未验证 提交 5ddf4e37 编写于 作者: J Jinyun Zhou 提交者: GitHub

Planning: fix collision check in grid_search (#11524)

上级 52f7999f
......@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ bool GridSearch::CheckConstraints(std::shared_ptr<Node2d> node) {
for (const auto& obstacle_linesegments : obstacles_linesegments_vec_) {
for (const common::math::LineSegment2d& linesegment :
obstacle_linesegments) {
if (linesegment.DistanceTo({node->GetGridX(), node->GetGridY()}) <
node_radius_) {
if (linesegment.DistanceTo({node->GetX(), node->GetY()}) < node_radius_) {
return false;
......@@ -58,34 +57,42 @@ bool GridSearch::CheckConstraints(std::shared_ptr<Node2d> node) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> GridSearch::GenerateNextNodes(
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node) {
double current_node_x = current_node->GetGridX();
double current_node_y = current_node->GetGridY();
double current_node_x = current_node->GetX();
double current_node_y = current_node->GetY();
double current_node_path_cost = current_node->GetPathCost();
double diagonal_distance = std::sqrt(2.0);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes;
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up =
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x, current_node_y + xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_,
up->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up_right = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
current_node_x + xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y + xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
up_right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> right =
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y, XYbounds_);
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x + xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down_right = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
current_node_x + xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y - xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
down_right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down =
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x, current_node_y - xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_,
down->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down_left = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
current_node_x - xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y - xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
down_left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> left =
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y, XYbounds_);
std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x - xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up_left = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
current_node_x - xy_grid_resolution_,
current_node_y + xy_grid_resolution_, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
up_left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
......@@ -41,16 +41,12 @@ class Node2d {
Node2d(const double x, const double y, const double xy_resolution,
const std::vector<double>& XYbounds) {
// XYbounds with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
x_ = x;
y_ = y;
grid_x_ = static_cast<int>((x - XYbounds[0]) / xy_resolution);
grid_y_ = static_cast<int>((y - XYbounds[2]) / xy_resolution);
index_ = ComputeStringIndex(grid_x_, grid_y_);
Node2d(const int grid_x, const int grid_y,
const std::vector<double>& XYbounds) {
grid_x_ = grid_x;
grid_y_ = grid_y;
index_ = ComputeStringIndex(grid_x_, grid_y_);
void SetPathCost(const double path_cost) {
path_cost_ = path_cost;
cost_ = path_cost_ + heuristic_;
......@@ -61,6 +57,8 @@ class Node2d {
void SetCost(const double cost) { cost_ = cost; }
void SetPreNode(std::shared_ptr<Node2d> pre_node) { pre_node_ = pre_node; }
double GetX() const { return x_; }
double GetY() const { return y_; }
double GetGridX() const { return grid_x_; }
double GetGridY() const { return grid_y_; }
double GetPathCost() const { return path_cost_; }
......@@ -86,6 +84,8 @@ class Node2d {
double x_ = 0.0;
double y_ = 0.0;
int grid_x_ = 0;
int grid_y_ = 0;
double path_cost_ = 0.0;
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