提交 670f0223 编写于 作者: Thomas_Fly's avatar Thomas_Fly 提交者: GitHub

Revert "[CI] ci 编译时先执行 scons --pyconfig-silent 后进行编译 (#7383)"

This reverts commit 5203e59d.
上级 50a4e8c6
......@@ -355,6 +355,6 @@ jobs:
for bsp in $(echo $SRTT_BSP | tr ',' '\n'); do
echo "Compiling BSP: ==$count=== $bsp ===="
pushd bsp/$bsp && scons --pyconfig-silent && pkgs --update && popd
pushd bsp/$bsp && pkgs --update && popd
scons -C bsp/$bsp -j8
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