未验证 提交 3484f251 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #3005 from taosdata/feature/os

......@@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ static void doFillResult(SSqlObj *pSql, SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, bool doneO
if (pQueryInfo->limit.limit >= 0 && pRes->numOfRowsGroup > pQueryInfo->limit.limit) {
/* impose the limitation of output rows on the final result */
int32_t prevSize = pFinalDataPage->num;
int32_t overflow = pRes->numOfRowsGroup - pQueryInfo->limit.limit;
int32_t prevSize = (int32_t)pFinalDataPage->num;
int32_t overflow = (int32_t)(pRes->numOfRowsGroup - pQueryInfo->limit.limit);
assert(overflow < pRes->numOfRows);
pRes->numOfRowsGroup = pQueryInfo->limit.limit;
......@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ static void doFillResult(SSqlObj *pSql, SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, bool doneO
if (pRes->numOfRows > 0) {
if (pQueryInfo->limit.limit >= 0 && pRes->numOfRows > pQueryInfo->limit.limit) {
int32_t overflow = pRes->numOfRows - pQueryInfo->limit.limit;
int32_t overflow = (int32_t)(pRes->numOfRows - pQueryInfo->limit.limit);
pRes->numOfRows -= overflow;
pFinalDataPage->num -= overflow;
......@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ static int32_t handleArithmeticExpr(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t clauseIndex, int32_t
char* c = tbufGetData(&bw, true);
// set the serialized binary string as the parameter of arithmetic expression
addExprParams(pExpr, c, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, len, index.tableIndex);
addExprParams(pExpr, c, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, (int32_t)len, index.tableIndex);
insertResultField(pQueryInfo, exprIndex, &columnList, sizeof(double), TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, pExpr->aliasName, pExpr);
......@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ int32_t parseSelectClause(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t clauseIndex, tSQLExprList* pSel
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSelection->nExpr; ++i) {
int32_t outputIndex = tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t outputIndex = (int32_t)tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
tSQLExprItem* pItem = &pSelection->a[i];
// project on all fields
......@@ -3144,7 +3144,7 @@ static int32_t arithmeticExprToString(tSQLExpr* pExpr, char** str) {
int32_t code = doArithmeticExprToString(pExpr, str);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // remove out the parenthesis
int32_t len = strlen(start);
int32_t len = (int32_t)strlen(start);
memmove(start, start + 1, len - 2);
start[len - 2] = 0;
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ TAOS_RES* taos_query_c(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr, uint32_t sqlLen) {
TAOS_RES* taos_query(TAOS *taos, const char *sqlstr) {
return taos_query_c(taos, sqlstr, strlen(sqlstr));
return taos_query_c(taos, sqlstr, (uint32_t)strlen(sqlstr));
int taos_result_precision(TAOS_RES *res) {
......@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ void tscSetupOutputColumnIndex(SSqlObj* pSql) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
int32_t numOfExprs = tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
int32_t numOfExprs = (int32_t)tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pQueryInfo);
pRes->pColumnIndex = calloc(1, sizeof(SColumnIndex) * numOfExprs);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfExprs; ++i) {
......@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cm
// current sql function is not direct output result, so create a dummy output field
static void doSetNewFieldInfo(SQueryInfo* pNewQueryInfo, SSqlExpr* pExpr) {
TAOS_FIELD f = {.type = pExpr->resType, .bytes = pExpr->resBytes};
TAOS_FIELD f = {.type = (uint8_t)pExpr->resType, .bytes = pExpr->resBytes};
tstrncpy(f.name, pExpr->aliasName, sizeof(f.name));
SFieldSupInfo* pInfo1 = tscFieldInfoAppend(&pNewQueryInfo->fieldsInfo, &f);
......@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ static void doSetNewFieldInfo(SQueryInfo* pNewQueryInfo, SSqlExpr* pExpr) {
static void doSetSqlExprAndResultFieldInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SQueryInfo* pNewQueryInfo, int64_t uid) {
int32_t numOfOutput = tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pNewQueryInfo);
int32_t numOfOutput = (int32_t)tscSqlExprNumOfExprs(pNewQueryInfo);
if (numOfOutput == 0) {
......@@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ bool hasMoreVnodesToTry(SSqlObj* pSql) {
int32_t numOfVgroups = pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList->numOfVgroups;
