提交 b3c7cbd0 编写于 作者: P pedro

add add input python layer

上级 cf7f9298
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ def to_head( projectpath ):
\subimport{"""+ pathlayers + r"""}{init}
\usetikzlibrary{3d} %for including external image
def to_cor():
......@@ -31,10 +32,13 @@ def to_begin():
\tikzstyle{copyconnection}=[ultra thick,every node/.style={sloped,allow upside down},draw={rgb:blue,4;red,1;green,1;black,3},opacity=0.7]
# layers definition
def to_input( pathfile, to='(-3,0,0)', width=8, height=8 ):
return r"""
\node[canvas is zy plane at x=0] (temp) at """+ to +""" {\includegraphics[width="""+ str(width)+"cm"+""",height="""+ str(height)+"cm"+"""]{"""+ pathfile +"""}};
# Conv
def to_Conv( name, s_filer=256, n_filer=64, offset="(0,0,0)", to="(0,0,0)", width=1, height=40, depth=40, caption=" " ):
return r"""
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ arch = [
## code here
to_input( '../examples/fcn8s/cats.jpg' ),
to_ConvConvRelu( name='ccr_b1', s_filer=500, n_filer=(64,64), offset="(0,0,0)", to="(0,0,0)", width=(2,2), height=40, depth=40 ),
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