提交 f689773f 编写于 作者: H heyh


上级 5aa1a91b
......@@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ public final class PolyvUtil {
map.put("extraParams", "HTML5");
map.put("viewerId", bo.getUserNo());
String concated = "extraParams" + map.get("extraParams") + "ts" + map.get("ts") + "userId" + map.get("userId") + "videoId" + map.get("videoId") + "viewerId" + map.get("viewerId") + "viewerIp" + map.get("viewerIp") + "viewerName" + map.get("viewerName");
logger.info("保利威视,获取concated接口:result={}", concated);
logger.info("保利威视,获取secretkey接口:result={}", secretkey);
map.put("sign", MD5Util.MD5(secretkey + concated + secretkey).toUpperCase());
String result = post(SystemUtil.POLYV_GETTOKEN, map);
logger.info("保利威视,获取token接口:result={}", result);
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