提交 ae88f621 编写于 作者: sssss55578693's avatar sssss55578693

Merge branch 'shipment-python' into 'master'

add a download logitic

See merge request !1
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -160,8 +160,26 @@ class Api:
response = Request.Request().Post_Result(create_url, data, create_header)
return response
def Download_AWB(self, job_id, region_id):
:param job_id:
:param region_id:
# 获取url&hearder
download_url = params.Basic().Get_Url('basic_url') + params.ApiInfo(Consts.API_SHIPMENT,'DOWNLOAD_SD').Get_Api_Info()
download_header = params.HeaderInfo().Get_Header_Info(region_id)
data = 'job_id=' + job_id
response = Request.Request().Get_Request(download_url, data, download_header, True)
return response
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Api()
create_order = a.Create_Order('SG', 10012)
a.Check_Print(1, 'SG')
a.Download_AWB('SG_321239_00629915a46ffef52a4c40d435481061_g', 'SG')
#create_order = a.Create_Order('SG', 10012)
#a.Check_Print(1, 'SG')
......@@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ TN = 'tracking_number'
ARRANGE_SHIPMENT_STATUS = 'package_arrange_shipment_status'
PACKAGE_NUMBER = 'package_number'
NORMAL_WAYBILL = 'can_print_normal_waybill'
JOB_ID = 'job_id'
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Request:
#return json.dumps(response_dicts)
return response_dicts
def Get_Request(self, url, data, header):
def Get_Request(self, url, data, header, download_file=False):
:param url:
......@@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ class Request:
response_dicts['time_consuming'] = time_consuming
response_dicts['time_total'] = time_total
return response_dicts
if download_file == True:
return response
return response_dicts
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = 'http://c-api-sellerbasicservice.staging.shopeemobile.com/api/fulfillment/order/get_forder_from_oms'
......@@ -48,3 +48,7 @@
[ERROR 2021-09-19 11:49:17]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-19 16:13:54]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-19 17:29:14]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-20 11:41:23]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-20 19:25:19]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-20 19:40:21]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
[ERROR 2021-09-20 19:40:49]StatusCode error expect_code is 200 StatusCode is 400
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ApiInfo:
ARRANGE_SHIPMENT: "/api/fulfillment/openapi/v1/shipment/init_order"
CREATE_SD_JOB: "/api/fulfillment/shipment/create_sd_jobs_multi_shop"
CHECK_PRINT: "/api/fulfillment/shipment/check_forder_print_waybill_multi_shop"
DOWNLOAD_SD: "/api/fulfillment/shipment/download_sd_job"
{'code': 200, 'body': {'code': 0, 'data': {'list': [{'job_id': 'SG_321239_7a458d7f88883c975c3b92f8a996a030_g', 'job_name': 'Air Waybill.SpeedPost - LPS (buyer)*1.pdf', 'job_status': 0, 'job_type': 1}]}, 'message': 'success', 'user_message': 'success'}, 'text': '{"code":0,"data":{"list":[{"job_id":"SG_321239_7a458d7f88883c975c3b92f8a996a030_g","job_name":"Air Waybill.SpeedPost - LPS (buyer)*1.pdf","job_status":0,"job_type":1}]},"message":"success","user_message":"success"}', 'time_consuming': 246.251, 'time_total': 0.246251}
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
INFO root:Log.py:74 [INFO 2021-09-21 11:40:42]解析yaml, Path:/Users/jiafeng.li/Desktop/工作记录文件/code/shipment-python/Params/Param/Basic.yml
INFO root:Log.py:74 [INFO 2021-09-21 11:40:42]解析yaml, Path:/Users/jiafeng.li/Desktop/工作记录文件/code/shipment-python/Params/Param/ApiInfo.yml
INFO root:Log.py:74 [INFO 2021-09-21 11:40:42]解析yaml, Path:/Users/jiafeng.li/Desktop/工作记录文件/code/shipment-python/Params/Param/HeaderInfo.yml
DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:227 Starting new HTTP connection (1): c-api-sellerbasicservice.staging.shopeemobile.com:80
DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:452 http://c-api-sellerbasicservice.staging.shopeemobile.com:80 "POST /api/fulfillment/openapi/v1/shipment/init_order HTTP/1.1" 200 70
\ No newline at end of file
因为 它太大了无法显示 source diff 。你可以改为 查看blob
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can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
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can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can not arrange shipment
can arrange shipment
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import allure
from Common import Api
import jsonpath
from Common import Consts
import time
import os
class Test_Sample_10012:
......@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class Test_Sample_10012:
if arrange_result == 1:
return ()
check = 0
while True:
check_print = Api.Api().Check_Print(create_order, 'SG')
......@@ -65,14 +68,24 @@ class Test_Sample_10012:
check += 1
if check == 10:
if check == 50:
if check == 10:
if check == 50:
print('check failed')
return ()
create_response = Api.Api().Create_AWB_Job_SC(create_order, 'SG', 10012, "THERMAL_PDF", "Air Waybill", 3)
job_id = jsonpath.jsonpath(create_response, '$..' + Consts.JOB_ID)[0]
download_result = Api.Api().Download_AWB(job_id, 'SG')
pdf_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'SG_10012_Normal.pdf')
with open(pdf_path, 'wb') as f:
"uid" : "b1a8273437954620fa374b796ffaacdd",
"children" : [ ],
"name" : "behaviors"
\ No newline at end of file
"uid" : "83edc06c07f9ae9e47eb6dd1b683e4e2",
"children" : [ ],
"name" : "packages"
\ No newline at end of file
"uid" : "98d3104e051c652961429bf95fa0b5d6",
"children" : [ ],
"name" : "suites"
\ No newline at end of file
"uid" : "ab17fc5a4eb3bca4b216b548c7f9fcbc",
"children" : [ ],
"name" : "timeline"
\ No newline at end of file
launch_status failed=0 1632102897000000000
launch_status broken=0 1632102897000000000
launch_status passed=0 1632102897000000000
launch_status skipped=0 1632102897000000000
launch_status unknown=0 1632102897000000000
launch_time duration=0 1632102897000000000
launch_time min_duration=0 1632102897000000000
launch_time max_duration=0 1632102897000000000
launch_time sum_duration=0 1632102897000000000
launch_retries retries=0 1632102897000000000
launch_retries run=0 1632102897000000000
[ {
"data" : { }
} ]
\ No newline at end of file
"total" : 0,
"items" : [ ]
\ No newline at end of file
[ {
"data" : { }
} ]
\ No newline at end of file
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