提交 4cef0a22 编写于 作者: L Liangliang Zhang 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

Planning: use linear interpolation as default method.

上级 c49a2964
......@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ namespace apollo {
namespace common {
namespace math {
using apollo::common::PathPoint;
using apollo::common::TrajectoryPoint;
double slerp(const double a0, const double t0, const double a1, const double t1,
const double t) {
if (std::abs(t1 - t0) <= kMathEpsilon) {
......@@ -48,12 +45,22 @@ double slerp(const double a0, const double t0, const double a1, const double t1,
return NormalizeAngle(a);
SLPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const SLPoint &p0,
const SLPoint &p1, const double w) {
CHECK_GE(w, 0.0);
SLPoint p;
p.set_s((1 - w) * p0.s() + w * p1.s());
p.set_l((1 - w) * p0.l() + w * p1.l());
return p;
PathPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const PathPoint &p0,
const PathPoint &p1,
const double s) {
double s0 = p0.s();
double s1 = p1.s();
CHECK(s0 < s1);
CHECK_LE(s0, s1);
PathPoint path_point;
double weight = (s - s0) / (s1 - s0);
......@@ -91,22 +98,18 @@ TrajectoryPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const TrajectoryPoint &tp0,
double t1 = tp1.relative_time();
TrajectoryPoint tp;
tp.set_v(common::math::lerp(tp0.v(), t0, tp1.v(), t1, t));
tp.set_a(common::math::lerp(tp0.a(), t0, tp1.a(), t1, t));
tp.set_v(lerp(tp0.v(), t0, tp1.v(), t1, t));
tp.set_a(lerp(tp0.a(), t0, tp1.a(), t1, t));
PathPoint *path_point = tp.mutable_path_point();
path_point->set_x(common::math::lerp(pp0.x(), t0, pp1.x(), t1, t));
path_point->set_y(common::math::lerp(pp0.y(), t0, pp1.y(), t1, t));
common::math::lerp(pp0.theta(), t0, pp1.theta(), t1, t));
common::math::lerp(pp0.kappa(), t0, pp1.kappa(), t1, t));
common::math::lerp(pp0.dkappa(), t0, pp1.dkappa(), t1, t));
common::math::lerp(pp0.ddkappa(), t0, pp1.ddkappa(), t1, t));
path_point->set_s(common::math::lerp(pp0.s(), t0, pp1.s(), t1, t));
path_point->set_x(lerp(pp0.x(), t0, pp1.x(), t1, t));
path_point->set_y(lerp(pp0.y(), t0, pp1.y(), t1, t));
path_point->set_theta(lerp(pp0.theta(), t0, pp1.theta(), t1, t));
path_point->set_kappa(lerp(pp0.kappa(), t0, pp1.kappa(), t1, t));
path_point->set_dkappa(lerp(pp0.dkappa(), t0, pp1.dkappa(), t1, t));
path_point->set_ddkappa(lerp(pp0.ddkappa(), t0, pp1.ddkappa(), t1, t));
path_point->set_s(lerp(pp0.s(), t0, pp1.s(), t1, t));
return tp;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace math {
* @return Interpolated point.
template <typename T>
T lerp(const T& x0, const double t0, const T& x1, const double t1,
T lerp(const T &x0, const double t0, const T &x1, const double t1,
const double t) {
if (std::abs(t1 - t0) <= 1.0e-6) {
AERROR << "input time difference is too small";
......@@ -71,12 +71,16 @@ T lerp(const T& x0, const double t0, const T& x1, const double t1,
double slerp(const double a0, const double t0, const double a1, const double t1,
const double t);
apollo::common::PathPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(
const common::PathPoint &p0, const common::PathPoint &p1, const double s);
SLPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const SLPoint &p0,
const SLPoint &p1, const double w);
apollo::common::TrajectoryPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(
const common::TrajectoryPoint &tp0, const common::TrajectoryPoint &tp1,
const double t);
PathPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const PathPoint &p0,
const PathPoint &p1,
const double s);
TrajectoryPoint InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(const TrajectoryPoint &tp0,
const TrajectoryPoint &tp1,
const double t);
} // namespace math
} // namespace common
......@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ double DiscretizedPath::Length() const {
return path_points_.back().s() - path_points_.front().s();
common::PathPoint DiscretizedPath::EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(
const double path_s) const {
common::PathPoint DiscretizedPath::Evaluate(const double path_s) const {
auto it_lower = QueryLowerBound(path_s);
if (it_lower == path_points_.begin()) {
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class DiscretizedPath {
const common::PathPoint& EndPoint() const;
common::PathPoint EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(const double path_s) const;
common::PathPoint Evaluate(const double path_s) const;
const std::vector<common::PathPoint>& path_points() const;
......@@ -46,23 +46,22 @@ TEST(DiscretizedPathTest, basic_test) {
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(discretized_path.Length(), std::sqrt(1.0 + 1.0) * 3.0);
auto eval_p1 = discretized_path.EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(0.0);
auto eval_p1 = discretized_path.Evaluate(0.0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p1.s(), 0.0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p1.x(), 0.0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p1.y(), 0.0);
auto eval_p2 =
discretized_path.EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(0.3 * std::sqrt(2.0));
