提交 0250b19e 编写于 作者: B bernard.xiong

add SConstruct file

git-svn-id: https://rt-thread.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@102 bbd45198-f89e-11dd-88c7-29a3b14d5316
上级 e3e0dd1f
import os
import rtconfig
RTT_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + '/../..')
if rtconfig.CC == 'armcc':
device = '--device DARMSTM'
device_type = 'STM32F10X_HD'
# assemble flag for ARCC(Keil)
aflags = '--dwarf2 ' + device
cc_path = 'C:/Keil'
cc_exec_path = cc_path + '/arm/bin40/'
cc_cpath = cc_path + '/ARM/RV31/INC'
# compiler flag for ARMCC(Keil)
cc_cflags = '-g -O0 --apcs=interwork ' + device + ' -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DSTM32F10X_HD'
cc_lflags = ' --keep __fsym_* --keep __vsym_* --info sizes --info totals --info unused --info veneers --list rtthread-stm32.map --scatter stm32_rom.sct --libpath ' + cc_path + '/ARM/RV31/LIB'
cc_target = 'rtthread-stm32.axf'
elif rtconfig.CC == 'gcc':
device = '-mcpu=cortex-m3'
device_type = 'STM32F10X_HD'
aflags = device + ' -c -gdwarf-2 -mthumb -x assembler-with-cpp'
cc_path = ''
cc_cpath = ''
cc_exec_path = 'D:/SourceryGCC/bin'
cc_cflags = device + ' -mthumb -gdwarf-2 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DSTM32F10X_HD -D__thumb__ -Wall -nostdinc -fno-builtin'
cc_lflags = cc_cflags + ' -MMD -MP -MF -static -nostdlib -Wl,--gc-sections,-Map=main.elf.map,-cref,-u,Reset_Handler -T stm32_rom.ld --output rtthread-stm32.elf'
cc_target = 'rtthread-stm32.elf'
elif rtconfig.CC == 'iar':
device = ''
device_type = 'STM32F10X_HD'
aflags = ''
cc_path = ''
cc_cpath = ''
cc_exec_path = ''
cc_cflags = device + ''
cc_lflags = ''
cc_target = 'rtthread-stm32.elf'
aflags = aflags
cflags = cc_cflags
# search path for C compiler
kernel_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/include', RTT_ROOT + '/libcpu/' + rtconfig.ARCH + '/' + rtconfig.CPU]
finsh_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/finsh']
dfs_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/filesystem/dfs/include', RTT_ROOT + '/filesystem/dfs']
lwip_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/net/lwip/src', RTT_ROOT + '/net/lwip/src/include', RTT_ROOT + '/net/lwip/src/include/ipv4', RTT_ROOT + '/net/lwip/src/arch/include']
bsp_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/bsp/stm3210', RTT_ROOT + '/bsp/stm3210/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc', RTT_ROOT + '/bsp/stm3210/Libraries/CMSIS/Core/CM3']
minilibc_path = [RTT_ROOT + '/libc/minilibc']
cpath = kernel_path
if rtconfig.RT_USING_FINSH:
cpath = cpath + finsh_path
if rtconfig.RT_USING_DFS:
cpath = cpath + dfs_path
if rtconfig.RT_USING_LWIP:
cpath = cpath + lwip_path
if rtconfig.RT_USING_MINILIBC:
cpath = cpath + minilibc_path
cpath = cpath + [cc_cpath] + bsp_path
# link flag
lflags = device + cc_lflags
if rtconfig.CC == 'armcc':
env = Environment(tools = ['mingw'],
AS='armasm', ASFLAGS = aflags,
CC='armcc', CCFLAGS = cflags, CPPPATH = cpath,
AR='armar', ARFLAGS = '-rc',
LINK='armlink', LINKFLAGS=lflags)
env.PrependENVPath('PATH', cc_exec_path)
if rtconfig.CC == 'gcc':
env = Environment(tools = ['mingw'],
AS='arm-none-eabi-gcc', ASFLAGS = aflags,
CC='arm-none-eabi-gcc', CCFLAGS = cflags, CPPPATH = cpath,
AR='arm-none-eabi-ar', ARFLAGS = '-rc',
LINK='arm-none-eabi-gcc', LINKFLAGS=lflags)
env.PrependENVPath('PATH', cc_exec_path)
objs = SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/src/SConscript', variant_dir='build/src', duplicate=0)
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/libcpu/SConscript', variant_dir='build/libcpu', duplicate=0)
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/bsp/stm3210/Libraries/SConscript', variant_dir='build/Libraries', duplicate=0)
if rtconfig.RT_USING_MINILIBC:
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/libc/minilibc/SConscript', variant_dir='build/minilibc', duplicate=0)
if rtconfig.RT_USING_FINSH:
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/finsh/SConscript', variant_dir='build/finsh', duplicate=0)
if rtconfig.RT_USING_DFS:
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/filesystem/dfs/SConscript', variant_dir='build/filesystem', duplicate=0)
if rtconfig.RT_USING_LWIP:
objs = objs + SConscript(RTT_ROOT + '/net/lwip/SConscript', variant_dir='build/net/lwip', duplicate=0)
source_bsp = ['application.c', 'startup.c', 'board.c', 'stm32f10x_it.c']
source_drv = ['rtc.c', 'usart.c']
if rtconfig.RT_USING_DFS:
if device_type == 'STM32F10X_HD':
source_drv = source_drv + ['sdcard.c']
source_drv = source_drv + ['msd.c']
if rtconfig.RT_USING_LWIP:
if device_type == 'STM32F10X_CL':
source_drv = source_drv + ['stm32_eth.c']
source_drv = source_drv + ['enc28j60.c']
objs = objs + env.Object(source_bsp + source_drv)
env.Program(cc_target, objs)
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