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......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ MyBatis| [Spring MyBatis Demo](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/springboot04-mybati
#### 1.2 GO
类别 | -
--- | ---
GO | [GoLang入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/golang_faq) | [GoLang标准库](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/The-Golang-Standard-Library-by-Example)
GO | [GoLang入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/golang_faq) | [GolangTraining](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/GolangTraining) |[GoLang标准库](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/The-Golang-Standard-Library-by-Example) | [go-restful](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/go-restful)
#### 1.3 Python
......@@ -27,10 +27,17 @@ Python | [Python常用Sample](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/Python) |
算法 | [各种语言的各种算法](https://github.com/TheAlgorithms) |
#### 1.5 数据库
类别 | -
--- | ---
mysql | [Mysql](./dev/mysql/)
#### 1.6 其他
类别 | -
--- | ---
IOT | [物联网入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/IoT-Firstep)
Quant | [EliteQuant](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/EliteQuant)
# 2. Dev/Ops
### 2.1 命令与应用
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