未验证 提交 d8f1d01a 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng 提交者: GitHub

Add change logs for 8.2.0 (#5697)

上级 f5e38b88
......@@ -2,148 +2,110 @@ Changes by Version
Release Notes.
#### Project
* Support Kafka as an optional trace, JVM metrics, profiling snapshots and meter system data transport layer.
* Support Meter system, including the native metrics APIs and the Spring Sleuth adoption.
* Support JVM thread metrics.
* Support Browser monitoring.
* Add e2e test for ALS solution of service mesh observability.
* Support compiling(include testing) in JDK11.
* Support build a single module.
#### Java Agent
* [**Core**] Fix the concurrency access bug in the Concurrency ClassLoader Case.
* [**Core**] Separate the config of the plugins from the core level.
* [**Core**] Support instrumented class cached in memory or file, to be compatible with other agents, such as Arthas.
* Add logic endpoint concept. Could analysis any span or tags flagged by the logic endpoint.
* Add Spring annotation component name for UI visualization only.
* Add support to trace `Call procedures` in MySQL plugin.
* Support GraphQL plugin.
* Support Quasar fiber plugin.
* Support InfluxDB java client plugin.
* Support brpc java plugin
* Support `ConsoleAppender` in the logback v1 plugin.
* Enhance vert.x endpoint names.
* Optimize the code to prevent mongo statements from being too long.
* Fix WebFlux plugin concurrency access bug.
* Fix ShardingSphere plugins internal conflicts.
* Fix duplicated Spring MVC endpoint.
* Fix lettuce plugin sometimes trace doesn‘t show span layer.
* Fix `@Tag` returnedObject bug.
* Support metrics plugin.
* Support slf4j logs of gRPC and Kafka(when agent uses them) into the agent log files.
* Add `PROPERTIES_REPORT_PERIOD_FACTOR` config to avoid the properties of instance cleared.
* Limit the size of traced SQL to avoid OOM.
* Support `mount` command to load a new set of plugins.
* Add plugin selector mechanism.
* Enhance the witness classes for MongoDB plugin.
* Enhance the parameter truncate mechanism of SQL plugins.
* Enhance the SpringMVC plugin in the reactive APIs.
* Enhance the SpringMVC plugin to collect HTTP headers as the span tags.
* Enhance the Kafka plugin, about `@KafkaPollAndInvoke`
* Enhance the configuration initialization core. Plugin could have its own plugins.
* Enhance Feign plugin to collect parameters.
* Enhance Dubbo plugin to collect parameters.
* Provide Thrift plugin.
* Provide XXL-job plugin.
* Provide MongoDB 4.x plugin.
* Provide Kafka client 2.1+ plugin.
* Provide WebFlux-WebClient plugin.
* Provide ignore-exception plugin.
* Provide quartz scheduler plugin.
* Provide ElasticJob 2.x plugin.
* Provide Spring @Scheduled plugin.
* Provide Spring-Kafka plugin.
* Provide HBase client plugin.
* Provide JSON log format.
* Move Spring WebFlux plugin to the optional plugin.
* Fix inconsistent logic bug in PrefixMatch
* Fix duplicate exit spans in Feign LoadBalancer mechanism.
* Fix the target service blocked by the Kafka reporter.
* Fix configurations of Kafka report don't work.
* Fix rest template concurrent conflict.
* Fix NPE in the ActiveMQ plugin.
* Fix conflict between Kafka reporter and sampling plugin.
* Fix NPE in the log formatter.
* Fix span layer missing in certain cases, in the Kafka plugin.
* Fix error format of time in serviceTraffic update.
* Upgrade bytebuddy to 1.10.14
#### OAP-Backend
* Support Jetty Server advanced configurations.
* Support label based filter in the prometheus fetcher and OpenCensus receiver.
* Support using k8s configmap as the configuration center.
* Support OAP health check, and storage module health check.
* Support sampling rate in the dynamic configuration.
* Add `endpoint_relation_sla` and `endpoint_relation_percentile` for endpoint relationship metrics.
* Add components for Python plugins, including Kafka, Tornado, Redis, Django, PyMysql.
* Add components for Golang SDK.
* Add Nacos 1.3.1 back as an optional cluster coordinator and dynamic configuration center.
* Enhance the metrics query for ElasticSearch implementation to increase the stability.
* Reduce the length of storage entity names in the self-observability for MySQL and TiDB storage.