if (pTableMetaInfo->pVgroupTables != NULL) {
numOfVgroups = taosArrayGetSize(pTableMetaInfo->pVgroupTables);
numOfVgroups = (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(pTableMetaInfo->pVgroupTables);
return tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0) &&
......@@ -2249,6 +2249,6 @@ bool tscSetSqlOwner(SSqlObj* pSql) {
void tscClearSqlOwner(SSqlObj* pSql) {
assert(pSql->owner != 0);
atomic_store_64(&pSql->owner, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ extern "C" {
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(pthread_t thread);
int64_t taosGetPthreadId();
void taosResetPthread(pthread_t *thread);
bool taosComparePthread(pthread_t first, pthread_t second);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
bool taosCheckPthreadValid(pthread_t thread) { return thread != 0; }
int64_t taosGetPthreadId() { return (int64_t)pthread_self(); }
void taosResetPthread(pthread_t *thread) { *thread = 0; }
bool taosComparePthread(pthread_t first, pthread_t second) { return first == second; }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,3 +32,7 @@ int64_t taosGetPthreadId() {
return (int64_t)pthread_self();
bool taosComparePthread(pthread_t first, pthread_t second) {
return first.p == second.p;
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ enum {
typedef struct SQInfo {
void* signature;
int32_t code; // error code to returned to client
pthread_t owner; // if it is in execution
int64_t owner; // if it is in execution
void* tsdb;
int32_t vgId;
STableGroupInfo tableGroupInfo; // table id list < only includes the STable list>
......@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ static void finalizeQueryResult(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv);
(tw)->ekey = (tw)->skey + ((_q)->intervalTime - 1); \
} while (0)
#define SET_STABLE_QUERY_OVER(_q) ((_q)->tableIndex = (_q)->tableqinfoGroupInfo.numOfTables)
#define IS_STASBLE_QUERY_OVER(_q) ((_q)->tableIndex >= (_q)->tableqinfoGroupInfo.numOfTables)
#define SET_STABLE_QUERY_OVER(_q) ((_q)->tableIndex = (int32_t)((_q)->tableqinfoGroupInfo.numOfTables))
#define IS_STASBLE_QUERY_OVER(_q) ((_q)->tableIndex >= (int32_t)((_q)->tableqinfoGroupInfo.numOfTables))
// todo move to utility
static int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *group);
......@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ static SWindowResult *doSetTimeWindowFromKey(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWin
if (pWindowResInfo->size >= pWindowResInfo->capacity) {
int64_t newCap = 0;
if (pWindowResInfo->capacity > 10000) {
newCap = pWindowResInfo->capacity * 1.25;
newCap = (int64_t)(pWindowResInfo->capacity * 1.25);
} else {
newCap = pWindowResInfo->capacity * 1.5;
newCap = (int64_t)(pWindowResInfo->capacity * 1.5);
char *t = realloc(pWindowResInfo->pResult, newCap * sizeof(SWindowResult));
......@@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@ void copyResToQueryResultBuf(SQInfo *pQInfo, SQuery *pQuery) {
memcpy(pDest + offset * bytes, pData->data + pRuntimeEnv->offset[i] * pData->num, bytes * pData->num);
offset += pData->num;
offset += (int32_t)pData->num;
assert(pQuery->rec.rows == 0);
......@@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@ void disableFuncInReverseScan(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
static void setupQueryRangeForReverseScan(SQInfo* pQInfo) {
SQuery* pQuery = pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery;
int32_t numOfGroups = GET_NUM_OF_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo);
int32_t numOfGroups = (int32_t)(GET_NUM_OF_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo));
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfGroups; ++i) {
SArray *group = GET_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo, i);
......@@ -6378,7 +6378,7 @@ static bool doBuildResCheck(SQInfo* pQInfo) {
// clear qhandle owner
assert(pQInfo->owner == pthread_self());
assert(pQInfo->owner == taosGetPthreadId());
pQInfo->owner = 0;
return buildRes;
......@@ -6387,7 +6387,7 @@ static bool doBuildResCheck(SQInfo* pQInfo) {
bool qTableQuery(qinfo_t qinfo) {
SQInfo *pQInfo = (SQInfo *)qinfo;
assert(pQInfo && pQInfo->signature == pQInfo);
int64_t threadId = pthread_self();
int64_t threadId = taosGetPthreadId();
int64_t curOwner = 0;
if ((curOwner = atomic_val_compare_exchange_64(&pQInfo->owner, 0, threadId)) != 0) {
......@@ -6549,7 +6549,7 @@ int32_t qKillQuery(qinfo_t qinfo) {
// Wait for the query executing thread being stopped/
// Once the query is stopped, the owner of qHandle will be cleared immediately.
