未验证 提交 017831dd 编写于 作者: P Péter Szilágyi 提交者: GitHub

core, eth: split eth package, implement snap protocol (#21482)

This commit splits the eth package, separating the handling of eth and snap protocols. It also includes the capability to run snap sync (https://github.com/ethereum/devp2p/blob/master/caps/snap.md) , but does not enable it by default. 
Co-authored-by: NMarius van der Wijden <m.vanderwijden@live.de>
Co-authored-by: NMartin Holst Swende <martin@swende.se>
上级 00d10e61
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import (
......@@ -143,7 +142,6 @@ func version(ctx *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("Git Commit Date:", gitDate)
fmt.Println("Architecture:", runtime.GOARCH)
fmt.Println("Protocol Versions:", eth.ProtocolVersions)
fmt.Println("Go Version:", runtime.Version())
fmt.Println("Operating System:", runtime.GOOS)
fmt.Printf("GOPATH=%s\n", os.Getenv("GOPATH"))
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ var (
defaultSyncMode = eth.DefaultConfig.SyncMode
SyncModeFlag = TextMarshalerFlag{
Name: "syncmode",
Usage: `Blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", or "light")`,
Usage: `Blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", "snap" or "light")`,
Value: &defaultSyncMode,
GCModeFlag = cli.StringFlag{
......@@ -1555,8 +1555,14 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *eth.Config) {
cfg.SnapshotCache = ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name) * ctx.GlobalInt(CacheSnapshotFlag.Name) / 100
if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(SnapshotFlag.Name) {
cfg.TrieCleanCache += cfg.SnapshotCache
cfg.SnapshotCache = 0 // Disabled
// If snap-sync is requested, this flag is also required
if cfg.SyncMode == downloader.SnapSync {
log.Info("Snap sync requested, enabling --snapshot")
ctx.Set(SnapshotFlag.Name, "true")
} else {
cfg.TrieCleanCache += cfg.SnapshotCache
cfg.SnapshotCache = 0 // Disabled
if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DocRootFlag.Name) {
cfg.DocRoot = ctx.GlobalString(DocRootFlag.Name)
......@@ -1585,16 +1591,15 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *eth.Config) {
cfg.RPCTxFeeCap = ctx.GlobalFloat64(RPCGlobalTxFeeCapFlag.Name)
if ctx.GlobalIsSet(NoDiscoverFlag.Name) {
cfg.DiscoveryURLs = []string{}
cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs, cfg.SnapDiscoveryURLs = []string{}, []string{}
} else if ctx.GlobalIsSet(DNSDiscoveryFlag.Name) {
urls := ctx.GlobalString(DNSDiscoveryFlag.Name)
if urls == "" {
cfg.DiscoveryURLs = []string{}
cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = []string{}
} else {
cfg.DiscoveryURLs = SplitAndTrim(urls)
cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = SplitAndTrim(urls)
// Override any default configs for hard coded networks.
switch {
case ctx.GlobalBool(LegacyTestnetFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(RopstenFlag.Name):
......@@ -1676,16 +1681,20 @@ func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *eth.Config) {
// SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults configures DNS discovery with the given URL if
// no URLs are set.
func SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(cfg *eth.Config, genesis common.Hash) {
if cfg.DiscoveryURLs != nil {
if cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs != nil {
return // already set through flags/config
protocol := "all"
if cfg.SyncMode == downloader.LightSync {
protocol = "les"
if url := params.KnownDNSNetwork(genesis, protocol); url != "" {
cfg.DiscoveryURLs = []string{url}
cfg.EthDiscoveryURLs = []string{url}
if cfg.SyncMode == downloader.SnapSync {
if url := params.KnownDNSNetwork(genesis, "snap"); url != "" {
cfg.SnapDiscoveryURLs = []string{url}
......@@ -659,12 +659,8 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) CurrentBlock() *types.Block {
return bc.currentBlock.Load().(*types.Block)
// Snapshot returns the blockchain snapshot tree. This method is mainly used for
// testing, to make it possible to verify the snapshot after execution.
// Warning: There are no guarantees about the safety of using the returned 'snap' if the
// blockchain is simultaneously importing blocks, so take care.
func (bc *BlockChain) Snapshot() *snapshot.Tree {
// Snapshots returns the blockchain snapshot tree.
func (bc *BlockChain) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree {
return bc.snaps
......@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ func testSnapshot(t *testing.T, tt *snapshotTest) {
t.Fatalf("Failed to recreate chain: %v", err)
chain.Snapshot().Cap(newBlocks[len(newBlocks)-1].Root(), 0)
chain.Snapshots().Cap(newBlocks[len(newBlocks)-1].Root(), 0)
// Simulate the blockchain crash
// Don't call chain.Stop here, so that no snapshot
......@@ -84,6 +84,15 @@ func NewID(config *params.ChainConfig, genesis common.Hash, head uint64) ID {
return ID{Hash: checksumToBytes(hash), Next: next}
// NewIDWithChain calculates the Ethereum fork ID from an existing chain instance.
func NewIDWithChain(chain Blockchain) ID {
return NewID(
// NewFilter creates a filter that returns if a fork ID should be rejected or not
// based on the local chain's status.
func NewFilter(chain Blockchain) Filter {
......@@ -175,3 +175,24 @@ func DeleteSnapshotRecoveryNumber(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter) {
log.Crit("Failed to remove snapshot recovery number", "err", err)
// ReadSanpshotSyncStatus retrieves the serialized sync status saved at shutdown.
func ReadSanpshotSyncStatus(db ethdb.KeyValueReader) []byte {
data, _ := db.Get(snapshotSyncStatusKey)
return data
// WriteSnapshotSyncStatus stores the serialized sync status to save at shutdown.
func WriteSnapshotSyncStatus(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, status []byte) {
if err := db.Put(snapshotSyncStatusKey, status); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to store snapshot sync status", "err", err)
// DeleteSnapshotSyncStatus deletes the serialized sync status saved at the last
// shutdown
func DeleteSnapshotSyncStatus(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter) {
if err := db.Delete(snapshotSyncStatusKey); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to remove snapshot sync status", "err", err)
......@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ var (
// snapshotRecoveryKey tracks the snapshot recovery marker across restarts.
snapshotRecoveryKey = []byte("SnapshotRecovery")
// snapshotSyncStatusKey tracks the snapshot sync status across restarts.
snapshotSyncStatusKey = []byte("SnapshotSyncStatus")
// txIndexTailKey tracks the oldest block whose transactions have been indexed.
txIndexTailKey = []byte("TransactionIndexTail")
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ func (dl *diskLayer) generate(stats *generatorStats) {
if acc.Root != emptyRoot {
storeTrie, err := trie.NewSecure(acc.Root, dl.triedb)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Generator failed to access storage trie", "accroot", dl.root, "acchash", common.BytesToHash(accIt.Key), "stroot", acc.Root, "err", err)
log.Error("Generator failed to access storage trie", "root", dl.root, "account", accountHash, "stroot", acc.Root, "err", err)
abort := <-dl.genAbort
abort <- stats
......@@ -314,14 +314,19 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
return common.Hash{}
// GetProof returns the MerkleProof for a given Account
func (s *StateDB) GetProof(a common.Address) ([][]byte, error) {
// GetProof returns the Merkle proof for a given account.
func (s *StateDB) GetProof(addr common.Address) ([][]byte, error) {
return s.GetProofByHash(crypto.Keccak256Hash(addr.Bytes()))
// GetProofByHash returns the Merkle proof for a given account.
func (s *StateDB) GetProofByHash(addrHash common.Hash) ([][]byte, error) {
var proof proofList
err := s.trie.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(a.Bytes()), 0, &proof)
err := s.trie.Prove(addrHash[:], 0, &proof)
return proof, err
// GetStorageProof returns the StorageProof for given key
// GetStorageProof returns the Merkle proof for given storage slot.
func (s *StateDB) GetStorageProof(a common.Address, key common.Hash) ([][]byte, error) {
var proof proofList
trie := s.StorageTrie(a)
......@@ -332,6 +337,17 @@ func (s *StateDB) GetStorageProof(a common.Address, key common.Hash) ([][]byte,
return proof, err
// GetStorageProofByHash returns the Merkle proof for given storage slot.
