提交 9286ecd7 编写于 作者: A antirez

Release notes for Redis 2.4 RC8 added

上级 902a656f
......@@ -18,6 +18,23 @@ to modify your program in order to use Redis 2.4.
What's new in Redis 2.3.11 (2.4 Release Candidate 8)
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a rare but possible AOF race condition that could result into
duplicated commands inside the AOF.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue 620, don't segfault on corrupted (by hand) AOF.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed compilation on Mac/PPC.
* [BUGFIX] Don't replicate SAVE.
* LRANGE optimization may drastically improve performances when querying the
final part of a long list.
* redis-cli now implements a --latency mode to monitory Redis delay.
* Hash type settings removed from INFO (same info is available via config GET)
* Include port number on error when can't bind.
* AOF fsync is now performed in background when fsync policy is 'everysec'.
* AOF performances improved moving in background a possibly slow close(2) call.
* AOF protocol synthesis speedup.
What's new in Redis 2.3.10 (2.4 Release Candidate 7)
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