提交 f649bd72 编写于 作者: C chenyuntc

add support for caffe-pretrain model

上级 20ed4dce
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class Config:
# model
load_path = None # '/mnt/3/rpn.pth'
caffe_pretrain = False
caffe_pretrain_path = 'checkpoints/vgg16-caffe.pth'
def _parse(self, kwargs):
state_dict = self._state_dict()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
......@@ -4,10 +4,37 @@ from skimage import transform as sktsf
from torchvision import transforms as tvtsf
from . import util
import numpy as np
from config import opt
from util import array_tool as at
def inverse_normalize(img):
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
img = img + (np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1))
return img[::-1, :, :]
# approximate un-normalize for visualize
return (img*0.225+0.45).clip(min=0,max=1)*255
def pytorch_normalze(img):
return appr -1~1 RGB
normalize = tvtsf.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
img = normalize(t.from_numpy(img))
return img.numpy()
def caffe_normalize(img):
return appr -125-125 BGR
img = img[[2,1,0],:,:] #RGB-BGR
img = img*255
mean=np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1)
img = (img - mean).astype(np.float32, copy=True)
return img
def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
"""Preprocess an image for feature extraction.
......@@ -32,15 +59,15 @@ def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
scale1 = min_size / min(H, W)
scale2 = max_size / max(H, W)
scale = min(scale1, scale2)
# both the longer and shorter should be less than
# max_size and min_size
img = img / 255.
img = img[[2,1,0],:,:] #RGB-BGR
img = sktsf.resize(img, (C, H * scale, W * scale), mode='reflect')
img = img*255
mean=np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1)
img = (img - mean).astype(np.float32, copy=True)
return img
# both the longer and shorter should be less than
# max_size and min_size
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
normalize = caffe_normalize
normalize = pytorch_normalze
return normalize(img)
class Transform(object):
......@@ -77,7 +104,7 @@ class Dataset():
img, bbox, label, scale = self.tsf((ori_img, bbox, label))
# TODO: check whose stride is negative to fix this instead copy all
# some of the strides of a given numpy array are negative.
return img.copy(), bbox.copy(), label.copy(), scale, ori_img
return img.copy(), bbox.copy(), label.copy(), scale
def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
score = np.concatenate(score, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
return bbox, label, score
def predict(self, imgs,visualize=False):
def predict(self, imgs,sizes=None,visualize=False):
"""Detect objects from images.
This method predicts objects for each image.
......@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
if visualize:
prepared_imgs = list()
sizes = list()
for img in imgs:
size = img.shape[1:]
img = preprocess(img.numpy())
prepared_imgs = list()
sizes = list()
for img in imgs:
size = img.shape[1:]
img = preprocess(at.tonumpy(img))
bboxes = list()
labels = list()
......@@ -278,81 +278,6 @@ class FasterRCNN(nn.Module):
return bboxes, labels, scores
def predict2(self, prepared_imgs, sizes):
"""Detect objects from images.
This method predicts objects for each image.
imgs (iterable of numpy.ndarray): Arrays holding images.
All images are in CHW and RGB format
and the range of their value is :math:`[0, 255]`.
tuple of lists:
This method returns a tuple of three lists,
:obj:`(bboxes, labels, scores)`.
* **bboxes**: A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R, 4)`, \
where :math:`R` is the number of bounding boxes in a image. \
Each bouding box is organized by \
:math:`(y_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max})` \
in the second axis.
* **labels** : A list of integer arrays of shape :math:`(R,)`. \
Each value indicates the class of the bounding box. \
Values are in range :math:`[0, L - 1]`, where :math:`L` is the \
number of the foreground classes.
* **scores** : A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R,)`. \
Each value indicates how confident the prediction is.
# self.use_preset('visualize')
bboxes = list()
labels = list()
scores = list()
for img, size in zip(prepared_imgs, sizes):
img = t.autograd.Variable(at.totensor(img).float()[None], volatile=True)
scale = img.shape[3] / size[1]
roi_cls_loc, roi_scores, rois, _ = self(img, scale=scale)
