未验证 提交 89db2b1f 编写于 作者: A alexey-milovidov 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #22542 from azat/fuzzer-fix

Filter removed/renamed tests from ci-changed-files.txt for fuzzer
......@@ -69,11 +69,25 @@ function watchdog
killall -9 clickhouse-client ||:
function filter_exists
local path
for path in "$@"; do
if [ -e "$path" ]; then
echo "$path"
echo "'$path' does not exists" >&2
function fuzz
# Obtain the list of newly added tests. They will be fuzzed in more extreme way than other tests.
# Don't overwrite the NEW_TESTS_OPT so that it can be set from the environment.
NEW_TESTS="$(grep -P 'tests/queries/0_stateless/.*\.sql' ci-changed-files.txt | sed -r -e 's!^!ch/!' | sort -R)"
# ci-changed-files.txt contains also files that has been deleted/renamed, filter them out.
NEW_TESTS="$(filter_exists $NEW_TESTS)"
if [[ -n "$NEW_TESTS" ]]
NEW_TESTS_OPT="${NEW_TESTS_OPT:---interleave-queries-file ${NEW_TESTS}}"
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