* Fix labels are missing in Prometheus analysis context.
* Fix column length issue in MySQL/TiDB storage.
* Fix no data in 2nd level aggregation in self-observability.
* Fix searchService bug in ES implementation.
* Fix wrong validation of endpoint relation entity query.
* Fix the bug caused by the OAL debug flag.
* Fix endpoint dependency bug in MQ and uninstrumented proxy cases.
* Fix time bucket conversion issue in the InfluxDB storage implementation.
* Update k8s client to 8.0.0
* Support Nacos authentication.
* Support labeled meter in the meter receiver.
* Separate UI template into multiple files.
* Provide support for Envoy tracing. Envoy tracer depends on the Envoy community.
* Support query trace by tags.
* Support composite alarm rules.
* Support alarm messages to DingTalk.
* Support alarm messages to WeChat.
* Support alarm messages to Slack.
* Support SSL for Prometheus fetcher and self telemetry.
* Support labeled histogram in the prometheus format.
* Support the status of segment based on entry span or first span only.
* Support the error segment in the sampling mechanism.
* Support SSL certs of gRPC server.
* Support labeled metrics in the alarm rule setting.
* Support to query all labeled data, if no explicit label in the query condition.
* Add TLS parameters in the mesh analysis.
* Add health check for InfluxDB storage.
* Add `super dataset` concept for the traces/logs.
* Add separate replicas configuration for super dataset.
* Add `IN` operator in the OAL.
* Add `!=` operator in the OAL.
* Add `like` operator in the OAL.
* Add `latest` function in the prometheus analysis.
* Add more configurations in the gRPC server.
* Optimize the trace query performance.
* Optimize the CPU usage rate calculation, at least to be 1.
* Optimize the length of slow SQL column in the MySQL storage.
* Optimize the topology query, use client side component name when no server side mapping.
* Add component IDs for Python component.
* Add component ID range for C++.
* Fix Slack notification setting NPE.
* Fix some module missing check of the module manager core.
* Fix authentication doesn't work in sharing server.
* Fix metrics batch persistent size bug.
* Fix trace sampling bug.
* Fix CLR receiver bug.
* Fix end time bug in the query process.
* Fix `Exporter INCREMENT mode` is not working.
* Fix an error when executing startup.bat when the log directory exists
#### UI
* Support endpoint dependency graph.
* Support x-scroll of trace/profile page
* Fix database selector issue.
* Add the bar chart in the UI templates.
* Add browser dashboard.
* Add browser log query page.
* Support query trace by tags.
* Fix JVM configuration.
* Fix CLR configuration.
#### Document
* Update the user logo wall.
* Add backend configuration vocabulary document.
* Add agent installation doc for Tomcat9 on Windows.
* Add istioctl ALS commands for the document.
* Fix TTL documentation.
* Add FAQ doc about thread instrumentation.
* Add the document about `SW_NO_UPSTREAM_REAL_ADDRESS`.
* Update ALS setup document.
* Add Customization Config section for plugin development.
#### CVE
* Fix fuzzy query sql injection in the MySQL/TiDB storage.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/52?closed=1)
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/56?closed=1)
#### OAP-Backend
* Fix `no-init` mode is not working in ElasticSearch storage.
#### Project
* v3 protocol is added and implemented. All previous releases are incompatible with 8.x releases.
* Service, Instance, Endpoint register mechanism and inventory storage entities are removed.
* New GraphQL query protocol is provided, the legacy procotol is still supported(plan to remove at the end of this year).
* Support Prometheus network protocol. Metrics in Prometheus format could be transferred into SkyWalking.
* Python agent provided.
* All inventory caches have been removed.
* Apache ShardingSphere(4.1.0, 4.1.1) agent plugin provided.
#### Java Agent
* Add MariaDB plugin.
* Vert.x plugin enhancement. More cases are covered.
* Support v3 extension header.
* Fix ElasticSearch 5.x plugin TransportClient error.
* Support Correlation protocol v1.
* Fix Finagle plugin bug, in processing Noop Span.
* Make `CommandService` daemon to avoid blocking target application shutting down gracefully.
* Refactor spring cloud gateway plugin and support tracing spring cloud gateway 2.2.x
#### OAP-Backend
* Support meter system for Prometheus adoption. In future releases, we will add native meter APIs and MicroMeter(Sleuth) system.
* Support endpoint grouping.
* Add **SuperDataSet** annotation for storage entity.
