提交 2165e57e 编写于 作者: C Corey Schafer

Uploaded Beginner Code Snippets

上级 950c2943
condition = 'Test'
if condition:
print('Evaluated to True')
print('Evaluated to False')
# Comparisons:
# Equal: ==
# Not Equal: !=
# Greater Than: >
# Less Than: <
# Greater or Equal: >=
# Less or Equal: <=
# Object Identity: is
# False Values:
# False
# None
# Zero of any numeric type
# Any empty sequence. For example, '', (), [].
# Any empty mapping. For example, {}.
condition = False
if condition:
print('Evaluated to True')
print('Evaluated to False')
student = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'courses': ['Math', 'CompSci']}
for key, value in student.items():
print(key, value)
# Number of days per month. First value placeholder for indexing purposes.
month_days = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
def is_leap(year):
"""Return True for leap years, False for non-leap years."""
return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0)
def days_in_month(year, month):
"""Return number of days in that month in that year."""
# year 2017
# month 2
if not 1 <= month <= 12:
return 'Invalid Month'
if month == 2 and is_leap(year):
return 29
return month_days[month]
print(days_in_month(2017, 2))
# Number of days per month. First value placeholder for indexing purposes.
month_days = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
def is_leap(year):
"""Return True for leap years, False for non-leap years."""
return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0)
def days_in_month(year, month):
"""Return number of days in that month in that year."""
if not 1 <= month <= 12:
return 'Invalid Month'
if month == 2 and is_leap(year):
return 29
return month_days[month]
courses = ['History', 'Math', 'Physics', 'CompSci']
print('Imported my_module...')
test = 'Test String'
def find_index(to_search, target):
'''Find the index of a value in a sequence'''
for i, value in enumerate(to_search):
if value == target:
return i
return -1
num_1 = '100'
num_2 = '200'
num_1 = int(num_1)
num_2 = int(num_2)
print(num_1 + num_2)
# Arithmetic Operators:
# Addition: 3 + 2
# Subtraction: 3 - 2
# Multiplication: 3 * 2
# Division: 3 / 2
# Floor Division: 3 // 2
# Exponent: 3 ** 2
# Modulus: 3 % 2
# Comparisons:
# Equal: 3 == 2
# Not Equal: 3 != 2
# Greater Than: 3 > 2
# Less Than: 3 < 2
# Greater or Equal: 3 >= 2
# Less or Equal: 3 <= 2
# Empty Lists
empty_list = []
empty_list = list()
# Empty Tuples
empty_tuple = ()
empty_tuple = tuple()
# Empty Sets
empty_set = {} # This isn't right! It's a dict
empty_set = set()
# Mutable
list_1 = ['History', 'Math', 'Physics', 'CompSci']
list_2 = list_1
# list_1[0] = 'Art'
# print(list_1)
# print(list_2)
# Immutable
# tuple_1 = ('History', 'Math', 'Physics', 'CompSci')
# tuple_2 = tuple_1
# print(tuple_1)
# print(tuple_2)
# tuple_1[0] = 'Art'
# print(tuple_1)
# print(tuple_2)
# Sets
cs_courses = {'History', 'Math', 'Physics', 'CompSci'}
# Empty Lists
empty_list = []
empty_list = list()
# Empty Tuples
empty_tuple = ()
empty_tuple = tuple()
# Empty Sets
empty_set = {} # This isn't right! It's a dict
empty_set = set()
x = 0
while True:
# if x == 5:
# break
x += 1
greeting = 'Hello'
name = 'Michael'
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