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# Change Log

## [Unreleased](

[Full Changelog](
6 7 8

**Implemented enhancements:**

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- Display detailed error trace when an error is caught in async  [\#360](
- Room.find\({topic: topic}\) should allowed to return null [\#291](
- add `room-bot-leave` event [\#250](
- Prepare to rename the nick/remark/display for contact/room [\#217](
- \[new feature\] set bot's nickname in the group [\#201](
- \[feature request\] fire `room-join` when someone joins from a QR Code [\#155](
- \#4 send image/video [\#337]( ([mukaiu](
16 17 18

**Fixed bugs:**

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
- Room.member\(\) cannot find contact correctly [\#365](
- Room.alias\(\) should return null if we have not set the alias in the room  [\#283](
- Cannot read property 'Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)' of undefined [\#273](
- add sys message in FriendRequest Event  [\#260](
- \[docker\] chromium-browser fail to start after upgrading chromium from v53 to v56 [\#235](
- typo in Wiki [\#205](
- doc bug [\#196](
- Linting Error from PR@lijiarui [\#181](
- \[document\] should list only the public/stable API to users [\#174](

Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar
Huan (李卓桓) 已提交
29 30
**Closed issues:**

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
- how do we get avatar link? [\#424](
- 有没有查找好友的方法? [\#411](
- ding-dong-bot-ts cannot run normally on Mac [\#410](
- Failed due to EAI\_AGAIN [\#408](
- cannot remark friend in centos system [\#406](
- MediaMessage in ding-dong-bot example can not be create [\#399](
- wechaty can auto receive on account. [\#398](
- An in-range update of chromedriver is breaking the build 🚨 [\#395](
- \[bug\] room.say\(\) return contact's alias when bot set alias for some one [\#394](
- `Room.fresh\(\)`not work; `Room.alias\(\)`returns null [\#391](
- should add`phantomjs-prebuilt` in package.json [\#385](
- error on room join: TypeError: room.topic is not a function [\#383](
- problem starting docker container . SyntaxError: Unexpected token function [\#352](
- cannot send images / this.puppet.getBaseRequest is not a function [\#338](
- Some strange log warn [\#336](
- run bot in server,about 1 hour ago ,the process will be killed [\#330](
- wechaty 0.7.21 works but 0.7.24 failed with Argument of type 'string | Promise\<boolean\>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. [\#282](
- how i can save avatar without await keywords? [\#278](
- 如何获取MsgType为APP类型的信息,解析不成xml [\#262](
- \[linting\] fix needed for new tslint rule: trailing-comma [\#251](
- Avatar return empty image in example/contact-bot.ts [\#246](
- Room&Contact.find\(\) should throw exception when it get more than one value [\#229](
- Contact.findAll\(\) return contactList includes oa account [\#222](
- timeouts when running unattended [\#184](
- room.member\(\) cannot find contact when contact set whose alias in the room [\#173](
Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar
Huan (李卓桓) 已提交

57 58
**Merged pull requests:**

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
- Limit video file size [\#421]( ([mukaiu](
- add room.say\(MediaMessage\) [\#420]( ([mukaiu](
- fix upload media url error [\#415]( ([mukaiu](
- chore\(package\): update chromedriver to version 2.29.0 [\#396]( ([zixia](
- Add missing %s content for leaver not found error [\#388]( ([xinbenlv](
- fix jsdoc flush issue \#378 and minor fix on the doc examples [\#380]( ([ax4](
- Limit the size of the sending file [\#376]( ([mukaiu](
- add room-leave event [\#370]( ([lijiarui](
- room.memberAll\(\) & change room.member\(\) query to 3 types [\#364]( ([lijiarui](
- Printout entire error trace when unhandledRejection was caught [\#361]( ([xinbenlv](
- first item of memberList as owner is confusion [\#358]( ([JasLin](
- chore\(package\): update ts-node to version 3.0.2 [\#351]( ([zixia](
- fix room test [\#328]( ([lijiarui](
- remove blank [\#324]( ([lijiarui](
- remove m.send\(\) fucntion [\#323]( ([lijiarui](
- Add JsDoc for Class Contact [\#321]( ([lijiarui](
- 291 [\#318]( ([lijiarui](
- chore\(package\): update yarn to version 0.21.3 [\#317]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update nyc to version 10.1.2 [\#316]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update tslint to version 4.5.1 [\#315]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update check-node-version to version 2.0.1 [\#314]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update @types/ws to version 0.0.38 [\#313]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update @types/node to version 7.0.7 [\#312]( ([zixia](
- fix\(package\): update @types/selenium-webdriver to version 3.0.0 [\#311]( ([zixia](
- added hot load bots [\#310]( ([Gcaufy](
- \#283 [\#303]( ([lijiarui](
- \#291 change `throw error` to `return null` [\#292]( ([lijiarui](
- Add print nodejs version [\#280]( ([xinbenlv](
- load all memberList [\#275]( ([lijiarui](
- add-sys-message-in-friendrequest [\#266]( ([lijiarui](
- fix for new tslint rules [\#264]( ([lijiarui](
- roomJoinFailed [\#249]( ([lijiarui](
- add warn log when function Room&Contact.find\(\) return more than one value [\#239]( ([lijiarui](
- rename the nick/remark/display for contact/room \#217 [\#234]( ([lijiarui](
- fix\_function\_room.member\_\#173 [\#211]( ([lijiarui](
- friendrequest [\#199]( ([lijiarui](
- \#181 fix [\#182]( ([lijiarui](
- \[Snyk\] Fix for 4 vulnerable dependency paths [\#169]( ([snyk-bot](
- enhance \#155 fire `room-join` when someone joins from a QR Code [\#162]( ([lijiarui](

