未验证 提交 4fc8d986 编写于 作者: J Joe Previte

refactor: remove extra step in release-prep.sh

上级 29292fd3
......@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ main() {
echo -e "Great! We'll prep a PR for updating to $CODE_SERVER_VERSION_TO_UPDATE\n"
$CMD rg -g '!yarn.lock' -g '!*.svg' -g '!CHANGELOG.md' --files-with-matches --fixed-strings "${CODE_SERVER_CURRENT_VERSION}" | $CMD xargs sd "$CODE_SERVER_CURRENT_VERSION" "$CODE_SERVER_VERSION_TO_UPDATE"
# Ensure the tests are passing and code coverage is up-to-date
echo -e "Running unit tests and updating code coverage...\n"
$CMD yarn test:unit
$CMD git commit -am "chore(release): bump version to $CODE_SERVER_VERSION_TO_UPDATE"
# This runs from the root so that's why we use this path vs. ../../
......@@ -94,7 +90,7 @@ main() {
echo -e "\nOpening a draft PR on GitHub"
# To read about these flags, visit the docs: https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_pr_create
$CMD gh pr create --base main --title "release: $CODE_SERVER_VERSION_TO_UPDATE" --body "$RELEASE_TEMPLATE_STRING" --reviewer @cdr/code-server-reviewers --repo cdr/code-server --draft
$CMD gh pr create --base main --title "release: $CODE_SERVER_VERSION_TO_UPDATE" --body "$RELEASE_TEMPLATE_STRING" --reviewer @cdr/code-server-reviewers --repo cdr/code-server --draft --assignee "@me"
# Open PR in browser
$CMD gh pr view --web
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