• S
    fix pipelined WAIT performance issue. · ee627bb6
    srzhao 提交于
    If client gets blocked again in `processUnblockedClients`, redis will not send
    `REPLCONF GETACK *` to slaves untill next eventloop, so the client will be
    blocked for 100ms by default(10hz) if no other file event fired.
    move server.get_ack_from_slaves sinppet after `processUnblockedClients`, so
    that both the first WAIT command that puts client in blocked context and the
    following WAIT command processed in processUnblockedClients would trigger
    redis-sever to send `REPLCONF GETACK *`, so that the eventloop would get
    `REPLCONG ACK <reploffset>` from slaves and unblocked ASAP.
server.c 185.0 KB