提交 072a9052 编写于 作者: A antirez

Redis 2.4.2

上级 00af23bc
......@@ -18,6 +18,17 @@ to modify your program in order to use Redis 2.4.
What's new in Redis 2.4.2
* [BUGFIX] Unix socket creation mask config directive fixed.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug that forced Redis to continously rewrite the AOF file
when a manual BGREWRITEAOF was issued during a BGSAVE was
still in progress.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a server crash resulting from bad handling of SLAVEOF NO ONE.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a memory leak in redis-cli.
* Debian/Ubuntu Redis system-wide installation script added under /utils.
What's new in Redis 2.4.1
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.4.1"
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.4.2"
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