未验证 提交 e9c7c26e 编写于 作者: J Jonathan Chang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #7972 from gromgit/patch-2

docs/Versions: Cleanup and clarifications
# Versions
Now that [homebrew/versions](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-versions) has been deprecated, [homebrew/core](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core) supports multiple versions of formulae with a new naming format.
In [homebrew/versions](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-versions) the formula for GCC 6 was named `gcc6.rb` and began with `class Gcc6 < Formula`. In [homebrew/core](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core) this same formula is named `gcc@6.rb` and begins with `class GccAT6 < Formula`.
[homebrew/core](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core) supports multiple versions of formulae with a special naming format. For example, the formula for GCC 6 is named `gcc@6.rb` and begins with `class GccAT6 < Formula`.
## Acceptable versioned formulae
Versioned formulae we include in [homebrew/core](https://github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core) must meet the following standards:
* Versioned software should build on all Homebrew's supported versions of macOS.
* Versioned formulae should differ in major/minor (not patch) versions from the current stable release. This is because patch versions indicate bug or security updates and we want to ensure you apply security updates.
* Versioned formulae should differ in major/minor (not patch) versions from the current stable release. This is because patch versions indicate bug or security updates, and we want to ensure you apply security updates.
* Unstable versions (alpha, beta, development versions) are not acceptable for versioned (or unversioned) formulae.
* Upstream should have a release branch for the versioned formulae version and still make security updates for that version, when necessary. For example, [PHP 5.5 was not a supported version but PHP 7.2 was](https://php.net/supported-versions.php) in January 2018.
* Versioned formulae share a codebase with the main formula. If the project is split into a different repository we recommend creating a new formula (`formula2` rather than `formula@2` or `formula@1`).
* Upstream should have a release branch for each formula version, and release security updates for each version when necessary. For example, [PHP 7.0 was not a supported version but PHP 7.2 was](https://php.net/supported-versions.php) in January 2020. By contrast, most software projects are structured to only release security updates for their latest versions, so their earlier versions are not eligible for versioning.
* Versioned formulae should share a codebase with the main formula. If the project is split into a different repository, we recommend creating a new formula (`formula2` rather than `formula@2` or `formula@1`).
* Formulae that depend on versioned formulae must not depend on the same formulae at two different versions twice in their recursive dependencies. For example, if you depend on `openssl@1.0` and `foo`, and `foo` depends on `openssl` then you must instead use `openssl`.
* Versioned formulae should only be linkable at the same time as their non-versioned counterpart if the upstream project provides support for it, e.g. using suffixed binaries. If this is not possible, use `keg_only :versioned_formula` to allow users to have multiple versions installed at once.
* A `keg_only :versioned_formula` should not `post_install` anything in the `HOMEBREW_PREFIX` that conflicts with or duplicates the non-versioned counterpart (or other versioned formulae). For example, a `node@6` formula should not install its `npm` into `HOMEBREW_PREFIX` like the `node` formula does.
* Versioned formulae submitted should be expected to be used by a large number of people. If this ceases to be the case: they will be removed. We will aim not to remove those in the [top 3,000 `install_on_request` formulae](https://brew.sh/analytics/install-on-request/).
* A `keg_only :versioned_formula` should not `post_install` anything in the `HOMEBREW_PREFIX` that conflicts with or duplicates the main counterpart (or other versioned formulae). For example, a `node@6` formula should not install its `npm` into `HOMEBREW_PREFIX` like the `node` formula does.
* Versioned formulae submitted should be expected to be used by a large number of people. If this ceases to be the case, they will be removed. We will aim not to remove those in the [top 3,000 `install_on_request` formulae](https://brew.sh/analytics/install-on-request/).
* Versioned formulae should not have `resource`s that require security updates. For example, a `node@6` formula should not have an `npm` resource but instead rely on the `npm` provided by the upstream tarball.
* Versioned formulae should be as similar as possible and sensible compared to the non-versioned formulae. Creating or updating a versioned formula should be a chance to ask questions of the non-versioned formula, e.g. can some unused or useless options be removed or made default?
* No more than five versions of a formula (including the non-versioned one) will be supported at any given time, regardless of usage. When removing formulae that violate this we will aim to do so based on usage and support status rather than age.
* Versioned formulae should be as similar as possible and sensible compared to the main formulae. Creating or updating a versioned formula should be a chance to ask questions of the main formula and vice versa, e.g. can some unused or useless options be removed or made default?
* No more than five versions of a formula (including the main one) will be supported at any given time, regardless of usage. When removing formulae that violate this, we will aim to do so based on usage and support status rather than age.
Homebrew's versions are not intended to be used for any old versions you personally require for your project. You should create your own [tap](How-to-Create-and-Maintain-a-Tap.md) for formulae you or your organisation wish to control the versioning of or those that do not meet the above standards. Software that has regular API or ABI breaking releases still needs to meet all the above requirements; that a `brew upgrade` has broken something for you is not an argument for us to add and maintain a formula for you.
Homebrew's versions should not be used to "pin" formulae to your personal requirements. You should instead create your own [tap](How-to-Create-and-Maintain-a-Tap.md) for formulae you or your organisation wish to control the versioning of, or those that do not meet the above standards. Software that has regular API or ABI breaking releases still needs to meet all the above requirements; that a `brew upgrade` has broken something for you is not an argument for us to add and maintain a formula for you.
If there is a formula that currently exists in the Homebrew/homebrew-core repository or has existed in the past (i.e. was migrated or deleted), you can recover it for your own use with the `brew extract` command. This will copy the desired version of the formula into a custom tap. For example, if your project depends on `automake` 1.12 instead of the most recent version, you can obtain the `automake` formula at version 1.12 by running `brew extract automake <YOUR_GITHUB_USER>/<YOUR_TAP_REPOSITORY_NAME> --version=1.12`. Formulae obtained this way may contain deprecated, disabled or removed Homebrew syntax (e.g. checksums may be `sha1` instead of `sha256`); the `brew extract` command does not edit or update formulae to meet current standards and style requirements.
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