## [v0.7.0]( (2016-12-29)
[Full Changelog](
101 102 103

**Implemented enhancements:**

104 105 106 107
- 请问可以获取联系人或群成员的性别、所属地域、头像吗? [\#121](
- Function Room.add\(\) should return Promise\<boolean\> [\#119](
- Could you add api to find contact by remark [\#117](
- Need to support AppMsgType: 100001 with MsgType: 49 [\#114](
108 109 110

**Fixed bugs:**

111 112 113 114 115 116
- to silence all the output from webdriver\(chromedriver\) for log level INFO [\#150](
- `tsc` compiling error: Cannot find namespace 'webdriver' [\#136](
- remark\(null\) doesn't work [\#130](
- Cannot identify \['\] in room topic [\#116](
- room.member\(\) cannot get member when bot set remark for friend [\#104](
- Session Cookies not loaded correctly? [\#31](
117 118 119

**Closed issues:**

120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
- too many levels of symbolic links [\#165](
- node dist/example/ding-dong-bot.js example运行异常 [\#159](
- An in-range update of tslint is breaking the build 🚨 [\#157](
- deploying to server problems \(running headless\) [\#154](
- An in-range update of @types/selenium-webdriver is breaking the build 🚨 [\#148](
- An in-range update of tslint is breaking the build 🚨 [\#144](
- An in-range update of tslint is breaking the build 🚨 [\#140](
- An in-range update of @types/node is breaking the build 🚨 [\#137](
- An in-range update of @types/sinon is breaking the build 🚨 [\#135](
- wechaty mybot.js start error [\#126](
- Room-join' para  inviteeList\[\] cannot always work well when contain emoji [\#125](
- \[help\] install wechaty and its types [\#124](
- ERR Message ready\(\) exception: Error: Contact.load\(\): id not found [\#123](
- enhance request.hello function [\#120](
- 无法自动通过好友请求 [\#115](
- \[EVENT INVITATION\] Welcome to join Beijing Node Party 18: Wechaty & ChatBot on 11th Dec. [\#107](
- failed run demo in docker under centos [\#101](
137 138 139

**Merged pull requests:**

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
- chore\(package\): update @types/node to version 6.0.54 [\#168]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update tslint to version 4.2.0 [\#158]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update @types/selenium-webdriver to version 2.53.37 [\#149]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update tslint to version 4.1.1 [\#146]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update @types/sinon to version 1.16.33 [\#143]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update @types/node to version 6.0.52 [\#142]( ([zixia](
- chore\(package\): update tslint to version 4.1.0 [\#141]( ([zixia](
- Update [\#139]( ([lijiarui](
- qrcode [\#112]( ([lijiarui](
- Update [\#110]( ([lijiarui](

151 152
## [v0.6.32]( (2016-11-28)
[Full Changelog](
153 154 155

**Implemented enhancements:**

- get room owner on event 'room-join','room-topic' [\#105]( ([JasLin](
157 158 159

**Fixed bugs:**

160 161
- contactFind\(function \(c\) { return /.\*/.test\(c\) }\) rejected: javascript error: Unexpected token [\#98](
- Error: Chrome failed to start: was killed [\#95](
162 163 164

**Closed issues:**

165 166 167
- another problem about docker run [\#103](
-  Error: Server terminated early with status 127 [\#102](
- Selenium WebDriver driver.getSession\(\) wait a long time [\#86](
168 169 170

**Merged pull requests:**

171 172
- fixed javascript error: attempt is not defined [\#100]( ([JasLin](
- convert wechaty-bro.js to plain old javascript syntax \#60 [\#97]( ([cherry-geqi](

174 175
## [v0.6.22]( (2016-11-14)
[Full Changelog](

177 178
## [v0.6.21]( (2016-11-14)
[Full Changelog](
179 180 181

**Fixed bugs:**

- Function `\(\): Contact|Room` bug [\#88](
183 184 185

**Closed issues:**

186 187
- Wechaty.send\(\) error when send message to the room [\#89](
- 基础运行报错.....我都有点不好意思问了.....汗.... [\#82](
188 189 190

**Merged pull requests:**

191 192 193 194
- Update [\#93]( ([lijiarui](
- Update [\#92]( ([lijiarui](
- fix anchor link error [\#91]( ([lijiarui](
- fill in the TBW block [\#87]( ([lijiarui](

196 197
## [v0.6.0]( (2016-11-11)
[Full Changelog](
198 199 200

**Fixed bugs:**

- \[Docker\] Config.isDocker is not right in some Docker version / Linux distribution [\#84](

