提交 41f761c7 编写于 作者: 江南一点雨

Update EmployeeMapper.xml

上级 0f18ab8e
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
n,politicsstatus p,department d,joblevel j,position pos where e.`nationId`=n.`id` and e.`politicId`=p.`id` and
e.`departmentId`=d.`id` and e.`jobLevelId`=j.`id` and e.`posId`=pos.`id`
<if test="emp.name !=null and emp.name!=''">
and e.name like concat('%',#{keyword},'%')
and e.name like concat('%',#{emp.keyword},'%')
<if test="emp.politicId !=null">
and e.politicId =#{emp.politicId}
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