* Add **superDatasetIndexShardsFactor** in the ElasticSearch storage, to provide more shards for @SuperDataSet annotated entites. Typically TraceSegment.
* Support alarm settings for relationship of service, instance, and endpoint level metrics.
* Support alarm settings for database(conjecture node in tracing scenario).
* Data Model could be added in the runtime, don't depend on the bootstrap sequence anymore.
* Reduce the memory cost, due to no inventory caches.
* No buffer files in tracing and service mesh cases.
* New ReadWriteSafe cache implementation. Simplify codes.
* Provide default way for metrics query, even the metrics doesn't exist.
* New GraphQL query protocol is provided. Support the metrics type query.
* Set up length rule of service, instance, and endpoint.
* Adjust the default jks for ElasticSearch to empty.
* Fix Apdex function integer overflow issue.
* Fix profile storage issue.
* Fix TTL issue.
* Fix H2 column type bug.
* Add JRE 8-14 test for the backend.
#### UI
* UI dashboard is 100% configurable to adopt new metrics definited in the backend.
#### Document
* Add v8 upgrade document.
* Make the coverage accurate including UT and e2e tests.
* Add miss doc about collecting parameters in the profiled traces.
#### CVE
* Fix SQL Injection vulnerability in H2/MySQL implementation.
* Upgrade Nacos to avoid the FastJson CVE in high frequency.
* Upgrade jasckson-databind to 2.9.10.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/45?closed=1)
7.0.0 release
You could find all CHANGES of 7.0.0 at [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/v7.0.0/CHANGES.md)
6.x releases
You could find all CHANGES of 6.x at [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/6.x/CHANGES.md)
5.x releases
You could find all CHANGES of 5.x at [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/blob/5.x/CHANGES.md)
Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).
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#### Agent Changes
- Fix spring inherit issue in another way
- Fix classloader dead lock in jdk7+ - 5.x
- Support Spring mvc 5.x
- Support Spring webflux 5.x
#### Collector Changes
- Fix too many open files.
- Fix the buffer file cannot delete.
#### Agent Changes
- Add several package names ignore in agent settings. Classes in these packages would be enhanced, even plugin declared.
- Support Undertow 2.x plugin.
- Fix wrong class names of Motan plugin, not a feature related issue, just naming.
#### Collector Changes
- Make buffer file handler close more safety.
- Fix NPE in AlarmService
#### Documents
- Fix compiling doc link.
- Update new live demo address.
#### Agent Changes
- Support ActiveMQ 5.x
- Support RuntimeContext used out of TracingContext.
- Support Oracle ojdbc8 Plugin.
- Support ElasticSearch client transport 5.2-5.6 Plugin
- Support using agent.config with given path through system properties.
- Add a new way to transmit the Request and Response, to avoid bugs in Hytrix scenarios.
- Fix HTTPComponent client v4 operation name is empty.
- Fix 2 possible NPEs in Spring plugin.
- Fix a possible span leak in SpringMVC plugin.
- Fix NPE in Spring callback plugin.
#### Collector Changes
- Add GZip support for Zipkin receiver.
- Add new component IDs for nodejs.
- Fix Zipkin span receiver may miss data in request.
- Optimize codes in heatmap calculation. Reduce unnecessary divide.
- Fix NPE in Alarm content generation.
- Fix the precision lost in `ServiceNameService#startTimeMillis`.
- Fix GC count is 0.
- Fix topology breaks when RPC client uses the async thread call.
#### UI Changes
- Fix UI port can't be set by startup script in Windows.
- Fix Topology self link error.
- Fix stack color mismatch label color in gc time chart.
#### Documents
- Add users list.
- Fix several document typo.
- Sync the Chinese documents.
- Add OpenAPM badge.
- Add icon/font documents to NOTICE files.
[Issues and Pull requests](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/milestone/27?closed=1)
#### UI -> Collector GraphQL query protocol
- Add order and status in trace query.
#### Agent Changes
- Add SOFA plugin.
- Add witness class for Kafka plugin.
- Add RuntimeContext in Context.
- Fix RuntimeContext fail in Tomcat plugin.
- Fix incompatible for `getPropertyDescriptors` in Spring core.
- Fix spymemcached plugin bug.
- Fix database URL parser bug.
- Fix `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` when mysql jdbc url without databaseName。
- Fix duplicate slash in Spring MVC plugin bug.
- Fix namespace bug.
- Fix NPE in Okhttp plugin when connect failed.
