提交 1c922cfd 编写于 作者: H huayifeng

feat: model

上级 9344d0ec
# 压缩顺序
obj 压缩到 gltf
gltf 普通压缩到 er4.glb
gltf draco 压缩到 er4-1.glb
\ No newline at end of file
# Wavefront material file
# Created in RealityCapture
# Engine version v1.0.3.4987
newmtl er4_Material
Ka 1 1 1
Kd 1 1 1
d 1
Ns 0
illum 1
newmtl er4_Material_u1_v1
Ka 1 1 1
Kd 1 1 1
d 1
Ns 0
illum 1
map_Kd er4_u1_v1.png
<Model globalCoordinateSystem="+proj=geocent +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs" globalCoordinateSystemName="local:1 - Euclidean"
exportCoordinateSystemType="0" transformToModel="1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1">
<Header magic="5786959" version="1"/>
<ModelExport exportBinary="1" exportInfoFile="1" exportVertices="1" exportVertexColors="0"
exportVertexNormals="0" exportTriangles="1" exportTexturing="1" meshColor="4294967295"
tileType="0" exportTextureAlpha="0" exportToOneTexture="0" oneTextureMaxSide="8192"
oneTextureUsePow2TexSide="1" exportCoordinateSystemType="0" settingsAnchor="0 0 0"
settingsScalex="1" settingsScaley="1" settingsScalez="1" texturesFileType="png"
formatAndVersionUID="obj 000 " exportModelByParts="0" exportRandomPartColor="0"
exportCameras="0" exportCamerasAsModelPart="0" numberAsciiFormatting="%.16e">
<Header magic="5786949" version="1"/>
<CalibrationExportSettings undistortImagesWicFormat="{1B7CFAF4-713F-473C-BBCD-6137425FAEAF}"
undistortDownscaleFactor="0" undistortNamingConvention="0" undistFitMode="0"
undistResMode="0" undistPrincipalMode="0" undistCutOut="0" undistMaxPixels="0"
undistBackColor="0" undistortCustomWidth="0" undistortCustomHeight="0"
undistortCalibration="0" undistortImagesExtension="png" undistortImageNameSuffix=""
exportUndistorted="0" exportDisabled="0"/>
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