while(pQInfo->owner != 0) {
while (pQInfo->owner != 0) {
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "queryLog.h"
#include "taoserror.h"
#define GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(_p) ((_p)->pData + POINTER_BYTES)
#define GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(_p) ((char *)(_p)->pData + POINTER_BYTES)
#define NO_IN_MEM_AVAILABLE_PAGES(_b) (listNEles((_b)->lruList) >= (_b)->inMemPages)
int32_t createDiskbasedResultBuffer(SDiskbasedResultBuf** pResultBuf, int32_t rowSize, int32_t pagesize,
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ static char* evicOneDataPage(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf) {
int32_t prev = pResultBuf->inMemPages;
// increase by 50% of previous mem pages
pResultBuf->inMemPages = pResultBuf->inMemPages * 1.5f;
pResultBuf->inMemPages = (int32_t)(pResultBuf->inMemPages * 1.5f);
qWarn("%p in memory buf page not sufficient, expand from %d to %d, page size:%d", pResultBuf, prev,
pResultBuf->inMemPages, pResultBuf->pageSize);
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ tFilePage* getNewDataBuf(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, int32_t groupId, int32
((void**)pi->pData)[0] = pi;
pi->used = true;
return GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(pi);
return (void *)(GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(pi));
tFilePage* getResBufPage(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, int32_t id) {
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ tFilePage* getResBufPage(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, int32_t id) {
// no need to update the LRU list if only one page exists
if (pResultBuf->numOfPages == 1) {
(*pi)->used = true;
return GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi);
return (void *)(GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi));
SPageInfo** pInfo = (SPageInfo**) ((*pi)->pn->data);
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ tFilePage* getResBufPage(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, int32_t id) {
lruListMoveToFront(pResultBuf->lruList, (*pi));
(*pi)->used = true;
return GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi);
return (void *)(GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi));
} else { // not in memory
assert((*pi)->pData == NULL && (*pi)->pn == NULL && (*pi)->info.length >= 0 && (*pi)->info.offset >= 0);
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ tFilePage* getResBufPage(SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, int32_t id) {
(*pi)->used = true;
loadPageFromDisk(pResultBuf, *pi);
return GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi);
return (void *)(GET_DATA_PAYLOAD(*pi));
......@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TSDB_REPO_T* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STab
STableCheckInfo info = {
.lastKey = pKeyInfo->lastKey,
.tableId = ((STable*)(pKeyInfo->pTable))->tableId,
.pTableObj = pKeyInfo->pTable,
info.tableId = ((STable*)(pKeyInfo->pTable))->tableId;
assert(info.pTableObj != NULL && (info.pTableObj->type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE ||
info.pTableObj->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE || info.pTableObj->type == TSDB_STREAM_TABLE));
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ SHashObj *taosHashInit(size_t capacity, _hash_fn_t fn, bool update, SHashLockTyp
void *p = calloc(pHashObj->capacity, sizeof(SHashEntry));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pHashObj->capacity; ++i) {
pHashObj->hashList[i] = p + i * sizeof(SHashEntry);
pHashObj->hashList[i] = (void *)((char *)p + i * sizeof(SHashEntry));
taosArrayPush(pHashObj->pMemBlock, &p);
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ SHashObj *taosHashInit(size_t capacity, _hash_fn_t fn, bool update, SHashLockTyp
size_t taosHashGetSize(const SHashObj *pHashObj) { return (pHashObj == NULL) ? 0 : pHashObj->size; }
int32_t taosHashPut(SHashObj *pHashObj, const void *key, size_t keyLen, void *data, size_t size) {
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, keyLen);
