提交 88e72ca9 编写于 作者: M Medya Gh

fix broken docs link

上级 afab7c87
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The Docker driver allows you to install Kubernetes into an existing Docker insta
## Known Issues
- Docker driver is not supported on non-amd64 architectures such as arm yet. For non-amd64 archs please use [other drivers]({{< ref "/docs/drivers/" >}}
- Docker driver is not supported on non-amd64 architectures such as arm yet. For non-amd64 archs please use [other drivers]({{< ref "/docs/drivers/docker" >}}
- On macOS, containers might get hung and require a restart of Docker for Desktop. See [docker/for-mac#1835](https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/1835)
......@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ minikube start --driver=podman --container-runtime=cri-o
{{% readfile file="/docs/drivers/includes/podman_usage.inc" %}}
## Known Issues
- Podman driver is not supported on non-amd64 architectures such as arm yet. For non-amd64 archs please use [other drivers]({{< ref "/docs/drivers/" >}}
- Podman driver is not supported on non-amd64 architectures such as arm yet. For non-amd64 archs please use [other drivers]({{< ref "/docs/drivers/podman" >}}
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