func (s *StateDB) GetStorageProofByHash(a common.Address, key common.Hash) ([][]byte, error) {
var proof proofList
trie := s.StorageTrie(a)
if trie == nil {
return proof, errors.New("storage trie for requested address does not exist")
err := trie.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(key.Bytes()), 0, &proof)
return proof, err
// GetCommittedState retrieves a value from the given account's committed storage trie.
func (s *StateDB) GetCommittedState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
stateObject := s.getStateObject(addr)
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (b *EthAPIBackend) CurrentBlock() *types.Block {
func (b *EthAPIBackend) SetHead(number uint64) {
......@@ -272,10 +272,6 @@ func (b *EthAPIBackend) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader {
return b.eth.Downloader()
func (b *EthAPIBackend) ProtocolVersion() int {
return b.eth.EthVersion()
func (b *EthAPIBackend) SuggestPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) {
return b.gpo.SuggestPrice(ctx)
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ func (h resultHash) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h resultHash) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(h[i].Bytes(), h[j].Bytes()) < 0 }
func TestAccountRange(t *testing.T) {
var (
statedb = state.NewDatabaseWithConfig(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase(), nil)
state, _ = state.New(common.Hash{}, statedb, nil)
......@@ -126,6 +128,8 @@ func TestAccountRange(t *testing.T) {
func TestEmptyAccountRange(t *testing.T) {
var (
statedb = state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase())
state, _ = state.New(common.Hash{}, statedb, nil)
......@@ -142,6 +146,8 @@ func TestEmptyAccountRange(t *testing.T) {
func TestStorageRangeAt(t *testing.T) {
// Create a state where account 0x010000... has a few storage entries.
var (
state, _ = state.New(common.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import (
......@@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ import (
......@@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ type Ethereum struct {
config *Config
// Handlers
txPool *core.TxPool
blockchain *core.BlockChain
protocolManager *ProtocolManager
dialCandidates enode.Iterator
txPool *core.TxPool
blockchain *core.BlockChain
handler *handler
ethDialCandidates enode.Iterator
snapDialCandidates enode.Iterator
// DB interfaces
chainDb ethdb.Database // Block chain database
......@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
if bcVersion != nil {
dbVer = fmt.Sprintf("%d", *bcVersion)
log.Info("Initialising Ethereum protocol", "versions", ProtocolVersions, "network", config.NetworkId, "dbversion", dbVer)
log.Info("Initialising Ethereum protocol", "network", config.NetworkId, "dbversion", dbVer)
if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck {
if bcVersion != nil && *bcVersion > core.BlockChainVersion {
......@@ -196,7 +198,17 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
if checkpoint == nil {
checkpoint = params.TrustedCheckpoints[genesisHash]
if eth.protocolManager, err = NewProtocolManager(chainConfig, checkpoint, config.SyncMode, config.NetworkId, eth.eventMux, eth.txPool, eth.engine, eth.blockchain, chainDb, cacheLimit, config.Whitelist); err != nil {
if eth.handler, err = newHandler(&handlerConfig{
Database: chainDb,
Chain: eth.blockchain,
TxPool: eth.txPool,
Network: config.NetworkId,
Sync: config.SyncMode,
BloomCache: uint64(cacheLimit),
EventMux: eth.eventMux,
Checkpoint: checkpoint,
Whitelist: config.Whitelist,
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
eth.miner = miner.New(eth, &config.Miner, chainConfig, eth.EventMux(), eth.engine, eth.isLocalBlock)
......@@ -209,13 +221,16 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
eth.APIBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(eth.APIBackend, gpoParams)
eth.dialCandidates, err = eth.setupDiscovery()
eth.ethDialCandidates, err = setupDiscovery(eth.config.EthDiscoveryURLs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eth.snapDialCandidates, err = setupDiscovery(eth.config.SnapDiscoveryURLs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Start the RPC service
eth.netRPCService = ethapi.NewPublicNetAPI(eth.p2pServer, eth.NetVersion())
eth.netRPCService = ethapi.NewPublicNetAPI(eth.p2pServer)
// Register the backend on the node
......@@ -310,7 +325,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) APIs() []rpc.API {
}, {
Namespace: "eth",
Version: "1.0",
Service: downloader.NewPublicDownloaderAPI(s.protocolManager.downloader, s.eventMux),
Service: downloader.NewPublicDownloaderAPI(s.handler.downloader, s.eventMux),
Public: true,
}, {
Namespace: "miner",
......@@ -473,7 +488,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) StartMining(threads int) error {
// If mining is started, we can disable the transaction rejection mechanism
// introduced to speed sync times.
atomic.StoreUint32(&s.protocolManager.acceptTxs, 1)
atomic.StoreUint32(&s.handler.acceptTxs, 1)
go s.miner.Start(eb)
......@@ -504,21 +519,17 @@ func (s *Ethereum) EventMux() *event.TypeMux { return s.eventMux }
func (s *Ethereum) Engine() consensus.Engine { return s.engine }
func (s *Ethereum) ChainDb() ethdb.Database { return s.chainDb }
func (s *Ethereum) IsListening() bool { return true } // Always listening
func (s *Ethereum) EthVersion() int { return int(ProtocolVersions[0]) }
func (s *Ethereum) NetVersion() uint64 { return s.networkID }
func (s *Ethereum) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader { return s.protocolManager.downloader }
func (s *Ethereum) Synced() bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.protocolManager.acceptTxs) == 1 }
func (s *Ethereum) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader { return s.handler.downloader }
func (s *Ethereum) Synced() bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.handler.acceptTxs) == 1 }
func (s *Ethereum) ArchiveMode() bool { return s.config.NoPruning }
func (s *Ethereum) BloomIndexer() *core.ChainIndexer { return s.bloomIndexer }
// Protocols returns all the currently configured
// network protocols to start.
func (s *Ethereum) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
protos := make([]p2p.Protocol, len(ProtocolVersions))
for i, vsn := range ProtocolVersions {
protos[i] = s.protocolManager.makeProtocol(vsn)
protos[i].Attributes = []enr.Entry{s.currentEthEntry()}
protos[i].DialCandidates = s.dialCandidates
protos := eth.MakeProtocols((*ethHandler)(s.handler), s.networkID, s.ethDialCandidates)
if s.config.SnapshotCache > 0 {
protos = append(protos, snap.MakeProtocols((*snapHandler)(s.handler), s.snapDialCandidates)...)
return protos
......@@ -526,7 +537,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
// Start implements node.Lifecycle, starting all internal goroutines needed by the
// Ethereum protocol implementation.
func (s *Ethereum) Start() error {
eth.StartENRUpdater(s.blockchain, s.p2pServer.LocalNode())
// Start the bloom bits servicing goroutines
......@@ -540,7 +551,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) Start() error {
maxPeers -= s.config.LightPeers
// Start the networking layer and the light server if requested
return nil
......@@ -548,7 +559,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) Start() error {
// Ethereum protocol.
func (s *Ethereum) Stop() error {
// Stop all the peer-related stuff first.
// Then stop everything else.
......@@ -560,5 +571,6 @@ func (s *Ethereum) Stop() error {
return nil
......@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ type Config struct {
// This can be set to list of enrtree:// URLs which will be queried for
// for nodes to connect to.
DiscoveryURLs []string
EthDiscoveryURLs []string
SnapDiscoveryURLs []string
NoPruning bool // Whether to disable pruning and flush everything to disk
NoPrefetch bool // Whether to disable prefetching and only load state on demand
......@@ -63,11 +63,12 @@ func (eth *Ethereum) currentEthEntry() *ethEntry {
// setupDiscovery creates the node discovery source for the eth protocol.
func (eth *Ethereum) setupDiscovery() (enode.Iterator, error) {
if len(eth.config.DiscoveryURLs) == 0 {
// setupDiscovery creates the node discovery source for the `eth` and `snap`
// protocols.
func setupDiscovery(urls []string) (enode.Iterator, error) {
if len(urls) == 0 {
return nil, nil
client := dnsdisc.NewClient(dnsdisc.Config{})
return client.NewIterator(eth.config.DiscoveryURLs...)
return client.NewIterator(urls...)
