提交 3f3c3b51 编写于 作者: H hot13399

update README

上级 98521c72
Spring-mvc-mini is a mini project using Spring MVC.
Spring-mvc-mini是一个轻量的项目,基于Spring MVC.
下面是Spring MVC的Guide页面,这个项目很多是基于它编写的。
In this project, you can see the code of:
* spring-webmvc
......@@ -18,42 +14,31 @@ In this project, you can see the code of:
* dom4j
* spring scheduler
To run the application:
From the command line with Maven:
$ cd spring-mvc-mini
$ mvn tomcat7:run [-Dmaven.tomcat.port=<port no.>] (In case 8080 is busy]
To contribute to this project:
In your preferred IDE such as Eclipse:
$ cd spring-mvc-mini
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
Import spring-mvc-mini as a Maven Project
Access the deployed web application at: http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-mini
If you want to deploy this project to Linux server, you might need to edit conf files:
$ spring-oss-mini\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\spring\appServlet\servlet-context.xml:<context:property-placeholder
$ location="file:/opt/web/spring-mvc-mini/resources/application.properties"/>
$ spring-oss-mini\src\main\resources\logback.xml
......@@ -62,3 +47,37 @@ If you want to deploy this project to Linux server, you might need to edit conf
最后通过Maven build一个war包部署即可。
Spring-mvc-mini is a mini project using Spring MVC.
In this project, you can see the code of:
* spring-webmvc
* svnkit
* javax.mail
* jasypt
* dom4j
* spring scheduler
To run the application:
From the command line with Maven:
$ cd spring-mvc-mini
$ mvn tomcat7:run [-Dmaven.tomcat.port=<port no.>] (In case 8080 is busy]
Access the deployed web application at: http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-mini
To contribute to this project:
In your preferred IDE such as Eclipse:
$ cd spring-mvc-mini
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
Import spring-mvc-mini as a Maven Project
If you want to deploy this project to Linux server, you might need to edit conf files:
$ spring-oss-mini\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\spring\appServlet\servlet-context.xml:<context:property-placeholder
$ location="file:/opt/web/spring-mvc-mini/resources/application.properties"/>
$ spring-oss-mini\src\main\resources\logback.xml
$ spring-oss-mini\resources\application.properties
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