- FIx `MalformedURLException` in httpClientComponent plugin.
- Remove unused dependencies in Dubbo plugin.
- Remove gRPC timeout to avoid out of memory leak.
- Rewrite Async http client plugin.
- [Incubating] Add trace custom ignore optional plugin.
#### Collector Changes
- Topology query optimization for more than 100 apps.
- Error rate alarm is not triggered.
- Tolerate unsupported segments.
- Support Integer Array, Long Array, String Array, Double Array in streaming data model.
- Support multiple entry span and multiple service name in one segment durtaion record.
- Use BulkProcessor to control the linear writing of data by multiple threads.
- Determine the log is enabled for the DEBUG level before printing message.
- Add `static` modifier to Logger.
- Add AspNet component.
- Filter inactive service in query.
- Support to query service based on Application.
- Fix `RemoteDataMappingIdNotFoundException`
- Exclude component-libaries.xml file in collector-*.jar, make sure it is in `/conf` only.
- Separate a single TTL in minute to in minute, hour, day, month metric and trace.
- Add order and status in trace query.
- Add folder lock to buffer folder.
- Modify operationName search from `match` to `match_phrase`.
- [Incubating] Add Zipkin span receiver. Support analysis Zipkin v1/v2 formats.
- [Incubating] Support sharding-sphere as storage implementor.
#### UI Changes
- Support login and access control.
- Add new webapp.yml configuration file.
- Modify webapp startup script.
- Link to trace query from Thermodynamic graph
- Add application selector in service view.
- Add order and status in trace query.
#### Documents
- Add architecture design doc.
- Reformat deploy document.
- Adjust Tomcat deploy document.
- Remove all Apache licenses files in dist release packages.
- Update user cases.
- Update UI licenses.
- Add incubating sections in doc.
[Issues and Pull requests](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/milestone/28?closed=1)
#### UI -> Collector GraphQL query protocol
- Replace all tps to throughtput/cpm(calls per min)
- Add `getThermodynamic` service
- Update version to beta
#### Agent Changes
- Support TLS.
- Support namespace.
- Support direct link.
- Support token.
- Add across thread toolkit.
- Add new plugin extend machenism to override agent core implementations.
- Fix an agent start up sequence bug.
- Fix wrong gc count.
- Remove system env override.
- Add Spring AOP aspect patch to avoid aop conflicts.
#### Collector Changes
- Trace query based on timeline.
- Delete JVM aggregation in second.
- Support TLS.
- Support namespace.
- Support token auth.
- Group and aggregate requests based on reponse time and timeline, support Thermodynamic chart query
- Support component librariy setting through yml file for better extendibility.
- Optimize performance.
- Support short column name in ES or other storage implementor.
- Add a new cache module implementor, based on **Caffeine**.
- Support system property override settings.
- Refactor settings initialization.
- Provide collector instrumentation agent.
- Support .NET core component libraries.
- Fix `divide zero` in query.
- Fix `Data don't remove as expected` in ES implementor.
- Add some checks in collector modulization core.
- Add some test cases.
#### UI Changes
- New trace query UI.
- New Application UI, merge server tab(removed) into applciation as sub page.
- New Topology UI.
- New response time / throughput TopN list.
- Add Thermodynamic chart in overview page.
- Change all tps to cpm(calls per minutes).
- Fix wrong osName in server view.
- Fix wrong startTime in trace view.
- Fix some icons internet requirements.
#### Documents
- Add TLS document.
- Add namespace document.
- Add direct link document.
- Add token document.
- Add across thread toolkit document.
- Add a FAQ about, `Agent or collector version upgrade`.
- Sync all English document to Chinese.
[Issues and Pull requests](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/milestone/24?closed=1)
#### Agent -> Collector protocol
- Remove C++ keywords
- Move **Ref** into Span from Segment
- Add span type, when register an operation
#### UI -> Collector GraphQL query protocol
- First version protocol
#### Agent Changes
- Support gRPC 1.x plugin
- Support kafka 0.11 and 1.x plugin
- Support ServiceComb 0.x plugin
- Support optional plugin mechanism.
- Support Spring 3.x and 4.x bean annotation optional plugin
- Support Apache httpcomponent AsyncClient 4.x plugin
- Provide automatic agent daily tests, and release reports [here](https://github.com/SkywalkingTest/agent-integration-test-report).
- Refactor Postgresql, Oracle, MySQL plugin for compatible.