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
......@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ import (
var (
MaxHashFetch = 512 // Amount of hashes to be fetched per retrieval request
MaxBlockFetch = 128 // Amount of blocks to be fetched per retrieval request
MaxHeaderFetch = 192 // Amount of block headers to be fetched per retrieval request
MaxSkeletonSize = 128 // Number of header fetches to need for a skeleton assembly
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ var (
errCancelContentProcessing = errors.New("content processing canceled (requested)")
errCanceled = errors.New("syncing canceled (requested)")
errNoSyncActive = errors.New("no sync active")
errTooOld = errors.New("peer doesn't speak recent enough protocol version (need version >= 63)")
errTooOld = errors.New("peer doesn't speak recent enough protocol version (need version >= 64)")
type Downloader struct {
......@@ -131,20 +131,22 @@ type Downloader struct {
ancientLimit uint64 // The maximum block number which can be regarded as ancient data.
// Channels
headerCh chan dataPack // [eth/62] Channel receiving inbound block headers
bodyCh chan dataPack // [eth/62] Channel receiving inbound block bodies
receiptCh chan dataPack // [eth/63] Channel receiving inbound receipts
bodyWakeCh chan bool // [eth/62] Channel to signal the block body fetcher of new tasks
receiptWakeCh chan bool // [eth/63] Channel to signal the receipt fetcher of new tasks
headerProcCh chan []*types.Header // [eth/62] Channel to feed the header processor new tasks
headerCh chan dataPack // Channel receiving inbound block headers
bodyCh chan dataPack // Channel receiving inbound block bodies
receiptCh chan dataPack // Channel receiving inbound receipts
bodyWakeCh chan bool // Channel to signal the block body fetcher of new tasks
receiptWakeCh chan bool // Channel to signal the receipt fetcher of new tasks
headerProcCh chan []*types.Header // Channel to feed the header processor new tasks
// State sync
pivotHeader *types.Header // Pivot block header to dynamically push the syncing state root
pivotLock sync.RWMutex // Lock protecting pivot header reads from updates
snapSync bool // Whether to run state sync over the snap protocol
SnapSyncer *snap.Syncer // TODO(karalabe): make private! hack for now
stateSyncStart chan *stateSync
trackStateReq chan *stateReq
stateCh chan dataPack // [eth/63] Channel receiving inbound node state data
stateCh chan dataPack // Channel receiving inbound node state data
// Cancellation and termination
cancelPeer string // Identifier of the peer currently being used as the master (cancel on drop)
......@@ -237,6 +239,7 @@ func New(checkpoint uint64, stateDb ethdb.Database, stateBloom *trie.SyncBloom,
headerProcCh: make(chan []*types.Header, 1),
quitCh: make(chan struct{}),
stateCh: make(chan dataPack),
SnapSyncer: snap.NewSyncer(stateDb, stateBloom),
stateSyncStart: make(chan *stateSync),
syncStatsState: stateSyncStats{
processed: rawdb.ReadFastTrieProgress(stateDb),
......@@ -286,19 +289,16 @@ func (d *Downloader) Synchronising() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&d.synchronising) > 0
// SyncBloomContains tests if the syncbloom filter contains the given hash:
// - false: the bloom definitely does not contain hash
// - true: the bloom maybe contains hash
// While the bloom is being initialized (or is closed), all queries will return true.
func (d *Downloader) SyncBloomContains(hash []byte) bool {
return d.stateBloom == nil || d.stateBloom.Contains(hash)
// RegisterPeer injects a new download peer into the set of block source to be
// used for fetching hashes and blocks from.
func (d *Downloader) RegisterPeer(id string, version int, peer Peer) error {
logger := log.New("peer", id)
func (d *Downloader) RegisterPeer(id string, version uint, peer Peer) error {
var logger log.Logger
if len(id) < 16 {
// Tests use short IDs, don't choke on them
logger = log.New("peer", id)
} else {
logger = log.New("peer", id[:16])
logger.Trace("Registering sync peer")
if err := d.peers.Register(newPeerConnection(id, version, peer, logger)); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to register sync peer", "err", err)
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) RegisterPeer(id string, version int, peer Peer) error {
// RegisterLightPeer injects a light client peer, wrapping it so it appears as a regular peer.
func (d *Downloader) RegisterLightPeer(id string, version int, peer LightPeer) error {
func (d *Downloader) RegisterLightPeer(id string, version uint, peer LightPeer) error {
return d.RegisterPeer(id, version, &lightPeerWrapper{peer})
......@@ -319,7 +319,13 @@ func (d *Downloader) RegisterLightPeer(id string, version int, peer LightPeer) e
// the queue.
func (d *Downloader) UnregisterPeer(id string) error {
// Unregister the peer from the active peer set and revoke any fetch tasks
logger := log.New("peer", id)
var logger log.Logger
if len(id) < 16 {
// Tests use short IDs, don't choke on them
logger = log.New("peer", id)
} else {
logger = log.New("peer", id[:16])
logger.Trace("Unregistering sync peer")
if err := d.peers.Unregister(id); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to unregister sync peer", "err", err)
......@@ -381,6 +387,16 @@ func (d *Downloader) synchronise(id string, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int, mode
if mode == FullSync && d.stateBloom != nil {
// If snap sync was requested, create the snap scheduler and switch to fast
// sync mode. Long term we could drop fast sync or merge the two together,
// but until snap becomes prevalent, we should support both. TODO(karalabe).
if mode == SnapSync {
if !d.snapSync {
log.Warn("Enabling snapshot sync prototype")
d.snapSync = true
mode = FastSync
// Reset the queue, peer set and wake channels to clean any internal leftover state
d.queue.Reset(blockCacheMaxItems, blockCacheInitialItems)
......@@ -443,8 +459,8 @@ func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.I
if p.version < 63 {
return errTooOld
if p.version < 64 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w, peer version: %d", errTooOld, p.version)
mode := d.getMode()
......@@ -1910,27 +1926,53 @@ func (d *Downloader) commitPivotBlock(result *fetchResult) error {
// DeliverHeaders injects a new batch of block headers received from a remote
// node into the download schedule.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header) (err error) {
return d.deliver(id, d.headerCh, &headerPack{id, headers}, headerInMeter, headerDropMeter)
func (d *Downloader) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header) error {
return d.deliver(d.headerCh, &headerPack{id, headers}, headerInMeter, headerDropMeter)
// DeliverBodies injects a new batch of block bodies received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverBodies(id string, transactions [][]*types.Transaction, uncles [][]*types.Header) (err error) {
return d.deliver(id, d.bodyCh, &bodyPack{id, transactions, uncles}, bodyInMeter, bodyDropMeter)
func (d *Downloader) DeliverBodies(id string, transactions [][]*types.Transaction, uncles [][]*types.Header) error {
return d.deliver(d.bodyCh, &bodyPack{id, transactions, uncles}, bodyInMeter, bodyDropMeter)
// DeliverReceipts injects a new batch of receipts received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverReceipts(id string, receipts [][]*types.Receipt) (err error) {
return d.deliver(id, d.receiptCh, &receiptPack{id, receipts}, receiptInMeter, receiptDropMeter)
func (d *Downloader) DeliverReceipts(id string, receipts [][]*types.Receipt) error {
return d.deliver(d.receiptCh, &receiptPack{id, receipts}, receiptInMeter, receiptDropMeter)
// DeliverNodeData injects a new batch of node state data received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverNodeData(id string, data [][]byte) (err error) {
return d.deliver(id, d.stateCh, &statePack{id, data}, stateInMeter, stateDropMeter)
func (d *Downloader) DeliverNodeData(id string, data [][]byte) error {
return d.deliver(d.stateCh, &statePack{id, data}, stateInMeter, stateDropMeter)
// DeliverSnapPacket is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a
// data packet for the local node to consume.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverSnapPacket(peer *snap.Peer, packet snap.Packet) error {
switch packet := packet.(type) {
case *snap.AccountRangePacket:
hashes, accounts, err := packet.Unpack()
if err != nil {
return err
return d.SnapSyncer.OnAccounts(peer, packet.ID, hashes, accounts, packet.Proof)
case *snap.StorageRangesPacket:
hashset, slotset := packet.Unpack()
return d.SnapSyncer.OnStorage(peer, packet.ID, hashset, slotset, packet.Proof)
case *snap.ByteCodesPacket:
return d.SnapSyncer.OnByteCodes(peer, packet.ID, packet.Codes)
case *snap.TrieNodesPacket:
return d.SnapSyncer.OnTrieNodes(peer, packet.ID, packet.Nodes)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected snap packet type: %T", packet)
// deliver injects a new batch of data received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) deliver(id string, destCh chan dataPack, packet dataPack, inMeter, dropMeter metrics.Meter) (err error) {
func (d *Downloader) deliver(destCh chan dataPack, packet dataPack, inMeter, dropMeter metrics.Meter) (err error) {
// Update the delivery metrics for both good and failed deliveries
defer func() {
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ type SyncMode uint32
const (
FullSync SyncMode = iota // Synchronise the entire blockchain history from full blocks
FastSync // Quickly download the headers, full sync only at the chain head
FastSync // Quickly download the headers, full sync only at the chain
SnapSync // Download the chain and the state via compact snashots
LightSync // Download only the headers and terminate afterwards
......@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ func (mode SyncMode) String() string {
return "full"
case FastSync:
return "fast"
case SnapSync:
return "snap"
case LightSync:
return "light"
......@@ -52,6 +55,8 @@ func (mode SyncMode) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("full"), nil
case FastSync:
return []byte("fast"), nil
case SnapSync:
return []byte("snap"), nil
case LightSync:
return []byte("light"), nil
......@@ -65,6 +70,8 @@ func (mode *SyncMode) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
*mode = FullSync
case "fast":
*mode = FastSync
case "snap":
*mode = SnapSync
case "light":
*mode = LightSync
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type peerConnection struct {
peer Peer
version int // Eth protocol version number to switch strategies
version uint // Eth protocol version number to switch strategies
log log.Logger // Contextual logger to add extra infos to peer logs
lock sync.RWMutex
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ func (w *lightPeerWrapper) RequestNodeData([]common.Hash) error {
// newPeerConnection creates a new downloader peer.
