STLink 虚拟通信端口(例如用于 printf)使用。
> 如果您想使用这些引脚(而不是默认的虚拟通信端口),您需要关闭 SB62/SB63并打开 SB13/SB14焊桥。
> References:
> 1.[stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf](https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823-stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
\ No newline at end of file
> 1.[stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf](https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823-stm32-nucleo-64-boards-mb1136-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
> 2.[ST-Nucleo-G474RE](https://os.mbed.com/platforms/ST-Nucleo-G474RE)
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
#define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "lpuart1"
#define RT_VER_NUM 0x50000
#define RT_VER_NUM 0x50001
#define ARCH_ARM
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