203 204
## [v0.5.22]( (2016-11-10)
[Full Changelog](

206 207
## [v0.5.21]( (2016-11-09)
[Full Changelog](
208 209 210

**Implemented enhancements:**

211 212
- To Disable WebDriverJS promise manager for Selenium v3.0 [\#72](
- \[Upgrade to v0.5\] Convert code base to Typescript from Javascript [\#40](
213 214 215

**Closed issues:**

216 217
- can't run demo in docker under mac [\#80](
- 在windows下运行例子,npm 环境中,报错关于getChromeDriver\(\) [\#77](

219 220
## [v0.5.9]( (2016-11-07)
[Full Changelog](
221 222 223

**Closed issues:**

- run on windows.error [\#75](
225 226 227

**Merged pull requests:**

228 229
- fix: memberList Method have no 'name' argument defined ,it'will cause a undefined error. [\#78]( ([JasLin](
- fix issue \#70  [\#76]( ([JasLin](

231 232
## [v0.5.1]( (2016-11-03)
[Full Changelog](
233 234 235

**Implemented enhancements:**

236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243
- Dockerize Wechaty for easy start [\#66](
- Wechat帐号界面语言设为中文环境下:wechaty的room-join room-leave room-topic 事件无法触发 [\#52](
- test/fix Watchdog with browser dead & timeout conditions [\#47](
- use StateMonitor to record&check wechaty/puppet/bridge/browser state change [\#46](
- \[New Feature\] send message by branding new method: say\(\) [\#41](
- \[New Feature\] Contact.{tag,star,remark,find,findAll} [\#34](
- \[New Feature\] FriendRequest class and event [\#33](
- \[New Feature\] Room.{create,addMember,delMember,quit,modTopic} support [\#32](
244 245 246

**Fixed bugs:**

247 248 249 250 251 252
- Just have a try as example of tuling bot. But method message.self\(\) seems work improper.   [\#68](
- 在cloud9中运行wechaty报错 [\#67](
- 当用户昵称中含有表情时,无法触发room-join 事件 [\#64](
- room-join 事件下,无法通过 方法获取contact\_id [\#54](
- FriendRequest is not export to npm module  [\#50](
- test/fix Watchdog with browser dead & timeout conditions [\#47](
253 254 255

**Closed issues:**

256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265
- Run wechaty occurs chromedriver is still running and the solution [\#62](
- Can't run wechaty with error log [\#61](
- \[design\] new class: BrowserCookie [\#59](
- 在room中通过room.topic\(\)获取不到room的topic [\#55](
- 近期wechaty启动失败次数较多 [\#53](
- TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript src/puppet-web/event.ts \(120,12\): Type 'PuppetWeb' is not assignable to type 'void'. \(2322\) [\#51](
- demo 无法运行 [\#49](
- Suggest give an api to get url [\#45](
- element\_wrong----contact.get\('name'\) got room name not contact name [\#43](
- webdrive login always occur error, for one success login always cost 4-5 log trys [\#42](

267 268
## [v0.4.0]( (2016-10-08)
[Full Changelog](
269 270 271

**Implemented enhancements:**

272 273
- \[Feature Request\] Add friend\(Contact\) to a group\(Room\) [\#14](
- Support Friend Request / Contact Add & Del [\#6](
274 275 276

**Fixed bugs:**

277 278 279
- Wechaty account logout unexpectedly [\#37](
- google-chrome fails to start in docker [\#26](
- detect phantomjs and disabled it [\#21](
280 281 282

**Closed issues:**

283 284 285 286
- get rid of `PuppetWeb.initAttach` [\#35](
- webdriver fail in docker when use ava \(parallel tests mode\) [\#27](
- WARN PuppetWebBridge init\(\) inject FINAL fail [\#22](
- node-tap strange behaviour cause CircleCI & Travis-CI keep failing [\#11](
287 288 289

**Merged pull requests:**

290 291
- add hubot introduction in readme [\#38]( ([lijiarui](
- Ava [\#25]( ([zixia](

293 294
## [v0.3.12]( (2016-08-25)
[Full Changelog](
295 296 297 298

**Merged pull requests:**

299 300
## [v0.2.0]( (2016-06-28)
[Full Changelog](

302 303
## [v0.1.7]( (2016-06-18)
[Full Changelog](

305 306
## [v0.1.3]( (2016-06-11)
[Full Changelog](

308 309
## [v0.1.1]( (2016-06-09)
[Full Changelog](

311 312
## [v0.1.0]( (2016-06-09)
[Full Changelog](
313 314 315

**Fixed bugs:**

- ding-dong bot broken due to typo [\#5](

318 319
## [v0.0.6]( (2016-05-15)
[Full Changelog](
320 321 322

**Closed issues:**

- selenium-webdriver & phantomjs-prebuilt not work together under win32 [\#1](

## [v0.0.5]( (2016-05-11)
326 327
**Merged pull requests:**

- Add a Gitter chat badge to [\#3]( ([gitter-badger](
329 330 331

Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar
Huan (李卓桓) 已提交
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*