提交 64a73e92 编写于 作者: A antirez

ACL LOG: test for AUTH reason.

上级 0c1a4b55
......@@ -228,4 +228,13 @@ start_server {tags {"acl"}} {
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] > 1}
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG 2]] == 2}
test {ACL LOG can log failed auth attempts} {
catch {r AUTH antirez wrong-password}
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {toplevel}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {auth}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {AUTH}}
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {antirez}}
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