- Fix jetty client 9 plugin error
- Fix async APIs of okhttp plugin error
- Fix log config didn't work
- Fix a class loader error in okhttp plugin
#### Collector Changes
- Support metrics analysis and aggregation for application, application instance and service in minute, hour, day and month.
- Support new GraphQL query protocol
- Support alarm
- Provide a prototype instrument for collector.
- Support node speculate in cluster and application topology. (Provider Node -> Consumer Node) -> (Provider Node -> MQ Server -> Consumer Node)
#### UI Changes
- New 5.0.0 UI!!!
[Issues and Pull requests](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/milestone/17?closed=1)
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#### Project
* SkyWalking discards the supports of JDK 1.6 and 1.7 on the java agent side. The minimal requirement of JDK is JDK8.
* Support method performance profile.
* Provide new E2E test framework.
* Remove AppVeyor from the CI, use GitHub action only.
* Provide new plugin test tool.
* Don't support SkyWalking v5 agent in-wire and out-wire protocol. v6 is required.
#### Java Agent
* Add lazy injection API in the agent core.
* Support Servlet 2.5 in the Struts plugin.
* Fix RestTemplate plugin ClassCastException in the Async call.
* Add Finagle plugin.
* Add test cases of H2 and struts.
* Add Armeria 0.98 plugin.
* Fix ElasticSearch plugin bug.
* Fix EHCache plugin bug.
* Fix a potential I/O leak.
* Support Oracle SID mode.
* Update Byte-buddy core.
* Performance tuning: replace AtomicInteger with AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.
* Add AVRO plugin.
* Update to JDK 1.8
* Optimize the ignore plugin.
* Enhance the gRPC plugin.
* Add Kotlin Coroutine plugin.
* Support HTTP parameter collection in Tomcat and SpringMVC plugin.
* Add @Tag annotation in the application toolkit.
* Move Lettuce into the default plugin list.
* Move Webflux into the default plugin list.
* Add HttpClient 3.x plugin.
#### OAP-Backend
* Support InfluxDB as a new storage option.
* Add `selector` in the `application.yml`. Make the provider activation more flexible through System ENV.
* Support sub-topology map query.
* Support gRPC SSL.
* Support HTTP protocol for agent.
* Support Nginx LUA agent.
* Support skip the instance relationship analysis if some agents doesn't have upstream address, currently for LUA agent.
* Support metrics entity name in the storage. Optional, default OFF.
* Merge the HOUR and DAY metrics into MINUTE in the ElasticSearch storage implementation. Reduce the payload for ElasticSearch server.
* Support change detection mechanism in DCS.
* Support Daily step in the ElasticSearch storage implementation for low traffic system.
* Provide profile export tool.
* Support alarm gRPC hook.
* Fix PHP language doesn't show up on the instance page.
* Add more comments in the source codes.
* Add a new metrics type, multiple linears.
* Fix thread concurrency issue in the alarm core.
#### UI
* Support custom topology definition.
#### Document
* Add FAQ about `python2` command required in the compiling.
* Add doc about new e2e framework.
* Add doc about the new profile feature.
* Powered-by page updated.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/37?closed=1)
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#### Project
* v3 protocol is added and implemented. All previous releases are incompatible with 8.x releases.
* Service, Instance, Endpoint register mechanism and inventory storage entities are removed.
* New GraphQL query protocol is provided, the legacy procotol is still supported(plan to remove at the end of this year).
* Support Prometheus network protocol. Metrics in Prometheus format could be transferred into SkyWalking.
* Python agent provided.
* All inventory caches have been removed.
* Apache ShardingSphere(4.1.0, 4.1.1) agent plugin provided.
#### Java Agent
* Add MariaDB plugin.
* Vert.x plugin enhancement. More cases are covered.
* Support v3 extension header.
* Fix ElasticSearch 5.x plugin TransportClient error.
* Support Correlation protocol v1.
* Fix Finagle plugin bug, in processing Noop Span.
* Make `CommandService` daemon to avoid blocking target application shutting down gracefully.
* Refactor spring cloud gateway plugin and support tracing spring cloud gateway 2.2.x
#### OAP-Backend
* Support meter system for Prometheus adoption. In future releases, we will add native meter APIs and MicroMeter(Sleuth) system.
* Support endpoint grouping.
* Add **SuperDataSet** annotation for storage entity.
