提交 e4ed6faa 编写于 作者: H hsutter

Clarified writeonly

上级 4880f61a
......@@ -12866,7 +12866,7 @@ These assertions is currently macros (yuck!) pending standard commission decisio
* `narrow` // `narrow<T>(x)` is `static_cast<T>(x)` if `static_cast<T>(x) == x` or it throws `narrowing_error`
* `[[implicit]]` // "Marker" to put on single-argument constructors to explicitly make them non-explicit.
* `move_owner` // `p = move_owner(q)` means `p = q` but ???
* `writeonly` // `writeonly<T>` where `T` is a pointer, reference or span; only non-`const` operations on the `T` object
* `writeonly` // `writeonly<prs<T>>` where `prs` is a pointer, reference or span; only non-`const` operations on `T`
## <a name="SS-gsl-concepts"></a> GSL.concept: Concepts
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