提交 8a7d950c 编写于 作者: G gineshidalgo99

Makefile: Caffe isolated + improved doc

上级 6669b1bf
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ You might select multiple topics, delete the rest:
- Other (type your own type)
### Your system configuration
**OpenCV version**: installed with `apt-get install libopencv-dev` or OpenCV 2.X or OpenCV 3.X.
**Operating system** (`lsb_release -a` on Ubuntu):
**CUDA version** (`cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt` in most cases):
**cuDNN version**:
**GPU model** (`nvidia-smi`):
**Caffe version**: Default from OpenPose or custom version.
**OpenCV version**: installed with `apt-get install libopencv-dev` or OpenCV 2.X or OpenCV 3.X.
Compiler (`gcc --version` on Ubuntu):
......@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ else ifeq ($(DEEP_NET), torch)
# Caffe
LIBRARIES += caffe
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(CAFFE_DIR)/lib
......@@ -138,10 +140,11 @@ INCLUDE_DIRS += $(BUILD_INCLUDE_DIR) ./src ./include
ifneq ($(CPU_ONLY), 1)
LIBRARIES := cudart cublas curand
LIBRARIES += cudart cublas curand
LIBRARIES += glog gflags boost_system boost_filesystem m hdf5_hl hdf5 caffe
# LIBRARIES += glog gflags boost_system boost_filesystem m hdf5_hl hdf5 caffe
LIBRARIES += glog gflags boost_system boost_filesystem m hdf5_hl hdf5
# handle IO dependencies
......@@ -377,8 +380,10 @@ ifeq ($(USE_PKG_CONFIG), 1)
# LDFLAGS += $(foreach librarydir,$(LIBRARY_DIRS),-L$(librarydir)) $(PKG_CONFIG) \
# $(foreach library,$(LIBRARIES),-l$(library)) -Wl,-rpath=$(CAFFE_DIR)/lib
LDFLAGS += $(foreach librarydir,$(LIBRARY_DIRS),-L$(librarydir)) $(PKG_CONFIG) \
$(foreach library,$(LIBRARIES),-l$(library)) -Wl,-rpath=$(CAFFE_DIR)/lib
$(foreach library,$(LIBRARIES),-l$(library))
# Define build targets
......@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ The pose estimation work is based on the C++ code from [the ECCV 2016 demo](http
## Contents
1. [Installation, Reinstallation and Uninstallation](#installation-reinstallation-and-uninstallation)
2. [Quick Start](#quick-start)
2. [Custom Caffe](#custom-caffe)
3. [Quick Start](#quick-start)
1. [Demo](#demo)
2. [OpenPose Wrapper](#openpose-wrapper)
3. [OpenPose Library](#openpose-library)
3. [Output](#output)
4. [Output](#output)
1. [Output Format](#output-format)
2. [Reading Saved Results](#reading-saved-results)
4. [OpenPose Benchmark](#openpose-benchmark)
5. [Send Us Your Feedback!](#send-us-your-feedback)
6. [Citation](#citation)
5. [OpenPose Benchmark](#openpose-benchmark)
6. [Send Us Your Feedback!](#send-us-your-feedback)
7. [Citation](#citation)
......@@ -80,6 +81,19 @@ You can find the installation, reinstallation and uninstallation steps on: [doc/
## Custom Caffe
We only modified some Caffe compilation flags and minor details. You can use use your own Caffe distribution, these are the files we added and modified:
1. Added files: `install_caffe.sh`; as well as `Makefile.config.Ubuntu14.example`, `Makefile.config.Ubuntu16.example`, `Makefile.config.Ubuntu14_cuda_7.example` and `Makefile.config.Ubuntu16_cuda_7.example` (extracted from `Makefile.config.example`). Basically, you must enable cuDNN.
2. Edited file: Makefile. Search for "# OpenPose: " to find the edited code. We basically added the C++11 flag to avoid issues in some old computers.
3. Optional - deleted Caffe file: `Makefile.config.example`.
4. In order to link it to OpenPose:
1. Run `make all && make distribute` in your Caffe version.
2. Open the OpenPose Makefile config file: `./Makefile.config.UbuntuX.example` (where X depends on your OS and CUDA version).
3. Modify the Caffe folder directory variable (`CAFFE_DIR`) to your custom Caffe `distribute` folder location in the previous OpenPose Makefile config file.
## Quick Start
Most users cases should not need to dive deep into the library, they might just be able to use the [Demo](#demo) or the simple [OpenPose Wrapper](#openpose-wrapper). So you can most probably skip the library details in [OpenPose Library](#openpose-library).
......@@ -168,16 +182,6 @@ We use standard formats (JSON, XML, PNG, JPG, ...) to save our results, so there
## Custom Caffe
We only modified some Caffe compilation flags and minor details. You can use use your own Caffe distribution, these are the files we added and modified:
1. Added files: `install_caffe.sh`; as well as `Makefile.config.Ubuntu14.example`, `Makefile.config.Ubuntu16.example`, `Makefile.config.Ubuntu14_cuda_7.example` and `Makefile.config.Ubuntu16_cuda_7.example` (extracted from `Makefile.config.example`). Basically, you must enable cuDNN.
2. Edited file: Makefile. Search for "# OpenPose: " to find the edited code. We basically added the C++11 flag to avoid issues in some old computers.
3. Optional - deleted Caffe file: `Makefile.config.example`.
4. Finally, run `make all && make distribute` in your Caffe version and modify the Caffe directory variable in our Makefile config file: `./Makefile.config.UbuntuX.example` (where X is 14 or 16 depending on your Ubuntu version), set the `CAFFE_DIR` parameter to the path where both the `include` and `lib` Caffe folders are located.
## OpenPose Benchmark
Initial library running time benchmark on [OpenPose Benchmark](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-DynFGvoScvfWDA1P4jDInCkbD4lg0IKOYbXgEq0sK0/edit#gid=0). You can comment in that document with your graphics card model and running time for that model, and we will add your results to the benchmark!
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