提交 c2ebd7b7 编写于 作者: L lichongchong16 提交者: Qi Luo

revise the pandora website

上级 6f9049f3
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ The 40 line LiDAR system **Pandora** is available from Hesai Photonics Technolog
- 360° surrounding view with 4 mono cameras and long disatance front view with 1 color camera
![online](images/online_icon.png)Webpage for Hesai Pandora:
## Cameras
......@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ Each Pandora includes a cable bundle to connect the LiDAR to the power supply, t
![online_icon](images/online_icon.png)Pandora Manual can be found on this webpage:
### Installing the Cameras
......@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::AddInstanceIntoLaneObjectImage(
lane_object->longitude_end =
std::max(lane_object->pos.back().y(), lane_object->longitude_end);
// ADEBUG << " point " << lane_object->point_num << " = "
// << "(" << lane_object->pos.back()(0) << ", "
// << lane_object->pos.back()(1) << "), "
// << "(" << lane_object->image_pos.back()(0) << ", "
// << lane_object->image_pos.back()(1) << ")";
ADEBUG << " point " << lane_object->point_num << " = "
<< "(" << lane_object->pos.back()(0) << ", "
<< lane_object->pos.back()(1) << "), "
<< "(" << lane_object->image_pos.back()(0) << ", "
<< lane_object->image_pos.back()(1) << ")";
......@@ -370,17 +370,17 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::AddInstanceIntoLaneObjectImage(
lane_object->longitude_end =
std::max(lane_object->pos.back().y(), lane_object->longitude_end);
// ADEBUG << " point " << lane_object->point_num << " = "
// << "(" << lane_object->pos.back()(0) << ", "
// << lane_object->pos.back()(1) << "), "
// << "(" << lane_object->image_pos.back()(0) << ", "
// << lane_object->image_pos.back()(1) << ")";
ADEBUG << " point " << lane_object->point_num << " = "
<< "(" << lane_object->pos.back()(0) << ", "
<< lane_object->pos.back()(1) << "), "
<< "(" << lane_object->image_pos.back()(0) << ", "
<< lane_object->image_pos.back()(1) << ")";
i_prev = i;
// ADEBUG << "longitude_start = " << lane_object->longitude_start;
// ADEBUG << "longitude_end = " << lane_object->longitude_end;
ADEBUG << "longitude_start = " << lane_object->longitude_start;
ADEBUG << "longitude_end = " << lane_object->longitude_end;
if (lane_object->point_num != lane_object->pos.size() ||
lane_object->point_num != lane_object->orie.size() ||
......@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::AddInstanceIntoLaneObjectImage(
// fit polynomial model and compute lateral distance for lane object
// ADEBUG << "max_size_to_fit_straight_line = "
// << options_.frame.max_size_to_fit_straight_line;
ADEBUG << "max_size_to_fit_straight_line = "
<< options_.frame.max_size_to_fit_straight_line;
if (lane_object->point_num < 3 ||
lane_object->longitude_end - lane_object->longitude_start <
options_.frame.max_size_to_fit_straight_line) {
......@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::GenerateLaneInstances(const cv::Mat &lane_map) {
cv::Mat lane_mask;
if (lane_map.type() == CV_32FC1) {
// confidence heatmap
// ADEBUG << "confidence threshold = " << options_.lane_map_conf_thresh;
// ADEBUG << "lane map size = "
// << "(" << lane_map.cols << ", " << lane_map.rows << ")";
ADEBUG << "confidence threshold = " << options_.lane_map_conf_thresh;
ADEBUG << "lane map size = "
<< "(" << lane_map.cols << ", " << lane_map.rows << ")";
lane_mask.create(lane_map.rows, lane_map.cols, CV_8UC1);
for (int h = 0; h < lane_mask.rows; ++h) {
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::GenerateLaneInstances(const cv::Mat &lane_map) {
vector<ConnectedComponentPtr> cc_list;
cc_generator_->FindConnectedComponents(lane_mask, &cc_list);
// ADEBUG << "number of connected components = " << cc_list.size();
ADEBUG << "number of connected components = " << cc_list.size();
// 3. split CC and find inner edges
int tot_inner_edge_count = 0;
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::Process(const cv::Mat &lane_map,
bool is_right_lane_found = false;
for (auto it = cur_lane_instances_->begin();
it != cur_lane_instances_->end(); ++it) {
// ADEBUG << "for lane instance " << it - cur_lane_instances_->begin();
ADEBUG << "for lane instance " << it - cur_lane_instances_->begin();
if (is_left_lane_found && is_right_lane_found) {
......@@ -564,10 +564,10 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::Process(const cv::Mat &lane_map,
is_right_lane_found = true;
// ADEBUG << " lane object " << (*lane_objects)->back().GetSpatialLabel()
// << " has " << (*lane_objects)->back().pos.size() << " points: "
// << "lateral distance = "
// << (*lane_objects)->back().lateral_distance;
ADEBUG << " lane object " << (*lane_objects)->back().GetSpatialLabel()
<< " has " << (*lane_objects)->back().pos.size() << " points: "
<< "lateral distance = "
<< (*lane_objects)->back().lateral_distance;
} else {
......@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::Process(const cv::Mat &lane_map,
// ADEBUG << "number of lane objects = " << (*lane_objects)->size();
ADEBUG << "number of lane objects = " << (*lane_objects)->size();
// if (options_.space_type != SpaceType::IMAGE) {
// if (!CompensateLaneObjects((*lane_objects))) {
// AERROR << "fail to compensate lane objects.";
......@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::Process(const cv::Mat &lane_map,
// }
// ADEBUG << "use_lane_history_: " << use_history_;
ADEBUG << "use_lane_history_: " << use_history_;
if (use_history_) {
// FilterWithLaneHistory(*lane_objects);
std::vector<bool> is_valid(generated_lanes_->size(), false);
......@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ bool CCLanePostProcessor::CompensateLaneObjects(LaneObjectsPtr lane_objects) {
if (!has_ego_lane_right) {
// ADEBUG << "add virtual lane R_0 ...";
ADEBUG << "add virtual lane R_0 ...";
if (ego_lane_left_idx == -1) {
AERROR << "failed to compensate right ego lane due to no left ego lane.";
return false;
load("//tools:cpplint.bzl", "cpplint")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "low_object_filter",
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