提交 9443120c 编写于 作者: martianzhang's avatar martianzhang

fix #273

	add test cases
	comments use english more understandable
上级 6ae5c3f5
......@@ -133,16 +133,17 @@ func (q *Query4Audit) RuleEqualLike() Rule {
if strings.ToLower(expr.Operator) == "like" {
switch sqlval := expr.Right.(type) {
case *sqlparser.SQLVal:
// not start with '%', '_' && not end with '%', '_'
// 1. string that not contain '%', '_'
// 2. int, bit, float without wildcard
var hasWildCard bool
if sqlval.Type == 0 {
if sqlval.Val[0] != 0x25 &&
sqlval.Val[0] != 0x5f &&
sqlval.Val[len(sqlval.Val)-1] != 0x5f &&
sqlval.Val[len(sqlval.Val)-1] != 0x25 {
rule = HeuristicRules["ARG.002"]
return false, nil
for _, sqlElem := range sqlval.Val {
if sqlElem == 0x25 || sqlElem == 0x5f {
hasWildCard = true
} else {
if !hasWildCard {
rule = HeuristicRules["ARG.002"]
return false, nil
......@@ -132,11 +132,18 @@ func TestRulePrefixLike(t *testing.T) {
// ARG.002
func TestRuleEqualLike(t *testing.T) {
common.Log.Debug("Entering function: %s", common.GetFunctionName())
sqls := []string{
"select col from tbl where id like 'abc'",
"select col from tbl where id like 1",
sqls := [][]string{
"select col from tbl where id like 'abc'",
"select col from tbl where id like 1",
"select col from tbl where id like 'abc%'",
"select col from tbl where id like '%abc'",
"select col from tbl where id like 'a%c'", // issue #273
for _, sql := range sqls {
for _, sql := range sqls[0] {
q, err := NewQuery4Audit(sql)
if err == nil {
rule := q.RuleEqualLike()
......@@ -147,6 +154,19 @@ func TestRuleEqualLike(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("sqlparser.Parse Error:", err)
for _, sql := range sqls[1] {
q, err := NewQuery4Audit(sql)
if err == nil {
rule := q.RuleEqualLike()
if rule.Item == "ARG.002" {
t.Error("Rule not match:", rule.Item, "Expect : OK")
} else {
t.Error("sqlparser.Parse Error:", err)
common.Log.Debug("Exiting function: %s", common.GetFunctionName())
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