func newPeerConnection(id string, version int, peer Peer, logger log.Logger) *peerConnection {
func newPeerConnection(id string, version uint, peer Peer, logger log.Logger) *peerConnection {
return &peerConnection{
id: id,
lacking: make(map[common.Hash]struct{}),
......@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ func (ps *peerSet) HeaderIdlePeers() ([]*peerConnection, int) {
defer p.lock.RUnlock()
return p.headerThroughput
return ps.idlePeers(63, 65, idle, throughput)
return ps.idlePeers(64, 65, idle, throughput)
// BodyIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently body-idle peers within
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ func (ps *peerSet) BodyIdlePeers() ([]*peerConnection, int) {
defer p.lock.RUnlock()
return p.blockThroughput
return ps.idlePeers(63, 65, idle, throughput)
return ps.idlePeers(64, 65, idle, throughput)
// ReceiptIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently receipt-idle peers
......@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ func (ps *peerSet) ReceiptIdlePeers() ([]*peerConnection, int) {
defer p.lock.RUnlock()
return p.receiptThroughput
return ps.idlePeers(63, 65, idle, throughput)
return ps.idlePeers(64, 65, idle, throughput)
// NodeDataIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently node-data-idle
......@@ -499,13 +499,13 @@ func (ps *peerSet) NodeDataIdlePeers() ([]*peerConnection, int) {
defer p.lock.RUnlock()
return p.stateThroughput
return ps.idlePeers(63, 65, idle, throughput)
return ps.idlePeers(64, 65, idle, throughput)
// idlePeers retrieves a flat list of all currently idle peers satisfying the
// protocol version constraints, using the provided function to check idleness.
// The resulting set of peers are sorted by their measure throughput.
func (ps *peerSet) idlePeers(minProtocol, maxProtocol int, idleCheck func(*peerConnection) bool, throughput func(*peerConnection) float64) ([]*peerConnection, int) {
func (ps *peerSet) idlePeers(minProtocol, maxProtocol uint, idleCheck func(*peerConnection) bool, throughput func(*peerConnection) float64) ([]*peerConnection, int) {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
......@@ -113,24 +113,24 @@ type queue struct {
mode SyncMode // Synchronisation mode to decide on the block parts to schedule for fetching
// Headers are "special", they download in batches, supported by a skeleton chain
headerHead common.Hash // [eth/62] Hash of the last queued header to verify order
headerTaskPool map[uint64]*types.Header // [eth/62] Pending header retrieval tasks, mapping starting indexes to skeleton headers
headerTaskQueue *prque.Prque // [eth/62] Priority queue of the skeleton indexes to fetch the filling headers for
headerPeerMiss map[string]map[uint64]struct{} // [eth/62] Set of per-peer header batches known to be unavailable
headerPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // [eth/62] Currently pending header retrieval operations
headerResults []*types.Header // [eth/62] Result cache accumulating the completed headers
headerProced int // [eth/62] Number of headers already processed from the results
headerOffset uint64 // [eth/62] Number of the first header in the result cache
headerContCh chan bool // [eth/62] Channel to notify when header download finishes
headerHead common.Hash // Hash of the last queued header to verify order
headerTaskPool map[uint64]*types.Header // Pending header retrieval tasks, mapping starting indexes to skeleton headers
headerTaskQueue *prque.Prque // Priority queue of the skeleton indexes to fetch the filling headers for
headerPeerMiss map[string]map[uint64]struct{} // Set of per-peer header batches known to be unavailable
headerPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // Currently pending header retrieval operations
headerResults []*types.Header // Result cache accumulating the completed headers
headerProced int // Number of headers already processed from the results
headerOffset uint64 // Number of the first header in the result cache
headerContCh chan bool // Channel to notify when header download finishes
// All data retrievals below are based on an already assembles header chain
blockTaskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header // [eth/62] Pending block (body) retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
blockTaskQueue *prque.Prque // [eth/62] Priority queue of the headers to fetch the blocks (bodies) for
blockPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // [eth/62] Currently pending block (body) retrieval operations
blockTaskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header // Pending block (body) retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
blockTaskQueue *prque.Prque // Priority queue of the headers to fetch the blocks (bodies) for
blockPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // Currently pending block (body) retrieval operations
receiptTaskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header // [eth/63] Pending receipt retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
receiptTaskQueue *prque.Prque // [eth/63] Priority queue of the headers to fetch the receipts for
receiptPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // [eth/63] Currently pending receipt retrieval operations
receiptTaskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header // Pending receipt retrieval tasks, mapping hashes to headers
receiptTaskQueue *prque.Prque // Priority queue of the headers to fetch the receipts for
receiptPendPool map[string]*fetchRequest // Currently pending receipt retrieval operations
resultCache *resultStore // Downloaded but not yet delivered fetch results
resultSize common.StorageSize // Approximate size of a block (exponential moving average)
......@@ -690,6 +690,13 @@ func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh
defer q.lock.Unlock()
var logger log.Logger
if len(id) < 16 {
// Tests use short IDs, don't choke on them
logger = log.New("peer", id)
} else {
logger = log.New("peer", id[:16])
// Short circuit if the data was never requested
request := q.headerPendPool[id]
if request == nil {
......@@ -704,10 +711,10 @@ func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh
accepted := len(headers) == MaxHeaderFetch
if accepted {
if headers[0].Number.Uint64() != request.From {
log.Trace("First header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", headers[0].Number, "hash", headers[0].Hash(), request.From)
logger.Trace("First header broke chain ordering", "number", headers[0].Number, "hash", headers[0].Hash(), "expected", request.From)
accepted = false
} else if headers[len(headers)-1].Hash() != target {
log.Trace("Last header broke skeleton structure ", "peer", id, "number", headers[len(headers)-1].Number, "hash", headers[len(headers)-1].Hash(), "expected", target)
logger.Trace("Last header broke skeleton structure ", "number", headers[len(headers)-1].Number, "hash", headers[len(headers)-1].Hash(), "expected", target)
accepted = false
......@@ -716,12 +723,12 @@ func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh
for i, header := range headers[1:] {
hash := header.Hash()
if want := request.From + 1 + uint64(i); header.Number.Uint64() != want {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", want)
logger.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", want)
accepted = false
if parentHash != header.ParentHash {
log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
logger.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
accepted = false
......@@ -731,7 +738,7 @@ func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh
// If the batch of headers wasn't accepted, mark as unavailable
if !accepted {
log.Trace("Skeleton filling not accepted", "peer", id, "from", request.From)
logger.Trace("Skeleton filling not accepted", "from", request.From)
miss := q.headerPeerMiss[id]
if miss == nil {
......@@ -758,7 +765,7 @@ func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh
select {
case headerProcCh <- process:
log.Trace("Pre-scheduled new headers", "peer", id, "count", len(process), "from", process[0].Number)
logger.Trace("Pre-scheduled new headers", "count", len(process), "from", process[0].Number)
q.headerProced += len(process)
......@@ -101,8 +101,16 @@ func (d *Downloader) runStateSync(s *stateSync) *stateSync {
finished []*stateReq // Completed or failed requests
timeout = make(chan *stateReq) // Timed out active requests
// Run the state sync.