auto eval_p2 = discretized_path.Evaluate(0.3 * std::sqrt(2.0));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p2.s(), 0.3 * std::sqrt(2.0));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p2.x(), 0.3);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p2.y(), 0.3);
auto eval_p3 = discretized_path.EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(1.8);
auto eval_p3 = discretized_path.Evaluate(1.8);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p3.s(), 1.8);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p3.x(), (1.0 + 0.8) / std::sqrt(2));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p3.y(), (1.0 + 0.8) / std::sqrt(2));
auto eval_p4 = discretized_path.EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(2.5);
auto eval_p4 = discretized_path.Evaluate(2.5);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p4.s(), 2.5);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p4.x(), (2.0 + 0.5) / std::sqrt(2));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(eval_p4.y(), (2.0 + 0.5) / std::sqrt(2));
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void PathData::SetReferenceLine(const ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
bool PathData::GetPathPointWithPathS(
const double s, common::PathPoint *const path_point) const {
*path_point = discretized_path_.EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(s);
*path_point = discretized_path_.Evaluate(s);
return true;
......@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ bool PathData::GetPathPointWithRefS(const double ref_s,
discretized_path_.path_points().at(index).s() +
r * (discretized_path_.path_points().at(index + 1).s() -
return true;
......@@ -37,126 +37,6 @@ using common::SpeedPoint;
using common::TrajectoryPoint;
using common::adapter::AdapterManager;
PathPoint Interpolate(const PathPoint &p0, const PathPoint &p1,
const double s) {
double s0 = p0.s();
double s1 = p1.s();
CHECK(s0 <= s && s <= s1);
double theta_diff = common::math::NormalizeAngle(p1.theta() - p0.theta());
std::array<double, 3> gx0{{0.0, p0.kappa(), p0.dkappa()}};
std::array<double, 3> gx1{{theta_diff, p1.kappa(), p1.dkappa()}};
HermiteSpline<double, 5> geometry_spline(gx0, gx1, s0, s1);
auto func_cos_theta = [&geometry_spline, &p0](const double s) {
auto theta = geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s) + p0.theta();
return std::cos(theta);
auto func_sin_theta = [&geometry_spline, &p0](const double s) {
auto theta = geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s) + p0.theta();
return std::sin(theta);
double x =
p0.x() + common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_cos_theta, s0, s);
double y =
p0.y() + common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_sin_theta, s0, s);
double theta =
common::math::NormalizeAngle(geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s) + p0.theta());
double kappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(1, s);
double dkappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(2, s);
double d2kappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(3, s);
PathPoint p;
return p;
TrajectoryPoint Interpolate(const TrajectoryPoint &tp0,
const TrajectoryPoint &tp1, const double t) {
if (std::fabs(tp1.path_point().s() - tp0.path_point().s()) < 1.0e-4) {
return tp1;
const PathPoint &pp0 = tp0.path_point();
const PathPoint &pp1 = tp1.path_point();
double t0 = tp0.relative_time();
double t1 = tp1.relative_time();
std::array<double, 2> dx0{{tp0.v(), tp0.a()}};
std::array<double, 2> dx1{{tp1.v(), tp1.a()}};
HermiteSpline<double, 3> dynamic_spline(dx0, dx1, t0, t1);
double s0 = 0.0;
auto func_v = [&dynamic_spline](const double t) {
return dynamic_spline.Evaluate(0, t);
double s1 = common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_v, t0, t1);
double s = common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_v, t0, t);
if (std::fabs(tp0.path_point().s() - s1) < 1.0e-4) {
return tp1;
double v = dynamic_spline.Evaluate(0, t);
double a = dynamic_spline.Evaluate(1, t);
std::array<double, 2> gx0{{pp0.theta(), pp0.kappa()}};
std::array<double, 2> gx1{{pp1.theta(), pp1.kappa()}};
HermiteSpline<double, 3> geometry_spline(gx0, gx1, s0, s1);
auto func_cos_theta = [&geometry_spline](const double s) {
auto theta = geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s);
return std::cos(theta);
auto func_sin_theta = [&geometry_spline](const double s) {
auto theta = geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s);
return std::sin(theta);
double x = pp0.x() +
common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_cos_theta, s0, s);
double y = pp0.y() +
common::math::IntegrateByGaussLegendre<5>(func_sin_theta, s0, s);
double theta = geometry_spline.Evaluate(0, s);
double kappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(1, s);
double dkappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(2, s);
double d2kappa = geometry_spline.Evaluate(3, s);
TrajectoryPoint tp;
PathPoint *path_point = tp.mutable_path_point();
// check the diff of computed s1 and p1.s()?
