提交 fa1a0e70 编写于 作者: Z zhangchaolong


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# tsp # TSP问题的求解方法
* **data**.C-TSP问题中国34个城市的经纬度。
* **ga**.遗传算法求解TSP问题代码。
北京 ;116.46;39.92 天津 ;117.2;39.13 上海 ;121.48;31.22 重庆 ;106.54;29.59 拉萨 ;91.11;29.97 乌鲁木齐 ;87.68;43.77 银川 ;106.27;38.47 呼和浩特 ;111.65;40.82 南宁 ;108.33;22.84 哈尔滨 ;126.63;45.75 长春 ;125.35;43.88 沈阳 ;123.38;41.8 石家庄 ;114.48;38.03 太原 ;112.53;37.87 西宁 ;101.74;36.56 济南 ;117;36.65 郑州 ;113.6;34.76 南京;118.78;32.04 合肥;117.27;31.86 杭州;120.19;30.26 福州;119.3;26.08 南昌;115.89;28.68 长沙;113;28.21 武汉;114.31;30.52 广州;113.23;23.16 台北;121.5;25.05 海口;110.35;20.02 兰州;103.73;36.03 西安;108.95;34.27 成都;104.06;30.67 贵阳;106.71;26.57 昆明;102.73;25.04 香港;114.1;22.2 澳门;113.33;22.13
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
from Life import Life
class GA(object):
def __init__(self, aCrossRate, aMutationRage, aLifeCount, aGeneLenght, aMatchFun = lambda life : 1):
self.croessRate = aCrossRate
self.mutationRate = aMutationRage
self.lifeCount = aLifeCount
self.geneLenght = aGeneLenght
self.matchFun = aMatchFun #适配函数
self.lives = [] #种群
self.best = None #保存这一代中最好的个体
self.generation = 1
self.crossCount = 0
self.mutationCount = 0
self.bounds = 0.0 #适配值之和,用于选择是计算概率
def initPopulation(self):
self.lives = []
for i in range(self.lifeCount):
gene = range(self.geneLenght)
life = Life(gene)
def judge(self):
self.bounds = 0.0
self.best = self.lives[0]
for life in self.lives:
life.score = self.matchFun(life)
self.bounds += life.score
if self.best.score < life.score:
self.best = life
def cross(self, parent1, parent2):
index1 = random.randint(0, self.geneLenght - 1)
index2 = random.randint(index1, self.geneLenght - 1)
tempGene = parent2.gene[index1:index2] #交叉的基因片段
newGene = []
p1len = 0
for g in parent1.gene:
if p1len == index1:
newGene.extend(tempGene) #插入基因片段
p1len += 1
if g not in tempGene:
p1len += 1
self.crossCount += 1
return newGene
def mutation(self, gene):
index1 = random.randint(0, self.geneLenght - 1)
index2 = random.randint(0, self.geneLenght - 1)
gene[index1], gene[index2] = gene[index2], gene[index1]
self.mutationCount += 1
return gene
def getOne(self):
r = random.uniform(0, self.bounds)
for life in self.lives:
r -= life.score
if r <= 0:
return life
raise Exception("选择错误", self.bounds)
def newChild(self):
parent1 = self.getOne()
rate = random.random()
if rate < self.croessRate:
parent2 = self.getOne()
gene = self.cross(parent1, parent2)
gene = parent1.gene
rate = random.random()
if rate < self.mutationRate:
gene = self.mutation(gene)
return Life(gene)
def next(self):
newLives = []
newLives.append(self.best) #把最好的个体加入下一代
while len(newLives) < self.lifeCount:
self.lives = newLives
self.generation += 1
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
class Life(object):
def __init__(self, aGene = None):
self.gene = aGene
self.score = SCORE_NONE
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import math
import Tkinter
from GA import GA
class TSP(object):
def __init__(self, aLifeCount = 100,):
self.lifeCount = aLifeCount
self.ga = GA(aCrossRate = 0.7,
aMutationRage = 0.02,
aLifeCount = self.lifeCount,
aGeneLenght = len(self.citys),
aMatchFun = self.matchFun())
def initCitys(self):
self.citys = []
for i in range(34):
x = random.randint(0, 1000)
y = random.randint(0, 1000)
self.citys.append((x, y))
self.citys.append((116.46, 39.92))
self.citys.append((121.48, 31.22))
self.citys.append((106.54, 29.59))
self.citys.append((91.11, 29.97))
self.citys.append((87.68, 43.77))
self.citys.append((106.27, 38.47))
self.citys.append((111.65, 40.82))
self.citys.append((108.33, 22.84))
self.citys.append((126.63, 45.75))
self.citys.append((125.35, 43.88))
self.citys.append((123.38, 41.8))
self.citys.append((114.48, 38.03))
self.citys.append((112.53, 37.87))
self.citys.append((101.74, 36.56))
self.citys.append((118.78, 32.04))
self.citys.append((117.27, 31.86))
self.citys.append((120.19, 30.26))
self.citys.append((119.3, 26.08))
self.citys.append((115.89, 28.68))
self.citys.append((113, 28.21))
self.citys.append((114.31, 30.52))
self.citys.append((113.23, 23.16))
self.citys.append((121.5, 25.05))
self.citys.append((110.35, 20.02))
self.citys.append((103.73, 36.03))
self.citys.append((108.95, 34.27))
self.citys.append((104.06, 30.67))
self.citys.append((106.71, 26.57))
self.citys.append((102.73, 25.04))
self.citys.append((114.1, 22.2))
