未验证 提交 fa2ba3d6 编写于 作者: W Wei Ji 提交者: Wei Ji

Quickfix to remove pos hardcoding in to_skip func

上级 597e4af7
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def to_connection( of, to):
def to_skip( of, to, pos=1.25):
return r"""
\path ("""+ of +"""-southeast) -- ("""+ of +"""-northeast) coordinate[pos="""+ str(pos) +"""] ("""+ of +"""-top) ;
\path ("""+ to +"""-south) -- ("""+ to +"""-north) coordinate[pos=1.25] ("""+ to +"""-top) ;
\path ("""+ to +"""-south) -- ("""+ to +"""-north) coordinate[pos="""+ str(pos) +"""] ("""+ to +"""-top) ;
\draw [copyconnection] ("""+of+"""-northeast)
-- node {\copymidarrow}("""+of+"""-top)
-- node {\copymidarrow}("""+to+"""-top)
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