提交 a502f483 编写于 作者: A antirez

2.4.0 Release notes.

上级 0c71939c
......@@ -18,6 +18,22 @@ to modify your program in order to use Redis 2.4.
What's new in Redis 2.4.0
* [BUGFIX] redis-cli segfault with single numerical argument fixed.
* [BUGFIX] OpenBSD compilation problem fixed.
* [BUGFIX] More robust Redis test, with better random port selection.
* [BUGFIX] Fix for bug #128 about the RENAME command.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed Issue #131. stime/utime reported in INFO was inverted.
* [BUGFIX] Unlink Unix socket file on shutdown.
* [BUGFIX] AUTH now returns error if no password is set on the server.
* [BUGFIX] Exit with Fatal error at startup on RDB loading errors.
* redis-check-dump: RDB version 2 now supported.
* More informative error when DEBUG RELOAD fails.
* Added a config directive for a Unix socket mask.
* CONFIG SET/GET for loglevel.
What's new in Redis 2.3.11 (2.4 Release Candidate 8)
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