提交 4d650a3b 编写于 作者: A antirez

Redis 2.8.2.

上级 dd0ac4ac
......@@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ HIGH: There is a critical bug that may affect a subset of users. Upgrade!
CRITICAL: There is a critical bug affecting MOST USERS. Upgrade ASAP.
--[ Redis 2.8.2 ] Release date: 2 Dec 2013
# UPGRADE URGENCY: MODERATE for both Redis and Sentinel.
* [FIX] Sentinel better desynchronization to avoid split-brain elections
where no Sentinel managed to get elected.
* [FIX] Stop accepting writes on "MISCONF" error only if master, not slave.
* [FIX] Reply to PING with an error on "MISCONF" errors.
--[ Redis 2.8.1 ] Release date: 25 Nov 2013
# UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW for Redis, CRITICAL for Senitnel. You don't need to
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.8.1"
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.8.2"
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