提交 7d8c021a 编写于 作者: A antirez

Redis 2.2.9

上级 be87e769
......@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ CHANGELOG
What's new in Redis 2.2.8
Redis 2.2.9 is an important bugfix release:
* A Slave used to rewrite the AOF log after a sync with the master, but the
rewrite was performed at the wrong time, causing inconsistencies in the
AOF file generated.
* [LR]LPUSH replication in presence of BRPOPLPUSH was broken. Fixed.
* Memory leak in BRPOPLPUSH fixed.
* Pub/Sub bug resulting in random crashes fixed.
What's new in Redis 2.2.8
* A new form of dict.c (hash table implementation) iterator that performs less
copy-on-write of pages, introduced in Redis 2.2.7, caused ZINTERSTORE,
ZUNIONSTORE, SINTER, SINTERSTORE commands to behave in the wrong way.
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.2.8"
#define REDIS_VERSION "2.2.9"
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