提交 abfa4988 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!13 缩进修复

Merge pull request !13 from zhushengle/master
......@@ -547,12 +547,12 @@ STATIC INT32 OsFutexWaitTask(const UINT32 timeOut, const UINT32 *userVaddr, UINT
if (LOS_ArchCopyFromUser(&lockVal, userVaddr, sizeof(UINT32))) {
PRINT_ERR("Futex wait param check failed! copy from user failed!\n");
futexRet = LOS_EINVAL;
goto EXIT_ERR;
goto EXIT_ERR;
if (lockVal != val) {
futexRet = LOS_EBADF;
goto EXIT_ERR;
goto EXIT_ERR;
if (OsFutexInserTaskToHash(&taskCB, &node, futexKey)) {
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