return tp;
common::SLPoint Interpolate(const common::SLPoint &start,
const common::SLPoint &end, const double weight) {
common::SLPoint point;
double s = start.s() * (1 - weight) + end.s() * weight;
double l = start.l() * (1 - weight) + end.l() * weight;
return point;
PlanningStatus *GetPlanningStatus() {
static PlanningStatus status;
return &status;
......@@ -35,15 +35,6 @@ namespace apollo {
namespace planning {
namespace util {
common::SLPoint Interpolate(const common::SLPoint &start,
const common::SLPoint &end, const double weight);
common::PathPoint Interpolate(const common::PathPoint &p0,
const common::PathPoint &p1, const double s);
common::TrajectoryPoint Interpolate(const common::TrajectoryPoint &tp0,
const common::TrajectoryPoint &tp1,
const double t);
* This function returns the run-time state of the planning module.
* @Warnning: this function is not thread safe.
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ DiscretizedTrajectory::DiscretizedTrajectory(const ADCTrajectory& trajectory) {
TrajectoryPoint DiscretizedTrajectory::EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(
TrajectoryPoint DiscretizedTrajectory::Evaluate(
const double relative_time) const {
auto comp = [](const TrajectoryPoint& p, const double relative_time) {
return p.relative_time() < relative_time;
......@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ class DiscretizedTrajectory : public Trajectory {
double GetSpatialLength() const override;
virtual common::TrajectoryPoint EvaluateUsingLinearApproximation(
const double relative_time) const;
common::TrajectoryPoint Evaluate(const double relative_time) const override;
virtual uint32_t QueryNearestPoint(const double relative_time) const;
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ class Trajectory {
virtual ~Trajectory() = default;
virtual common::TrajectoryPoint Evaluate(
const double relative_time) const = 0;
virtual common::TrajectoryPoint StartPoint() const = 0;
virtual double GetTemporalLength() const = 0;
......@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ void TrajectoryStitcher::TransformLastPublishedTrajectory(
const double time_diff = current_time - prev_trajectory->header_time();
auto matched_point =
auto matched_point = prev_trajectory->Evaluate(time_diff);
if (!matched_point.has_path_point()) {
......@@ -163,8 +162,7 @@ std::vector<TrajectoryPoint> TrajectoryStitcher::ComputeStitchingTrajectory(
return ComputeReinitStitchingTrajectory(vehicle_state);
auto matched_point =
auto matched_point = prev_trajectory->Evaluate(veh_rel_time);
if (!matched_point.has_path_point()) {
return ComputeReinitStitchingTrajectory(vehicle_state);
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "modules/common/configs/vehicle_config_helper.h"
#include "modules/common/macro.h"
#include "modules/common/math/linear_interpolation.h"
#include "modules/common/util/util.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/planning_gflags.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/planning_util.h"
......@@ -339,8 +340,10 @@ std::pair<double, double> QpFrenetFrame::MapLateralConstraint(
weight_front = (s_front - start.s()) / (end.s() - start.s());
common::SLPoint front = util::Interpolate(start, end, weight_front);
common::SLPoint back = util::Interpolate(start, end, weight_back);
common::SLPoint front = common::math::InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(
start, end, weight_front);
common::SLPoint back = common::math::InterpolateUsingLinearApproximation(
start, end, weight_back);
if (nudge_type == ObjectNudge::RIGHT_NUDGE) {
result.second = std::min(front.l(), back.l());
......@@ -397,9 +397,8 @@ bool StBoundaryMapper::GetOverlapBoundaryPoints(
const double step_length = vehicle_param_.front_edge_to_center();
for (double path_s = 0.0; path_s < discretized_path.Length();
path_s += step_length) {
const auto curr_adc_path_point =
path_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
const auto curr_adc_path_point = discretized_path.Evaluate(
path_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
if (CheckOverlap(curr_adc_path_point, obs_box,
st_boundary_config_.boundary_buffer())) {
// found overlap, start searching with higher resolution
......@@ -422,9 +421,8 @@ bool StBoundaryMapper::GetOverlapBoundaryPoints(
if (!find_low) {
const auto& point_low =
low_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
const auto& point_low = discretized_path.Evaluate(
low_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
if (!CheckOverlap(point_low, obs_box,
st_boundary_config_.boundary_buffer())) {
low_s += fine_tuning_step_length;
......@@ -433,9 +431,8 @@ bool StBoundaryMapper::GetOverlapBoundaryPoints(
if (!find_high) {
const auto& point_high =
high_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
const auto& point_high = discretized_path.Evaluate(
high_s + discretized_path.StartPoint().s());
if (!CheckOverlap(point_high, obs_box,
st_boundary_config_.boundary_buffer())) {
high_s -= fine_tuning_step_length;
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