提交 96688aa6 编写于 作者: A antirez

Fix ACL HELP table missing comma.

上级 a6350f71
......@@ -1847,18 +1847,18 @@ void aclCommand(client *c) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(sub,"help")) {
const char *help[] = {
"LOAD -- Reload users from the ACL file.",
"SAVE -- Save the current config to the ACL file."
"LIST -- Show user details in config file format.",
"USERS -- List all the registered usernames.",
"SETUSER <username> [attribs ...] -- Create or modify a user.",
"GETUSER <username> -- Get the user details.",
"DELUSER <username> [...] -- Delete a list of users.",
"CAT -- List available categories.",
"CAT <category> -- List commands inside category.",
"GENPASS -- Generate a secure user password.",
"WHOAMI -- Return the current connection username.",
"LOG [<count> | RESET] -- Show the ACL log entries.",
"LOAD -- Reload users from the ACL file.",
"SAVE -- Save the current config to the ACL file.",
"LIST -- Show user details in config file format.",
"USERS -- List all the registered usernames.",
"SETUSER <username> [attribs ...] -- Create or modify a user.",
"GETUSER <username> -- Get the user details.",
"DELUSER <username> [...] -- Delete a list of users.",
"CAT -- List available categories.",
"CAT <category> -- List commands inside category.",
"GENPASS -- Generate a secure user password.",
"WHOAMI -- Return the current connection username.",
"LOG [<count> | RESET] -- Show the ACL log entries.",
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