提交 cdd026ac 编写于 作者: P Pieter Noordhuis


上级 f023f9cf
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ code using hiredis should not be a big pain. The key thing to keep in mind when
upgrading is that hiredis >= 0.9.0 uses a `redisContext*` to keep state, in contrast to
the stateless 0.0.1 that only has a file descriptor to work with.
## Synchronous API
To consume the synchronous API, there are only a few function calls that need to be introduced:
......@@ -86,30 +86,24 @@ The standard replies that `redisCommand` are of the type `redisReply`. The
was received:
The command replied with a status reply. The status string can be accessed using `reply->str`.
The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
The command replied with an error. The error string can be accessed identical to `REDIS_REPLY_STATUS`.
The command replied with an integer. The integer value can be accessed using the
`reply->integer` field of type `long long`.
The command replied with a **nil** object. There is no data to access.
A bulk (string) reply. The value of the reply can be accessed using `reply->str`.
The length of this string can be accessed using `reply->len`.
A multi bulk reply. The number of elements in the multi bulk reply is stored in
`reply->elements`. Every element in the multi bulk reply is a `redisReply` object as well
and can be accessed via `reply->elements[..index..]`.
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