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# Google Engineering Practices Documentation
# 谷歌工程实践文档
Google has many generalized engineering practices that cover all languages and
all projects. These documents represent our collective experience of various
best practices that we have developed over time. It is possible that open source
projects or other organizations would benefit from this knowledge, so we work to
make it available publicly when possible.
Currently this contains the following documents:
* [Google's Code Review Guidelines](review/index.md), which are actually two
separate sets of documents:
* [The Code Reviewer's Guide](review/reviewer/index.md)
* [The Change Author's Guide](review/developer/index.md)
* [谷歌代码评审指南](review/index.md), 包含两个子章节:
* [评审者指南](review/reviewer/index.md)
* [变更者指南](review/developer/index.md)
## Terminology
## 术语
There is some Google-internal terminology used in some of these documents, which
we clarify here for external readers:
* **CL**: "changelist"的缩写,代表已经进入版本控制软件或者正在进行代码评审的变更。
* **LGTM**: "Looks Good to Me."的缩写,当评审者通过代码评审时会这么说。
## 翻译进度
| 章节 | 译者 | 翻译进度 | 预计完成时间 |
| :-------------: |:-------------:|:-----:| :-----:|
| [谷歌代码评审指南](review/index.md) |[@xindoo](https://github.com/xindoo)| 翻译中(版本:47ea81e) | 2019-09-15 |
### 如何参与翻译
## 中文贡献者
* **CL**: Stands for "changelist," which means one self-contained change that
has been submitted to version control or which is undergoing code review.
Other organizations often call this a "change" or a "patch."
* **LGTM**: Means "Looks Good to Me." It is what a code reviewer says when
approving a CL.
## License
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