未验证 提交 021c2819 编写于 作者: Z Zhongxiang.Wang 提交者: GitHub

docs: fixed table format flaw for `Contact.say` in README.md. (#1999)

上级 f3a18c04
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ All wechat contacts(friends/non-friends) will be encapsulated as a Contact.
| static | [`load(query: string): Contact`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact.load) | get contact by id |
| property | `id: readonly string` | get contact id |
| method | [`sync(): Promise<void>`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+sync) | force reload data for contact , sync data from lowlevel API again|
| method | [`say(text: string): Promise<void | Message>`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+say) | send text, Contact, or file to contact, return the message which the bot sent (only `puppet-padplus` supported). |
| method | [`say(text: string): Promise<void \| Message>`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+say) | send text, Contact, or file to contact, return the message which the bot sent (only `puppet-padplus` supported). |
| method | [`self(): boolean`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+self) | check if contact is self |
| method | [`name(): string`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+name) | get the name from a contact |
| method | [`alias(): Promise<string>`](https://wechaty.github.io/wechaty/#Contact+alias) | get the alias for a contact |
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