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, (uint32_t)keyLen);
SHashNode *pNewNode = doCreateHashNode(key, keyLen, data, size, hashVal);
if (pNewNode == NULL) {
return -1;
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void *taosHashGetCB(SHashObj *pHashObj, const void *key, size_t keyLen, void (*f
return NULL;
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, keyLen);
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, (uint32_t)keyLen);
// only add the read lock to disable the resize process
__rd_lock(&pHashObj->lock, pHashObj->type);
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ int32_t taosHashRemoveWithData(SHashObj *pHashObj, const void *key, size_t keyLe
return -1;
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, keyLen);
uint32_t hashVal = (*pHashObj->hashFp)(key, (uint32_t)keyLen);
// disable the resize process
__rd_lock(&pHashObj->lock, pHashObj->type);
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ int32_t taosHashCondTraverse(SHashObj *pHashObj, bool (*fp)(void *, void *), voi
// disable the resize process
__rd_lock(&pHashObj->lock, pHashObj->type);
int32_t numOfEntries = pHashObj->capacity;
int32_t numOfEntries = (int32_t)pHashObj->capacity;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfEntries; ++i) {
SHashEntry *pEntry = pHashObj->hashList[i];
if (pEntry->num == 0) {
......@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ void taosHashTableResize(SHashObj *pHashObj) {
SHashNode *pNode = NULL;
SHashNode *pNext = NULL;
int32_t newSize = pHashObj->capacity << 1u;
int32_t newSize = (int32_t)(pHashObj->capacity << 1u);
if (newSize > HASH_MAX_CAPACITY) {
// uDebug("current capacity:%d, maximum capacity:%d, no resize applied due to limitation is reached",
// pHashObj->capacity, HASH_MAX_CAPACITY);
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ void taosHashTableResize(SHashObj *pHashObj) {
void * p = calloc(inc, sizeof(SHashEntry));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < inc; ++i) {
pHashObj->hashList[i + pHashObj->capacity] = p + i * sizeof(SHashEntry);
pHashObj->hashList[i + pHashObj->capacity] = (void *)((char *)p + i * sizeof(SHashEntry));
taosArrayPush(pHashObj->pMemBlock, &p);
......@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ SHashNode *doCreateHashNode(const void *key, size_t keyLen, const void *pData, s
pNewNode->key = pNewNode->data + dsize;
memcpy(pNewNode->key, key, keyLen);
pNewNode->keyLen = keyLen;
pNewNode->keyLen = (uint32_t)keyLen;
pNewNode->hashVal = hashVal;
return pNewNode;
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void taosCacheReleaseNode(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, SCacheDataNo
pCacheObj->totalSize -= pNode->size;
int32_t size = taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
int32_t size = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
assert(size > 0);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, num:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes",
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ void taosCacheRelease(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, void **data, bool _remove) {
} else { // ref == 0
atomic_sub_fetch_64(&pCacheObj->totalSize, pNode->size);
int32_t size = taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
int32_t size = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, num:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes",
pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, pNode->size, size, pCacheObj->totalSize);
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ bool travHashTableFn(void* param, void* data) {
SCacheObj* pCacheObj= ps->pCacheObj;
SCacheDataNode* pNode = *(SCacheDataNode **) data;
if (pNode->expireTime < ps->time && T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode) <= 0) {
if ((int64_t)pNode->expireTime < ps->time && T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode) <= 0) {
taosCacheReleaseNode(pCacheObj, pNode);
// this node should be remove from hash table
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