未验证 提交 8a41a64c 编写于 作者: Y Yuan Gao 提交者: GitHub

fix #2073 (#2074)

* fix #2073

* 0.48.12

* 0.48.13
上级 3c338f5d
"name": "wechaty",
"version": "0.48.11",
"version": "0.48.13",
"description": "Wechaty is Conversational SDK Chatbot Makers, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and 💖",
"main": "dist/src/mod.js",
"typings": "dist/src/mod.d.ts",
......@@ -872,17 +872,22 @@ class Message extends EventEmitter implements Sayable {
* })
* .start()
public async forward (to: Room | Contact): Promise<void> {
public async forward (to: Room | Contact): Promise<void | Message> {
log.verbose('Message', 'forward(%s)', to)
// let roomId
// let contactId
try {
await this.wechaty.puppet.messageForward(
const msgId = await this.wechaty.puppet.messageForward(
if (msgId) {
const msg = this.wechaty.Message.load(msgId)
await msg.ready()
return msg
} catch (e) {
log.error('Message', 'forward(%s) exception: %s', to, e)
throw e
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