# We are assuming that batch size is 1.
# roi_cls_loc = at.tonumpy(roi_cls_locs)#.data.numpy()
roi_score = roi_scores.data
roi_cls_loc = roi_cls_loc.data
roi = at.totensor(rois) / scale
# Convert predictions to bounding boxes in image coordinates.
# Bounding boxes are scaled to the scale of the input images.
mean = t.Tensor(self.loc_normalize_mean).cuda(). \
std = t.Tensor(self.loc_normalize_std).cuda(). \
roi_cls_loc = (roi_cls_loc * std + mean)
roi_cls_loc = roi_cls_loc.view(-1, self.n_class, 4)
roi = roi.view(-1, 1, 4).expand_as(roi_cls_loc)
cls_bbox = loc2bbox(at.tonumpy(roi).reshape((-1, 4)),
at.tonumpy(roi_cls_loc).reshape((-1, 4)))
cls_bbox = at.totensor(cls_bbox)
cls_bbox = cls_bbox.view(-1, self.n_class * 4)
# clip bounding box
cls_bbox[:, 0::2] = (cls_bbox[:, 0::2]).clamp(min=0, max=size[0])
cls_bbox[:, 1::2] = (cls_bbox[:, 1::2]).clamp(min=0, max=size[1])
prob = at.tonumpy(F.softmax(at.tovariable(roi_score), dim=1))
raw_cls_bbox = at.tonumpy(cls_bbox)
raw_prob = at.tonumpy(prob)
bbox, label, score = self._suppress(raw_cls_bbox, raw_prob)
# self.use_preset('evaluate')
return bboxes, labels, scores
def get_optimizer_group(self):
self.lr1, self.lr2, self.lr3 = opt.lr1, opt.lr2, opt.lr3
......@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ from config import opt
def decom_vgg16(pretrained=True):
# the 30th layer of features is relu of conv5_3
model = vgg16(pretrained=False)
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
model = vgg16(pretrained=False)
if not opt.load_path:
model = vgg16(not opt.load_path)
features = list(model.features)[:30]
classifier = model.classifier
......@@ -139,8 +145,10 @@ class FasterRCNNVGG16(FasterRCNN):
ratios=[0.5, 1, 2], anchor_scales=[8, 16, 32]
if opt.use_chainer:decom = decom_vgg16_chainer
else: decom = decom_vgg16
if opt.use_chainer:
decom = decom_vgg16_chainer
decom = decom_vgg16
extractor, classifier = decom(not opt.load_path)
rpn = RegionProposalNetwork(
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from tqdm import tqdm
import torch as t
from config import opt
from data.dataset import Dataset, TestDataset
from data.dataset import Dataset, TestDataset,inverse_normalize
from model import FasterRCNNVGG16
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.utils import data as data_
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def train(**kwargs):
best_map = 0
for epoch in range(opt.epoch):
for ii, (img, bbox_, label_, scale, ori_img) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
for ii, (img, bbox_, label_, scale) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
scale = at.scalar(scale)
img, bbox, label = img.cuda().float(), bbox_.cuda(), label_.cuda()
img, bbox, label = Variable(img), Variable(bbox), Variable(label)
......@@ -80,20 +80,20 @@ def train(**kwargs):
# plot loss
# # plot groud truth bboxes
# ori_img_ = (img * 0.225 + 0.45).clamp(min=0, max=1) * 255
# gt_img = visdom_bbox(at.tonumpy(ori_img_)[0],
# at.tonumpy(bbox_)[0],
# label_[0].numpy())
# trainer.vis.img('gt_img', gt_img)
# # plot predicti bboxes
# _bboxes, _labels, _scores = trainer.faster_rcnn.predict(ori_img,visualize=True)
# pred_img = visdom_bbox( at.tonumpy(ori_img[0]),
# at.tonumpy(_bboxes[0]),
# at.tonumpy(_labels[0]).reshape(-1),
# at.tonumpy(_scores[0]))
# trainer.vis.img('pred_img', pred_img)
# plot groud truth bboxes
ori_img_ = inverse_normalize(at.tonumpy(img[0]))
gt_img = visdom_bbox(ori_img_,
trainer.vis.img('gt_img', gt_img)
# plot predicti bboxes
_bboxes, _labels, _scores = trainer.faster_rcnn.predict([ori_img_],visualize=True)
pred_img = visdom_bbox( ori_img_,
trainer.vis.img('pred_img', pred_img)
# rpn confusion matrix(meter)
trainer.vis.text(str(trainer.rpn_cm.value().tolist()), win='rpn_cm')
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def eval(dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000):
gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list()
for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, gt_difficults_) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)):
sizes = [sizes[0][0], sizes[1][0]]
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict2(imgs, [sizes])
pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes])
gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy())
gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy())
gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy())
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