log.Trace("State sync starting", "root", s.root)
defer func() {
// Cancel active request timers on exit. Also set peers to idle so they're
// available for the next sync.
for _, req := range active {
req.peer.SetNodeDataIdle(int(req.nItems), time.Now())
go s.run()
defer s.Cancel()
......@@ -252,8 +260,9 @@ func (d *Downloader) spindownStateSync(active map[string]*stateReq, finished []*
type stateSync struct {
d *Downloader // Downloader instance to access and manage current peerset
sched *trie.Sync // State trie sync scheduler defining the tasks
keccak hash.Hash // Keccak256 hasher to verify deliveries with
root common.Hash // State root currently being synced
sched *trie.Sync // State trie sync scheduler defining the tasks
keccak hash.Hash // Keccak256 hasher to verify deliveries with
trieTasks map[common.Hash]*trieTask // Set of trie node tasks currently queued for retrieval
codeTasks map[common.Hash]*codeTask // Set of byte code tasks currently queued for retrieval
......@@ -268,8 +277,6 @@ type stateSync struct {
cancelOnce sync.Once // Ensures cancel only ever gets called once
done chan struct{} // Channel to signal termination completion
err error // Any error hit during sync (set before completion)
root common.Hash
// trieTask represents a single trie node download task, containing a set of
......@@ -290,6 +297,7 @@ type codeTask struct {
func newStateSync(d *Downloader, root common.Hash) *stateSync {
return &stateSync{
d: d,
root: root,
sched: state.NewStateSync(root, d.stateDB, d.stateBloom),
keccak: sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256(),
trieTasks: make(map[common.Hash]*trieTask),
......@@ -298,7 +306,6 @@ func newStateSync(d *Downloader, root common.Hash) *stateSync {
cancel: make(chan struct{}),
done: make(chan struct{}),
started: make(chan struct{}),
root: root,
......@@ -306,7 +313,12 @@ func newStateSync(d *Downloader, root common.Hash) *stateSync {
// it finishes, and finally notifying any goroutines waiting for the loop to
// finish.
func (s *stateSync) run() {
s.err = s.loop()
if s.d.snapSync {
s.err = s.d.SnapSyncer.Sync(s.root, s.cancel)
} else {
s.err = s.loop()
......@@ -318,7 +330,9 @@ func (s *stateSync) Wait() error {
// Cancel cancels the sync and waits until it has shut down.
func (s *stateSync) Cancel() error {
s.cancelOnce.Do(func() { close(s.cancel) })
s.cancelOnce.Do(func() {
return s.Wait()
......@@ -329,7 +343,6 @@ func (s *stateSync) Cancel() error {
// pushed here async. The reason is to decouple processing from data receipt
// and timeouts.
func (s *stateSync) loop() (err error) {
// Listen for new peer events to assign tasks to them
newPeer := make(chan *peerConnection, 1024)
peerSub := s.d.peers.SubscribeNewPeers(newPeer)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ func (c Config) MarshalTOML() (interface{}, error) {
Genesis *core.Genesis `toml:",omitempty"`
NetworkId uint64
SyncMode downloader.SyncMode
DiscoveryURLs []string
EthDiscoveryURLs []string
NoPruning bool
NoPrefetch bool
TxLookupLimit uint64 `toml:",omitempty"`
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func (c Config) MarshalTOML() (interface{}, error) {
enc.Genesis = c.Genesis
enc.NetworkId = c.NetworkId
enc.SyncMode = c.SyncMode
enc.DiscoveryURLs = c.DiscoveryURLs
enc.EthDiscoveryURLs = c.EthDiscoveryURLs
enc.NoPruning = c.NoPruning
enc.NoPrefetch = c.NoPrefetch
enc.TxLookupLimit = c.TxLookupLimit
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func (c *Config) UnmarshalTOML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
Genesis *core.Genesis `toml:",omitempty"`
NetworkId *uint64
SyncMode *downloader.SyncMode
DiscoveryURLs []string
EthDiscoveryURLs []string
NoPruning *bool
NoPrefetch *bool
TxLookupLimit *uint64 `toml:",omitempty"`
......@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ func (c *Config) UnmarshalTOML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
if dec.SyncMode != nil {
c.SyncMode = *dec.SyncMode
if dec.DiscoveryURLs != nil {
c.DiscoveryURLs = dec.DiscoveryURLs
if dec.EthDiscoveryURLs != nil {
c.EthDiscoveryURLs = dec.EthDiscoveryURLs
if dec.NoPruning != nil {
c.NoPruning = *dec.NoPruning
// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// ethHandler implements the eth.Backend interface to handle the various network
// packets that are sent as replies or broadcasts.
type ethHandler handler
func (h *ethHandler) Chain() *core.BlockChain { return h.chain }
func (h *ethHandler) StateBloom() *trie.SyncBloom { return h.stateBloom }
func (h *ethHandler) TxPool() eth.TxPool { return h.txpool }
// RunPeer is invoked when a peer joins on the `eth` protocol.
func (h *ethHandler) RunPeer(peer *eth.Peer, hand eth.Handler) error {
return (*handler)(h).runEthPeer(peer, hand)
// PeerInfo retrieves all known `eth` information about a peer.
func (h *ethHandler) PeerInfo(id enode.ID) interface{} {
if p := h.peers.ethPeer(id.String()); p != nil {
return p.info()
return nil
// AcceptTxs retrieves whether transaction processing is enabled on the node
// or if inbound transactions should simply be dropped.
func (h *ethHandler) AcceptTxs() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&h.acceptTxs) == 1
// Handle is invoked from a peer's message handler when it receives a new remote
// message that the handler couldn't consume and serve itself.
func (h *ethHandler) Handle(peer *eth.Peer, packet eth.Packet) error {
// Consume any broadcasts and announces, forwarding the rest to the downloader
switch packet := packet.(type) {
case *eth.BlockHeadersPacket:
return h.handleHeaders(peer, *packet)
case *eth.BlockBodiesPacket:
txset, uncleset := packet.Unpack()
return h.handleBodies(peer, txset, uncleset)
case *eth.NodeDataPacket:
if err := h.downloader.DeliverNodeData(peer.ID(), *packet); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to deliver node state data", "err", err)
return nil
case *eth.ReceiptsPacket:
if err := h.downloader.DeliverReceipts(peer.ID(), *packet); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to deliver receipts", "err", err)
return nil
case *eth.NewBlockHashesPacket:
hashes, numbers := packet.Unpack()
return h.handleBlockAnnounces(peer, hashes, numbers)
case *eth.NewBlockPacket:
return h.handleBlockBroadcast(peer, packet.Block, packet.TD)
case *eth.NewPooledTransactionHashesPacket:
return h.txFetcher.Notify(peer.ID(), *packet)
case *eth.TransactionsPacket:
return h.txFetcher.Enqueue(peer.ID(), *packet, false)
case *eth.PooledTransactionsPacket:
return h.txFetcher.Enqueue(peer.ID(), *packet, true)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected eth packet type: %T", packet)
// handleHeaders is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a batch
// of headers for the local node to process.
