提交 44111892 编写于 作者: T Tao Liu

[TD-1063] fix bugs

上级 4425db18
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extern char configDir[];
#define MAX_DATA_SIZE 16000
#define OPT_ABORT 1 /* –abort */
#define STRING_LEN 512
#define STRING_LEN 60000
#define MAX_PREPARED_RAND 1000000
/* The options we understand. */
......@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) {
strcasecmp(token, "BOOL") != 0 &&
strcasecmp(token, "SMALLINT") != 0 &&
strcasecmp(token, "BIGINT") != 0 &&
strcasecmp(token, "DOUBLE") != 0 && strcasecmp(token, "BINARY") && strcasecmp(arg, "NCHAR")) {
strcasecmp(token, "DOUBLE") != 0 && strcasecmp(token, "BINARY") && strcasecmp(token, "NCHAR")) {
argp_error(state, "Invalid data_type!");
sptr[index++] = token;
token = strsep(&running, ", ");
token = strsep(&running, ",");
if (index >= MAX_NUM_DATATYPE) break;
......@@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (strcasecmp(data_type[colIndex % count_data_type], "BINARY") != 0) {
len += snprintf(cols + len, STRING_LEN - len, ",f%d %s)", colIndex + 1, data_type[colIndex % count_data_type]);
if (strcasecmp(data_type[colIndex % count_data_type], "BINARY") != 0 && strcasecmp(data_type[colIndex % count_data_type], "NCHAR") != 0){
len += snprintf(cols + len, STRING_LEN - len, ",f%d %s", colIndex + 1, data_type[colIndex % count_data_type]);
} else {
len += snprintf(cols + len, STRING_LEN - len, ",f%d %s(%d))", colIndex + 1, data_type[colIndex % count_data_type], len_of_binary);
len += snprintf(cols + len, STRING_LEN - len, ",f%d %s(%d)", colIndex + 1, data_type[colIndex % count_data_type], len_of_binary);
if (use_metric) {
/* Create metric table */
printf("Creating meters super table...\n");
snprintf(command, BUFFER_SIZE, "create table if not exists %s.meters (ts timestamp%s) tags (areaid int, loc binary(10)", db_name, cols);
snprintf(command, BUFFER_SIZE, "create table if not exists %s.meters (ts timestamp%s) tags (areaid int, loc binary(10))", db_name, cols);
queryDB(taos, command);
printf("meters created!\n");
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