* Add **superDatasetIndexShardsFactor** in the ElasticSearch storage, to provide more shards for @SuperDataSet annotated entites. Typically TraceSegment.
* Support alarm settings for relationship of service, instance, and endpoint level metrics.
* Support alarm settings for database(conjecture node in tracing scenario).
* Data Model could be added in the runtime, don't depend on the bootstrap sequence anymore.
* Reduce the memory cost, due to no inventory caches.
* No buffer files in tracing and service mesh cases.
* New ReadWriteSafe cache implementation. Simplify codes.
* Provide default way for metrics query, even the metrics doesn't exist.
* New GraphQL query protocol is provided. Support the metrics type query.
* Set up length rule of service, instance, and endpoint.
* Adjust the default jks for ElasticSearch to empty.
* Fix Apdex function integer overflow issue.
* Fix profile storage issue.
* Fix TTL issue.
* Fix H2 column type bug.
* Add JRE 8-14 test for the backend.
#### UI
* UI dashboard is 100% configurable to adopt new metrics definited in the backend.
#### Document
* Add v8 upgrade document.
* Make the coverage accurate including UT and e2e tests.
* Add miss doc about collecting parameters in the profiled traces.
#### CVE
* Fix SQL Injection vulnerability in H2/MySQL implementation.
* Upgrade Nacos to avoid the FastJson CVE in high frequency.
* Upgrade jasckson-databind to 2.9.10.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/45?closed=1)
#### OAP-Backend
* Fix `no-init` mode is not working in ElasticSearch storage.
#### Project
* Support Kafka as an optional trace, JVM metrics, profiling snapshots and meter system data transport layer.
* Support Meter system, including the native metrics APIs and the Spring Sleuth adoption.
* Support JVM thread metrics.
#### Java Agent
* [**Core**] Fix the concurrency access bug in the Concurrency ClassLoader Case.
* [**Core**] Separate the config of the plugins from the core level.
* [**Core**] Support instrumented class cached in memory or file, to be compatible with other agents, such as Arthas.
* Add logic endpoint concept. Could analysis any span or tags flagged by the logic endpoint.
* Add Spring annotation component name for UI visualization only.
* Add support to trace `Call procedures` in MySQL plugin.
* Support GraphQL plugin.
* Support Quasar fiber plugin.
* Support InfluxDB java client plugin.
* Support brpc java plugin
* Support `ConsoleAppender` in the logback v1 plugin.
* Enhance vert.x endpoint names.
* Optimize the code to prevent mongo statements from being too long.
* Fix WebFlux plugin concurrency access bug.
* Fix ShardingSphere plugins internal conflicts.
* Fix duplicated Spring MVC endpoint.
* Fix lettuce plugin sometimes trace doesn‘t show span layer.
* Fix `@Tag` returnedObject bug.
#### OAP-Backend
* Support Jetty Server advanced configurations.
* Support label based filter in the prometheus fetcher and OpenCensus receiver.
* Support using k8s configmap as the configuration center.
* Support OAP health check, and storage module health check.
* Support sampling rate in the dynamic configuration.
* Add `endpoint_relation_sla` and `endpoint_relation_percentile` for endpoint relationship metrics.
* Add components for Python plugins, including Kafka, Tornado, Redis, Django, PyMysql.
* Add components for Golang SDK.
* Add Nacos 1.3.1 back as an optional cluster coordinator and dynamic configuration center.
* Enhance the metrics query for ElasticSearch implementation to increase the stability.
* Reduce the length of storage entity names in the self-observability for MySQL and TiDB storage.
* Fix labels are missing in Prometheus analysis context.
* Fix column length issue in MySQL/TiDB storage.
* Fix no data in 2nd level aggregation in self-observability.
* Fix searchService bug in ES implementation.
* Fix wrong validation of endpoint relation entity query.
* Fix the bug caused by the OAL debug flag.
* Fix endpoint dependency bug in MQ and uninstrumented proxy cases.
* Fix time bucket conversion issue in the InfluxDB storage implementation.
* Update k8s client to 8.0.0
#### UI
* Support endpoint dependency graph.
* Support x-scroll of trace/profile page
* Fix database selector issue.
* Add the bar chart in the UI templates.
#### Document
* Update the user logo wall.
* Add backend configuration vocabulary document.
* Add agent installation doc for Tomcat9 on Windows.
* Add istioctl ALS commands for the document.
* Fix TTL documentation.
* Add FAQ doc about thread instrumentation.