func (h *ethHandler) handleHeaders(peer *eth.Peer, headers []*types.Header) error {
p := h.peers.ethPeer(peer.ID())
if p == nil {
return errors.New("unregistered during callback")
// If no headers were received, but we're expencting a checkpoint header, consider it that
if len(headers) == 0 && p.syncDrop != nil {
// Stop the timer either way, decide later to drop or not
p.syncDrop = nil
// If we're doing a fast (or snap) sync, we must enforce the checkpoint block to avoid
// eclipse attacks. Unsynced nodes are welcome to connect after we're done
// joining the network
if atomic.LoadUint32(&h.fastSync) == 1 {
peer.Log().Warn("Dropping unsynced node during sync", "addr", peer.RemoteAddr(), "type", peer.Name())
return errors.New("unsynced node cannot serve sync")
// Filter out any explicitly requested headers, deliver the rest to the downloader
filter := len(headers) == 1
if filter {
// If it's a potential sync progress check, validate the content and advertised chain weight
if p.syncDrop != nil && headers[0].Number.Uint64() == h.checkpointNumber {
// Disable the sync drop timer
p.syncDrop = nil
// Validate the header and either drop the peer or continue
if headers[0].Hash() != h.checkpointHash {
return errors.New("checkpoint hash mismatch")
return nil
// Otherwise if it's a whitelisted block, validate against the set
if want, ok := h.whitelist[headers[0].Number.Uint64()]; ok {
if hash := headers[0].Hash(); want != hash {
peer.Log().Info("Whitelist mismatch, dropping peer", "number", headers[0].Number.Uint64(), "hash", hash, "want", want)
return errors.New("whitelist block mismatch")
peer.Log().Debug("Whitelist block verified", "number", headers[0].Number.Uint64(), "hash", want)
// Irrelevant of the fork checks, send the header to the fetcher just in case
headers = h.blockFetcher.FilterHeaders(peer.ID(), headers, time.Now())
if len(headers) > 0 || !filter {
err := h.downloader.DeliverHeaders(peer.ID(), headers)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to deliver headers", "err", err)
return nil
// handleBodies is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a batch
// of block bodies for the local node to process.
func (h *ethHandler) handleBodies(peer *eth.Peer, txs [][]*types.Transaction, uncles [][]*types.Header) error {
// Filter out any explicitly requested bodies, deliver the rest to the downloader
filter := len(txs) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0
if filter {
txs, uncles = h.blockFetcher.FilterBodies(peer.ID(), txs, uncles, time.Now())
if len(txs) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 || !filter {
err := h.downloader.DeliverBodies(peer.ID(), txs, uncles)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to deliver bodies", "err", err)
return nil
// handleBlockAnnounces is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a
// batch of block announcements for the local node to process.
func (h *ethHandler) handleBlockAnnounces(peer *eth.Peer, hashes []common.Hash, numbers []uint64) error {
// Schedule all the unknown hashes for retrieval
var (
unknownHashes = make([]common.Hash, 0, len(hashes))
unknownNumbers = make([]uint64, 0, len(numbers))
for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
if !h.chain.HasBlock(hashes[i], numbers[i]) {
unknownHashes = append(unknownHashes, hashes[i])
unknownNumbers = append(unknownNumbers, numbers[i])
for i := 0; i < len(unknownHashes); i++ {
h.blockFetcher.Notify(peer.ID(), unknownHashes[i], unknownNumbers[i], time.Now(), peer.RequestOneHeader, peer.RequestBodies)
return nil
// handleBlockBroadcast is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a
// block broadcast for the local node to process.
func (h *ethHandler) handleBlockBroadcast(peer *eth.Peer, block *types.Block, td *big.Int) error {
// Schedule the block for import
h.blockFetcher.Enqueue(peer.ID(), block)
// Assuming the block is importable by the peer, but possibly not yet done so,
// calculate the head hash and TD that the peer truly must have.
var (
trueHead = block.ParentHash()
trueTD = new(big.Int).Sub(td, block.Difficulty())
// Update the peer's total difficulty if better than the previous
if _, td := peer.Head(); trueTD.Cmp(td) > 0 {
peer.SetHead(trueHead, trueTD)
return nil
// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// snapHandler implements the snap.Backend interface to handle the various network
// packets that are sent as replies or broadcasts.
type snapHandler handler
func (h *snapHandler) Chain() *core.BlockChain { return h.chain }
// RunPeer is invoked when a peer joins on the `snap` protocol.
func (h *snapHandler) RunPeer(peer *snap.Peer, hand snap.Handler) error {
return (*handler)(h).runSnapPeer(peer, hand)
// PeerInfo retrieves all known `snap` information about a peer.
func (h *snapHandler) PeerInfo(id enode.ID) interface{} {
if p := h.peers.snapPeer(id.String()); p != nil {
return p.info()
return nil
// Handle is invoked from a peer's message handler when it receives a new remote
// message that the handler couldn't consume and serve itself.
func (h *snapHandler) Handle(peer *snap.Peer, packet snap.Packet) error {
return h.downloader.DeliverSnapPacket(peer, packet)
// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file contains some shares testing functionality, common to multiple
// different files and modules being tested.
package eth
import (
var (
testBankKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
testBank = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(testBankKey.PublicKey)
// newTestProtocolManager creates a new protocol manager for testing purposes,
// with the given number of blocks already known, and potential notification
// channels for different events.
func newTestProtocolManager(mode downloader.SyncMode, blocks int, generator func(int, *core.BlockGen), newtx chan<- []*types.Transaction) (*ProtocolManager, ethdb.Database, error) {
var (
evmux = new(event.TypeMux)
engine = ethash.NewFaker()
db = rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
gspec = &core.Genesis{
Config: params.TestChainConfig,
Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{testBank: {Balance: big.NewInt(1000000)}},
genesis = gspec.MustCommit(db)
blockchain, _ = core.NewBlockChain(db, nil, gspec.Config, engine, vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
chain, _ := core.GenerateChain(gspec.Config, genesis, ethash.NewFaker(), db, blocks, generator)
if _, err := blockchain.InsertChain(chain); err != nil {
pm, err := NewProtocolManager(gspec.Config, nil, mode, DefaultConfig.NetworkId, evmux, &testTxPool{added: newtx, pool: make(map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction)}, engine, blockchain, db, 1, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return pm, db, nil
// newTestProtocolManagerMust creates a new protocol manager for testing purposes,
// with the given number of blocks already known, and potential notification
// channels for different events. In case of an error, the constructor force-
// fails the test.
func newTestProtocolManagerMust(t *testing.T, mode downloader.SyncMode, blocks int, generator func(int, *core.BlockGen), newtx chan<- []*types.Transaction) (*ProtocolManager, ethdb.Database) {
pm, db, err := newTestProtocolManager(mode, blocks, generator, newtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create protocol manager: %v", err)
return pm, db
// testTxPool is a fake, helper transaction pool for testing purposes
type testTxPool struct {
txFeed event.Feed
pool map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction // Hash map of collected transactions
added chan<- []*types.Transaction // Notification channel for new transactions
lock sync.RWMutex // Protects the transaction pool
// Has returns an indicator whether txpool has a transaction
// cached with the given hash.
func (p *testTxPool) Has(hash common.Hash) bool {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.pool[hash] != nil
// Get retrieves the transaction from local txpool with given
// tx hash.
func (p *testTxPool) Get(hash common.Hash) *types.Transaction {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.pool[hash]
// AddRemotes appends a batch of transactions to the pool, and notifies any
// listeners if the addition channel is non nil
func (p *testTxPool) AddRemotes(txs []*types.Transaction) []error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
for _, tx := range txs {
p.pool[tx.Hash()] = tx
if p.added != nil {
p.added <- txs
p.txFeed.Send(core.NewTxsEvent{Txs: txs})
return make([]error, len(txs))
// Pending returns all the transactions known to the pool
func (p *testTxPool) Pending() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, error) {
defer p.lock.RUnlock()
batches := make(map[common.Address]types.Transactions)
for _, tx := range p.pool {
from, _ := types.Sender(types.HomesteadSigner{}, tx)
batches[from] = append(batches[from], tx)
for _, batch := range batches {
return batches, nil
func (p *testTxPool) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- core.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription {
return p.txFeed.Subscribe(ch)
// newTestTransaction create a new dummy transaction.
func newTestTransaction(from *ecdsa.PrivateKey, nonce uint64, datasize int) *types.Transaction {
tx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(0), 100000, big.NewInt(0), make([]byte, datasize))
tx, _ = types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, from)
return tx
// testPeer is a simulated peer to allow testing direct network calls.