self.citys.append((113.33, 22.13))
def distance(self, order):
distance = 0.0
for i in range(-1, len(self.citys) - 1):
index1, index2 = order[i], order[i + 1]
city1, city2 = self.citys[index1], self.citys[index2]
distance += math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)
R = 6371.004
Pi = math.pi
LatA = city1[1]
LatB = city2[1]
MLonA = city1[0]
MLonB = city2[0]
C = math.sin(LatA*Pi / 180) * math.sin(LatB * Pi / 180) + math.cos(LatA * Pi / 180) * math.cos(LatB * Pi / 180) * math.cos((MLonA - MLonB) * Pi / 180)
D = R * math.acos(C) * Pi / 100
distance += D
return distance
def matchFun(self):
return lambda life: 1.0 / self.distance(life.gene)
def run(self, n = 0):
while n > 0:
distance = self.distance(self.ga.best.gene)
print (("%d : %f") % (self.ga.generation, distance))
n -= 1
def main():
tsp = TSP()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import math
import Tkinter
from GA import GA
class TSP_WIN(object):
def __init__(self, aRoot, aLifeCount = 100, aWidth = 560, aHeight = 330):
self.root = aRoot
self.lifeCount = aLifeCount
self.width = aWidth
self.height = aHeight
self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(
width = self.width,
height = self.height,
self.canvas.pack(expand = Tkinter.YES, fill = Tkinter.BOTH)
def initCitys(self):
self.citys = []
self.citys.append((116.46, 39.92))
self.citys.append((121.48, 31.22))
self.citys.append((106.54, 29.59))
self.citys.append((91.11, 29.97))
self.citys.append((87.68, 43.77))
self.citys.append((106.27, 38.47))
self.citys.append((111.65, 40.82))
self.citys.append((108.33, 22.84))
self.citys.append((126.63, 45.75))
self.citys.append((125.35, 43.88))
self.citys.append((123.38, 41.8))
self.citys.append((114.48, 38.03))
self.citys.append((112.53, 37.87))
self.citys.append((101.74, 36.56))
self.citys.append((118.78, 32.04))
self.citys.append((117.27, 31.86))
self.citys.append((120.19, 30.26))
self.citys.append((119.3, 26.08))
self.citys.append((115.89, 28.68))
self.citys.append((113, 28.21))
self.citys.append((114.31, 30.52))
self.citys.append((113.23, 23.16))
self.citys.append((121.5, 25.05))
self.citys.append((110.35, 20.02))
self.citys.append((103.73, 36.03))
self.citys.append((108.95, 34.27))
self.citys.append((104.06, 30.67))
self.citys.append((106.71, 26.57))
self.citys.append((102.73, 25.04))
self.citys.append((114.1, 22.2))
self.citys.append((113.33, 22.13))
minX, minY = self.citys[0][0], self.citys[0][1]
maxX, maxY = minX, minY
for city in self.citys[1:]:
if minX > city[0]:
minX = city[0]
if minY > city[1]:
minY = city[1]
if maxX < city[0]:
maxX = city[0]
if maxY < city[1]:
maxY = city[1]
w = maxX - minX
h = maxY - minY
xoffset = 30
yoffset = 30
ww = self.width - 2 * xoffset
hh = self.height - 2 * yoffset
xx = ww / float(w)
yy = hh / float(h)
r = 5
self.nodes = []
self.nodes2 = []
for city in self.citys:
x = (city[0] - minX ) * xx + xoffset
y = hh - (city[1] - minY) * yy + yoffset
self.nodes.append((x, y))
node = self.canvas.create_oval(x - r, y -r, x + r, y + r,
fill = "#ff0000",
outline = "#000000",
tags = "node",)
def distance(self, order):
distance = 0.0
for i in range(-1, len(self.citys) - 1):
index1, index2 = order[i], order[i + 1]
city1, city2 = self.citys[index1], self.citys[index2]
distance += math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)
return distance
def matchFun(self):
return lambda life: 1.0 / self.distance(life.gene)
def title(self, text):
def line(self, order):
for i in range(-1, len(order) -1):
p1 = self.nodes[order[i]]
p2 = self.nodes[order[i + 1]]
self.canvas.create_line(p1, p2, fill = "#000000", tags = "line")
def bindEvents(self):
self.root.bind("n", self.new)
self.root.bind("g", self.start)
self.root.bind("s", self.stop)
def new(self, evt = None):
self.isRunning = False
order = range(len(self.citys))
self.ga = GA(aCrossRate = 0.7,
aMutationRage = 0.02,
aLifeCount = self.lifeCount,
aGeneLenght = len(self.citys),
aMatchFun = self.matchFun())
def start(self, evt = None):
self.isRunning = True
while self.isRunning:
distance = self.distance(self.ga.best.gene)
self.title("TSP-gen: %d" % self.ga.generation)
def stop(self, evt = None):
self.isRunning = False
def mainloop(self):
def main():
#tsp = TSP()
tsp = TSP_WIN(Tkinter.Tk())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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