提交 14a7c547 编写于 作者: 泰斯特Test's avatar 泰斯特Test


上级 f499f52a
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class tester:
from app import nlper
self.nlper = nlper
except ImportError as e:
# pass
raise ImportError('nlp模型导入失败!<%s>' % e)
self.test_case_list = test_case_list
......@@ -136,49 +137,58 @@ class tester:
domain = test_case["domain"] if 'domain' in test_case and isinstance(test_case["domain"], str) and \
not test_case["domain"].strip() == '' else self.domain
if 'requestProtocol' in test_case and 'route' in test_case:
test_case['route'] = \
common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=test_case['route'], global_var_dic=self.global_vars) \
if isinstance(test_case['route'], str) else test_case['route']
url = '%s://%s%s' % (test_case['requestProtocol'].lower(), domain, test_case['route'])
if 'requestMethod' in test_case:
method = test_case['requestMethod']
if 'presendParams' in test_case and isinstance(test_case['presendParams'], dict):
# dict 先转 str,方便全局变量替换
test_case['presendParams'] = str(test_case['presendParams'])
# 全局替换
test_case['presendParams'] = common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=test_case['presendParams'],
# 转回 dict
test_case['presendParams'] = ast.literal_eval(test_case['presendParams'])
json_data = test_case['presendParams']
if 'headers' in test_case and not test_case['headers'] in ["", None, {}, {'': ''}]:
if isinstance(test_case['headers'], list):
for header in test_case['headers']:
if not header['name'].strip() == '':
headers[header['name']] = \
common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=header['value'], global_var_dic=self.global_vars) \
if isinstance(header['value'], str) else headers[header['name']]
raise TypeError('headers must be list!')
if 'setGlobalVars' in test_case and not test_case['setGlobalVars'] in [[], {}, "", None]:
set_global_vars = test_case['setGlobalVars']
if 'requestProtocol' in test_case and 'route' in test_case:
test_case['route'] = \
common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=test_case['route'], global_var_dic=self.global_vars) \
if isinstance(test_case['route'], str) else test_case['route']
url = '%s://%s%s' % (test_case['requestProtocol'].lower(), domain, test_case['route'])
if 'requestMethod' in test_case:
method = test_case['requestMethod']
if 'presendParams' in test_case and isinstance(test_case['presendParams'], dict):
# dict 先转 str,方便全局变量替换
test_case['presendParams'] = str(test_case['presendParams'])
# 全局替换
test_case['presendParams'] = common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=test_case['presendParams'],
# 转回 dict
test_case['presendParams'] = ast.literal_eval(test_case['presendParams'])
json_data = test_case['presendParams']
headers = None if headers == {} else headers
if 'headers' in test_case and not test_case['headers'] in ["", None, {}, {'': ''}]:
if isinstance(test_case['headers'], list):
for header in test_case['headers']:
if not header['name'].strip() == '':
headers[header['name']] = \
global_var_dic=self.global_vars) \
if isinstance(header['value'], str) else headers[header['name']]
raise TypeError('headers must be list!')
test_case['cookies'] = []
for key, value in session.cookies.items():
cookie_dic = dict()
cookie_dic['name'] = key
cookie_dic['value'] = value
if 'setGlobalVars' in test_case and not test_case['setGlobalVars'] in [[], {}, "", None]:
set_global_vars = test_case['setGlobalVars']
headers = None if headers == {} else headers
test_case['cookies'] = []
for key, value in session.cookies.items():
cookie_dic = dict()
cookie_dic['name'] = key
cookie_dic['value'] = value
except BaseException as e:
returned_data["status"] = 'failed'
returned_data["testConclusion"].append('测试前置准备失败, 错误信息: <%s> ' % e)
return returned_data
......@@ -191,7 +201,7 @@ class tester:
response = session.request(url=url, method=method, json=json_data, headers=headers,
verify=False) if use_json_data \
else session.request(url=url, method=method, data=json_data, headers=headers, verify=False)
# print(response.headers) TODO 请求头断言
except BaseException as e:
returned_data["status"] = 'failed'
returned_data["testConclusion"].append('请求失败, 错误信息: <%s> ' % e)
......@@ -204,8 +214,10 @@ class tester:
returned_data["responseData"] = response.text
response_json = json.loads(response.text) if isinstance(response.text, str) \
and response.text.strip() else {}
except BaseException as e:
if set_global_vars and isinstance(set_global_vars, list):
......@@ -328,6 +340,10 @@ class tester:
if regex.strip() == '':
query = crd['query']
# query 支持全局变量替换
for index, single_query in enumerate(query):
query[index] = common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=single_query,
real_value = common.dict_get(response_json, query)
if real_value is None:
returned_data["status"] = 'failed'
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