type testPeer struct {
net p2p.MsgReadWriter // Network layer reader/writer to simulate remote messaging
app *p2p.MsgPipeRW // Application layer reader/writer to simulate the local side
// newTestPeer creates a new peer registered at the given protocol manager.
func newTestPeer(name string, version int, pm *ProtocolManager, shake bool) (*testPeer, <-chan error) {
// Create a message pipe to communicate through
app, net := p2p.MsgPipe()
// Start the peer on a new thread
var id enode.ID
peer := pm.newPeer(version, p2p.NewPeer(id, name, nil), net, pm.txpool.Get)
errc := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { errc <- pm.runPeer(peer) }()
tp := &testPeer{app: app, net: net, peer: peer}
// Execute any implicitly requested handshakes and return
if shake {
var (
genesis = pm.blockchain.Genesis()
head = pm.blockchain.CurrentHeader()
td = pm.blockchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64())
forkID := forkid.NewID(pm.blockchain.Config(), pm.blockchain.Genesis().Hash(), pm.blockchain.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64())
tp.handshake(nil, td, head.Hash(), genesis.Hash(), forkID, forkid.NewFilter(pm.blockchain))
return tp, errc
// handshake simulates a trivial handshake that expects the same state from the
// remote side as we are simulating locally.
func (p *testPeer) handshake(t *testing.T, td *big.Int, head common.Hash, genesis common.Hash, forkID forkid.ID, forkFilter forkid.Filter) {
var msg interface{}
switch {
case p.version == eth63:
msg = &statusData63{
ProtocolVersion: uint32(p.version),
NetworkId: DefaultConfig.NetworkId,
TD: td,
CurrentBlock: head,
GenesisBlock: genesis,
case p.version >= eth64:
msg = &statusData{
ProtocolVersion: uint32(p.version),
NetworkID: DefaultConfig.NetworkId,
TD: td,
Head: head,
Genesis: genesis,
ForkID: forkID,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported eth protocol version: %d", p.version))
if err := p2p.ExpectMsg(p.app, StatusMsg, msg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("status recv: %v", err)
if err := p2p.Send(p.app, StatusMsg, msg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("status send: %v", err)
// close terminates the local side of the peer, notifying the remote protocol
// manager of termination.
func (p *testPeer) close() {
// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
var (
// errPeerSetClosed is returned if a peer is attempted to be added or removed
// from the peer set after it has been terminated.
errPeerSetClosed = errors.New("peerset closed")
// errPeerAlreadyRegistered is returned if a peer is attempted to be added
// to the peer set, but one with the same id already exists.
errPeerAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("peer already registered")
// errPeerNotRegistered is returned if a peer is attempted to be removed from
// a peer set, but no peer with the given id exists.
errPeerNotRegistered = errors.New("peer not registered")
// ethConnectTimeout is the `snap` timeout for `eth` to connect too.
ethConnectTimeout = 3 * time.Second
// peerSet represents the collection of active peers currently participating in
// the `eth` or `snap` protocols.
type peerSet struct {
ethPeers map[string]*ethPeer // Peers connected on the `eth` protocol
snapPeers map[string]*snapPeer // Peers connected on the `snap` protocol
ethJoinFeed event.Feed // Events when an `eth` peer successfully joins
ethDropFeed event.Feed // Events when an `eth` peer gets dropped
snapJoinFeed event.Feed // Events when a `snap` peer joins on both `eth` and `snap`
snapDropFeed event.Feed // Events when a `snap` peer gets dropped (only if fully joined)
scope event.SubscriptionScope // Subscription group to unsubscribe everyone at once
lock sync.RWMutex
closed bool
// newPeerSet creates a new peer set to track the active participants.
func newPeerSet() *peerSet {
return &peerSet{
ethPeers: make(map[string]*ethPeer),
snapPeers: make(map[string]*snapPeer),
// subscribeEthJoin registers a subscription for peers joining (and completing
// the handshake) on the `eth` protocol.
func (ps *peerSet) subscribeEthJoin(ch chan<- *eth.Peer) event.Subscription {
return ps.scope.Track(ps.ethJoinFeed.Subscribe(ch))
// subscribeEthDrop registers a subscription for peers being dropped from the
// `eth` protocol.
func (ps *peerSet) subscribeEthDrop(ch chan<- *eth.Peer) event.Subscription {
return ps.scope.Track(ps.ethDropFeed.Subscribe(ch))
// subscribeSnapJoin registers a subscription for peers joining (and completing
// the `eth` join) on the `snap` protocol.
func (ps *peerSet) subscribeSnapJoin(ch chan<- *snap.Peer) event.Subscription {
return ps.scope.Track(ps.snapJoinFeed.Subscribe(ch))
// subscribeSnapDrop registers a subscription for peers being dropped from the
// `snap` protocol.
func (ps *peerSet) subscribeSnapDrop(ch chan<- *snap.Peer) event.Subscription {
return ps.scope.Track(ps.snapDropFeed.Subscribe(ch))
// registerEthPeer injects a new `eth` peer into the working set, or returns an
// error if the peer is already known. The peer is announced on the `eth` join
// feed and if it completes a pending `snap` peer, also on that feed.
func (ps *peerSet) registerEthPeer(peer *eth.Peer) error {
if ps.closed {
return errPeerSetClosed
id := peer.ID()
if _, ok := ps.ethPeers[id]; ok {
return errPeerAlreadyRegistered
ps.ethPeers[id] = &ethPeer{Peer: peer}
snap, ok := ps.snapPeers[id]
if ok {
// Previously dangling `snap` peer, stop it's timer since `eth` connected
if snap.ethDrop != nil {
snap.ethDrop = nil
if ok {
return nil
// unregisterEthPeer removes a remote peer from the active set, disabling any further
// actions to/from that particular entity. The drop is announced on the `eth` drop
// feed and also on the `snap` feed if the eth/snap duality was broken just now.
func (ps *peerSet) unregisterEthPeer(id string) error {
eth, ok := ps.ethPeers[id]
if !ok {
return errPeerNotRegistered
delete(ps.ethPeers, id)
snap, ok := ps.snapPeers[id]
if ok {
return nil
// registerSnapPeer injects a new `snap` peer into the working set, or returns
// an error if the peer is already known. The peer is announced on the `snap`
// join feed if it completes an existing `eth` peer.
// If the peer isn't yet connected on `eth` and fails to do so within a given
// amount of time, it is dropped. This enforces that `snap` is an extension to
// `eth`, not a standalone leeching protocol.
func (ps *peerSet) registerSnapPeer(peer *snap.Peer) error {
if ps.closed {
return errPeerSetClosed
id := peer.ID()
if _, ok := ps.snapPeers[id]; ok {
return errPeerAlreadyRegistered
ps.snapPeers[id] = &snapPeer{Peer: peer}
_, ok := ps.ethPeers[id]
if !ok {
// Dangling `snap` peer, start a timer to drop if `eth` doesn't connect
ps.snapPeers[id].ethDrop = time.AfterFunc(ethConnectTimeout, func() {
peer.Log().Warn("Snapshot peer missing eth, dropping", "addr", peer.RemoteAddr(), "type", peer.Name())
if ok {
return nil
// unregisterSnapPeer removes a remote peer from the active set, disabling any
// further actions to/from that particular entity. The drop is announced on the
// `snap` drop feed.
func (ps *peerSet) unregisterSnapPeer(id string) error {
peer, ok := ps.snapPeers[id]
if !ok {
return errPeerNotRegistered
delete(ps.snapPeers, id)
if peer.ethDrop != nil {
peer.ethDrop = nil
return nil
// ethPeer retrieves the registered `eth` peer with the given id.
func (ps *peerSet) ethPeer(id string) *ethPeer {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
return ps.ethPeers[id]
// snapPeer retrieves the registered `snap` peer with the given id.
func (ps *peerSet) snapPeer(id string) *snapPeer {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
return ps.snapPeers[id]
// ethPeersWithoutBlock retrieves a list of `eth` peers that do not have a given
// block in their set of known hashes so it might be propagated to them.