#### CVE
* Fix fuzzy query sql injection in the MySQL/TiDB storage.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/52?closed=1)
#### Project
* Support Browser monitoring.
* Add e2e test for ALS solution of service mesh observability.
* Support compiling(include testing) in JDK11.
* Support build a single module.
#### Java Agent
* Support metrics plugin.
* Support slf4j logs of gRPC and Kafka(when agent uses them) into the agent log files.
* Add `PROPERTIES_REPORT_PERIOD_FACTOR` config to avoid the properties of instance cleared.
* Limit the size of traced SQL to avoid OOM.
* Support `mount` command to load a new set of plugins.
* Add plugin selector mechanism.
* Enhance the witness classes for MongoDB plugin.
* Enhance the parameter truncate mechanism of SQL plugins.
* Enhance the SpringMVC plugin in the reactive APIs.
* Enhance the SpringMVC plugin to collect HTTP headers as the span tags.
* Enhance the Kafka plugin, about `@KafkaPollAndInvoke`
* Enhance the configuration initialization core. Plugin could have its own plugins.
* Enhance Feign plugin to collect parameters.
* Enhance Dubbo plugin to collect parameters.
* Provide Thrift plugin.
* Provide XXL-job plugin.
* Provide MongoDB 4.x plugin.
* Provide Kafka client 2.1+ plugin.
* Provide WebFlux-WebClient plugin.
* Provide ignore-exception plugin.
* Provide quartz scheduler plugin.
* Provide ElasticJob 2.x plugin.
* Provide Spring @Scheduled plugin.
* Provide Spring-Kafka plugin.
* Provide HBase client plugin.
* Provide JSON log format.
* Move Spring WebFlux plugin to the optional plugin.
* Fix inconsistent logic bug in PrefixMatch
* Fix duplicate exit spans in Feign LoadBalancer mechanism.
* Fix the target service blocked by the Kafka reporter.
* Fix configurations of Kafka report don't work.
* Fix rest template concurrent conflict.
* Fix NPE in the ActiveMQ plugin.
* Fix conflict between Kafka reporter and sampling plugin.
* Fix NPE in the log formatter.
* Fix span layer missing in certain cases, in the Kafka plugin.
* Fix error format of time in serviceTraffic update.
* Upgrade bytebuddy to 1.10.14
#### OAP-Backend
* Support Nacos authentication.
* Support labeled meter in the meter receiver.
* Separate UI template into multiple files.
* Provide support for Envoy tracing. Envoy tracer depends on the Envoy community.
* Support query trace by tags.
* Support composite alarm rules.
* Support alarm messages to DingTalk.
* Support alarm messages to WeChat.
* Support alarm messages to Slack.
* Support SSL for Prometheus fetcher and self telemetry.
* Support labeled histogram in the prometheus format.
* Support the status of segment based on entry span or first span only.
* Support the error segment in the sampling mechanism.
* Support SSL certs of gRPC server.
* Support labeled metrics in the alarm rule setting.
* Support to query all labeled data, if no explicit label in the query condition.
* Add TLS parameters in the mesh analysis.
* Add health check for InfluxDB storage.
* Add `super dataset` concept for the traces/logs.
* Add separate replicas configuration for super dataset.
* Add `IN` operator in the OAL.
* Add `!=` operator in the OAL.
* Add `like` operator in the OAL.
* Add `latest` function in the prometheus analysis.
* Add more configurations in the gRPC server.
* Optimize the trace query performance.
* Optimize the CPU usage rate calculation, at least to be 1.
* Optimize the length of slow SQL column in the MySQL storage.
* Optimize the topology query, use client side component name when no server side mapping.
* Add component IDs for Python component.
* Add component ID range for C++.
* Fix Slack notification setting NPE.
* Fix some module missing check of the module manager core.
* Fix authentication doesn't work in sharing server.
* Fix metrics batch persistent size bug.
* Fix trace sampling bug.
* Fix CLR receiver bug.
* Fix end time bug in the query process.
* Fix `Exporter INCREMENT mode` is not working.
* Fix an error when executing startup.bat when the log directory exists
#### UI
* Add browser dashboard.
* Add browser log query page.
* Support query trace by tags.
* Fix JVM configuration.
* Fix CLR configuration.
#### Document
* Add the document about `SW_NO_UPSTREAM_REAL_ADDRESS`.
* Update ALS setup document.
* Add Customization Config section for plugin development.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/56?closed=1)
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