提交 5919ee78 编写于 作者: A Anders F Björklund

Add basic documentation for minikube image command

Using the image command is an alternative to using the
different environment cmds for the different clients.
上级 ff0e25ad
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Pushing images"
weight: 5
description: >
comparing 6 ways to push your image into a minikube cluster.
comparing 8 ways to push your image into a minikube cluster.
- /docs/tasks/building
- /docs/tasks/caching
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Here is a comparison table to help you choose:
| [docker-env command](/docs/handbook/pushing/#1pushing-directly-to-the-in-cluster-docker-daemon-docker-env) | only docker | good |
| [podman-env command](/docs/handbook/pushing/#3-pushing-directly-to-in-cluster-crio-podman-env) | only cri-o | good |
| [buildctl command](/docs/handbook/pushing/#6-pushing-directly-to-in-cluster-containerd-buildkitd) | only containerd | good |
| [image load command](/docs/handbook/pushing/#7-loading-directly-to-in-cluster-container-runtime) | all | ok |
| [image build command](/docs/handbook/pushing/#8-building-images-to-in-cluster-container-runtime) | all | ok |
| [cache add command]({{< ref "/docs/commands/cache.md#minikube-cache-add" >}}) | all | ok |
| [registry addon](/docs/handbook/pushing/#4-pushing-to-an-in-cluster-using-registry-addon) | all | ok |
| [minikube ssh](/docs/handbook/pushing/#5-building-images-inside-of-minikube-using-ssh) | all | best |
......@@ -300,3 +302,33 @@ buildctl --addr unix://buildkitd.sock build \
now you can 'build' against the storage inside minikube. which is instantly accessible to kubernetes cluster.
## 7. Loading directly to in-cluster container runtime
The minikube client will talk directly to the container runtime in the
cluster, and run the load commands there - against the same storage.
minikube image load my_image
For more information, see:
* [Reference: image load command]({{< ref "/docs/commands/image.md#minikube-image-load" >}})
## 8. Building images to in-cluster container runtime
The minikube client will talk directly to the container runtime in the
cluster, and run the build commands there - against the same storage.
minikube image build -t my_image .
For more information, see:
* [Reference: image build command]({{< ref "/docs/commands/image.md#minikube-image-build" >}})
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