func (ps *peerSet) ethPeersWithoutBlock(hash common.Hash) []*ethPeer {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
list := make([]*ethPeer, 0, len(ps.ethPeers))
for _, p := range ps.ethPeers {
if !p.KnownBlock(hash) {
list = append(list, p)
return list
// ethPeersWithoutTransacion retrieves a list of `eth` peers that do not have a
// given transaction in their set of known hashes.
func (ps *peerSet) ethPeersWithoutTransacion(hash common.Hash) []*ethPeer {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
list := make([]*ethPeer, 0, len(ps.ethPeers))
for _, p := range ps.ethPeers {
if !p.KnownTransaction(hash) {
list = append(list, p)
return list
// Len returns if the current number of `eth` peers in the set. Since the `snap`
// peers are tied to the existnce of an `eth` connection, that will always be a
// subset of `eth`.
func (ps *peerSet) Len() int {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
return len(ps.ethPeers)
// ethPeerWithHighestTD retrieves the known peer with the currently highest total
// difficulty.
func (ps *peerSet) ethPeerWithHighestTD() *eth.Peer {
defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
var (
bestPeer *eth.Peer
bestTd *big.Int
for _, p := range ps.ethPeers {
if _, td := p.Head(); bestPeer == nil || td.Cmp(bestTd) > 0 {
bestPeer, bestTd = p.Peer, td
return bestPeer
// close disconnects all peers.
func (ps *peerSet) close() {
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
for _, p := range ps.ethPeers {
for _, p := range ps.snapPeers {
ps.closed = true
// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
const (
// This is the target size for the packs of transactions or announcements. A
// pack can get larger than this if a single transactions exceeds this size.
maxTxPacketSize = 100 * 1024
// blockPropagation is a block propagation event, waiting for its turn in the
// broadcast queue.
type blockPropagation struct {
block *types.Block
td *big.Int
// broadcastBlocks is a write loop that multiplexes blocks and block accouncements
// to the remote peer. The goal is to have an async writer that does not lock up
// node internals and at the same time rate limits queued data.
func (p *Peer) broadcastBlocks() {
for {
select {
case prop := <-p.queuedBlocks:
if err := p.SendNewBlock(prop.block, prop.td); err != nil {
p.Log().Trace("Propagated block", "number", prop.block.Number(), "hash", prop.block.Hash(), "td", prop.td)
case block := <-p.queuedBlockAnns:
if err := p.SendNewBlockHashes([]common.Hash{block.Hash()}, []uint64{block.NumberU64()}); err != nil {
p.Log().Trace("Announced block", "number", block.Number(), "hash", block.Hash())
case <-p.term:
// broadcastTransactions is a write loop that schedules transaction broadcasts
// to the remote peer. The goal is to have an async writer that does not lock up
// node internals and at the same time rate limits queued data.
func (p *Peer) broadcastTransactions() {
var (
queue []common.Hash // Queue of hashes to broadcast as full transactions
done chan struct{} // Non-nil if background broadcaster is running
fail = make(chan error, 1) // Channel used to receive network error
failed bool // Flag whether a send failed, discard everything onward
for {
// If there's no in-flight broadcast running, check if a new one is needed
if done == nil && len(queue) > 0 {
// Pile transaction until we reach our allowed network limit
var (
hashes []common.Hash
txs []*types.Transaction
size common.StorageSize
for i := 0; i < len(queue) && size < maxTxPacketSize; i++ {
if tx := p.txpool.Get(queue[i]); tx != nil {
txs = append(txs, tx)
size += tx.Size()
hashes = append(hashes, queue[i])
queue = queue[:copy(queue, queue[len(hashes):])]
// If there's anything available to transfer, fire up an async writer
if len(txs) > 0 {
done = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
if err := p.SendTransactions(txs); err != nil {
fail <- err
p.Log().Trace("Sent transactions", "count", len(txs))
// Transfer goroutine may or may not have been started, listen for events
select {
case hashes := <-p.txBroadcast:
// If the connection failed, discard all transaction events
if failed {
// New batch of transactions to be broadcast, queue them (with cap)
queue = append(queue, hashes...)
if len(queue) > maxQueuedTxs {
// Fancy copy and resize to ensure buffer doesn't grow indefinitely
queue = queue[:copy(queue, queue[len(queue)-maxQueuedTxs:])]
case <-done:
done = nil
case <-fail:
failed = true
case <-p.term:
// announceTransactions is a write loop that schedules transaction broadcasts
// to the remote peer. The goal is to have an async writer that does not lock up
// node internals and at the same time rate limits queued data.
func (p *Peer) announceTransactions() {
var (
queue []common.Hash // Queue of hashes to announce as transaction stubs
done chan struct{} // Non-nil if background announcer is running
fail = make(chan error, 1) // Channel used to receive network error
failed bool // Flag whether a send failed, discard everything onward
for {
// If there's no in-flight announce running, check if a new one is needed
if done == nil && len(queue) > 0 {
// Pile transaction hashes until we reach our allowed network limit
var (
hashes []common.Hash
pending []common.Hash
size common.StorageSize
for i := 0; i < len(queue) && size < maxTxPacketSize; i++ {
if p.txpool.Get(queue[i]) != nil {
pending = append(pending, queue[i])
size += common.HashLength
hashes = append(hashes, queue[i])
queue = queue[:copy(queue, queue[len(hashes):])]
// If there's anything available to transfer, fire up an async writer
if len(pending) > 0 {
done = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
if err := p.sendPooledTransactionHashes(pending); err != nil {
fail <- err
p.Log().Trace("Sent transaction announcements", "count", len(pending))
// Transfer goroutine may or may not have been started, listen for events
select {
case hashes := <-p.txAnnounce:
// If the connection failed, discard all transaction events
if failed {
// New batch of transactions to be broadcast, queue them (with cap)
queue = append(queue, hashes...)
if len(queue) > maxQueuedTxAnns {
// Fancy copy and resize to ensure buffer doesn't grow indefinitely
queue = queue[:copy(queue, queue[len(queue)-maxQueuedTxs:])]
case <-done:
done = nil
case <-fail:
failed = true
case <-p.term:
// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// enrEntry is the ENR entry which advertises `eth` protocol on the discovery.
type enrEntry struct {
ForkID forkid.ID // Fork identifier per EIP-2124
// Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
// ENRKey implements enr.Entry.
func (e enrEntry) ENRKey() string {
return "eth"
// StartENRUpdater starts the `eth` ENR updater loop, which listens for chain
// head events and updates the requested node record whenever a fork is passed.
func StartENRUpdater(chain *core.BlockChain, ln *enode.LocalNode) {
var newHead = make(chan core.ChainHeadEvent, 10)
sub := chain.SubscribeChainHeadEvent(newHead)
go func() {
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
for {
select {
case <-newHead:
case <-sub.Err():
// Would be nice to sync with Stop, but there is no
// good way to do that.
// currentENREntry constructs an `eth` ENR entry based on the current state of the chain.
func currentENREntry(chain *core.BlockChain) *enrEntry {
return &enrEntry{
ForkID: forkid.NewID(chain.Config(), chain.Genesis().Hash(), chain.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64()),
// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package snap
import (
// enrEntry is the ENR entry which advertises `snap` protocol on the discovery.
type enrEntry struct {
// Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
// ENRKey implements enr.Entry.
func (e enrEntry) ENRKey() string {
return "snap"
......@@ -1040,10 +1040,6 @@ func (r *Resolver) GasPrice(ctx context.Context) (hexutil.Big, error) {
return hexutil.Big(*price), err
func (r *Resolver) ProtocolVersion(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) {
return int32(r.backend.ProtocolVersion()), nil
func (r *Resolver) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (hexutil.Big, error) {
return hexutil.Big(*r.backend.ChainConfig().ChainID), nil
......@@ -310,8 +310,6 @@ const schema string = `
# GasPrice returns the node's estimate of a gas price sufficient to
# ensure a transaction is mined in a timely fashion.
gasPrice: BigInt!
# ProtocolVersion returns the current wire protocol version number.
protocolVersion: Int!
# Syncing returns information on the current synchronisation state.
syncing: SyncState
# ChainID returns the current chain ID for transaction replay protection.
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import (
type Backend interface {
// General Ethereum API
Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
ProtocolVersion() int
SuggestPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
ChainDb() ethdb.Database
AccountManager() *accounts.Manager
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